Stay Strong

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-Jack's POV-
"Mark! Did you do something to the power!?" I yell down the stairs.
"No! The power is completely out!" Mark yells back as I head down the stairs.
"Why? It's not even raining... Or storming.... Or snowing... Or windy.... It's a warm LA night" I say as I step out the back.. Onto the deck.
"Yeah... I don't know.... I wonder if other houses are out" Mark says as he goes to the front window "that's weird.... Nobody else's is out... It's just us" right then I run back inside and I lock the door as quickly as I can... I know what it means.
"Mark do you know what it means?" I ask him feeling a bit scared.
"Somebody cut our power" he says as he locks the front door "ok let's make sure all the windows are closed and locked" I go upstairs.... I use my phone as a flashlight. I look around in all the upstairs rooms while Mark goes downstairs. I go over to the one bathroom window that's looking out to the side of the house.... It's closed.... I look down onto the grass... And what I see terrifies me. I see a person in a all black with a double barrel shotgun.... Because that's all he needed... If he was a good shot. I close the blinds then I run down the stairs and I see Mark coming up from downstairs.
"Mark.... Therewassomeoneoutsidewithagunindarkclothingandimreallyscaredidontknowwhattodo" I say really fast not pronouncing my words correctly as I start to cry.
"Jack calm down I didn't hear a thing you said" Mark says to me as he hugs me tightly.
"There's..... Someone...... Outside...... With...... A gun" I struggle to get out.... I'm still crying.
"Ok well let's go upstairs to our room and we will call the cops alright?" Mark says to me as we go up the stairs and into our room. I lay on the bed while Mark calls the cops on his phone..... The call goes through... Thank god. Mark hangs up and lays beside me holding me tight..... Then all of a sudden something comes crashing through the bedroom window and then I feel a sharp pain in my arm.
"Fuck!" I yell as I see a small knife in my forearm.
"Ok calm.... Stay calm... It's fine.... It's not bad... It's just a small stab wound.... You won't die" Mark says trying to stay positive... But I know that he's also panicking. I pull out the knife.... then we hear the smash of glass downstairs in the living room... Mark gets up and locks the bedroom door.
"What do we do?" Mark asks me quietly.
"I don't know...... Closet?" I suggest knowing it's a bad idea but just trying to think of anything.
"Yeah... I guess" Mark says as we quietly hide in the closet.... I keep the knife with me... In case I have to use it. We stay quiet as we hear everything that's going on down stairs.... There is loud footsteps that get closer and closer.... There is smashing and crashing that also gets closer.... Then we hear loud bangs on the wood bedroom door. I hold my mouth shut so I don't make noise.... Then there is a loud crack in the door and I know he has gotten in the room. There is footsteps coming over to the closet.... Then with one one big yank the whole closet door comes off the hinges. I grab Mark's hand and I pull him close to me because we can't run... We can't go past him..... And we know he wants us dead.
"What do you want!?" I scream at him. He picks me up then takes me with him... He goes down the stairs and just as he gets to the front door.... The cops are there.
"Help! Help me!" I yell as I squirm to push myself off of him. The cops point guns at him then I feel something press to the side of my head..... No... Oh no. I quickly fling my fist around and it comes in contact with his jaw but I then hear a bang..... I fall backwards off of him... I can't breathe.... I'm gushing out blood... I then realize what happened. I got shot in the neck... But I'm not dead yet.... I gasp for air then I choke on blood.... I'm dying.... I'm not gonna make it. The cops come rushing over... They handcuff the guy and then I see him.... Mark is standing there looking at me... He runs over to me and starts to cry.
"Jack! No! God no! Please don't!" Mark yells as he balls his eyes out. Then my vision starts to blur and fade..... I lip an 'I love you' to Mark then I'm gone.
-Mark's POV-
It's 2 weeks after Jack died.... I haven't done much except the necessary stuff... Eat, drink, shower, go to the bathroom and go out to the store every once in a while. The night after everything happened I told everyone that I wouldn't be able to post videos because something very bad has happened and that I would need time off. Well... Today is the day where I tell everyone... I'm gonna do a video... Although I won't get through it without tears. I set up my recording equipment and I start the video.
"Hello everybody... My name is Markiplier and uhhhh..... I don't know where to start.... Fair warning there will be a decent amount of tears in this video because uhhhh..... Jack.. Well he uhh.... Passed on" I say choking on those last words "I can't even say his name without tearing up... Fuck...... Uhhhh but yeah.... Jack or Sean or Jacksepticeye.... He is no more.... He was.. M-m-murdered" I start crying "God dammit! I can't do this! I'm gonna be completely honest here... Because I need and love the support from you guys.... I've contemplated suicide in these past few weeks... But l-lm better and those thoughts have passed" I say full out breaking down "it's just.... Why him.... He was my everything..... I loved him with all my heart! Now he's gone! Taken from me.... Left me alone in a dark maze... Lost!" I hit my desk with my fists then I spin around in my chair... Facing away from the camera and I just cry... For several minutes before I calm down a little bit.
"I'm sorry guys... But I need a lot more time to get better and I don't know how long.... But I'll give you updates every once in a while and I'll post the videos I have recorded already but other than that.... I'm not recording any.... Because I physically can't" I say as I am able to speak clearly again.... I probably won't even edit this so you get to see my big breakdown.... I'm sure you guys won't mind..... But anyway... I'll try to stay strong and keep going... For you and... For Jack because I know he won't want me to quit or give up" I say getting a lump in my throat "for Jack.... thank you all so much for watching this video... if you liked it punch that like button in the face.... Like a boss! And... High fives all around... Wapsh wapsh... But thank you guys and I will see all you dudes.... in the next video!.... Ahh fuck... I don't know how he did that after every video" I say holding my throat " I will always love you Jack" I end the video there and I don't even put an outro on the end... I just upload the way it is. I will forever and always love you Jack... You will always be in my heart and on my mind.... I will keep going... For you... I know you don't want me to give up... I will be strong.
-The End-

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