Where are we? (Part 1)

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Ok so I want to let you know this is an Inuyasha crossover so you may or may not understand this if you do... You're cool and if not that's okay... Oh btw I took so long to write and post this because I've been watching Inuyasha and I've gotten into drawing again!!!
-Mark's POV-
"Jack! I'm gonna find you!" I yell as I look around the backyard for any signs of my lover's presence. I can't see anything in sight so I start moving around to search... Going from building to building.
"Jack! Where are you!?" I call out as I look over to the shed where the old well is "he's gotta be in there" I head over silently... I look through the cracks in the door to try and see if he's there... I see him. I think about what I should do then I quickly push through the door and lunge at him... But I immediately regret that... I see he is in front of the well and we are for sure going to fall in.... We both go over the edge and start falling. I see Jack close his eyes so I do the same then the next thing I know we've hit the bottom... I open my eyes and look up around us.
"Um... That fall was longer than it should have been and where did the roof to the shed go?" I mention as we both get up.
"Yeah... Not to mention the hit wasn't as hard as it should have been...... Wait!" Jack adds.
"Wait, what?"
"This is some Inuyasha kind of shit!" Jack exclaims "oh please tell me we are"
"I don't know but let's go up and...." I cut myself off as my jaw drops and I stare at Jack.
"What? Is something wrong?" He asks confused.
"You have ears.... And not to mention sharp teeth... How did you not notice?" I ask.
"Well so do you! And you have markings on your face... We both also have claws" Jack adds.
"We are like Inuyasha.... Half demons... Or... Full demons?"
"No... We're half demons because full demons don't have ears... They might have claws and teeth though but I'm not sure" Jack points out.
"You're right.... Well let's go look around" I say as we both jump easily out of the well. I look around to see open forest and grass.... I then notice more is changing on us by the second.... I now have long black hair and Jack has long brown hair.... We are both wearing something similar to Inuyasha's but We only have pants on.... Mine blue, Jack's green.
"Wow... This is awesome!" Jack practically yells.
"Oh... Let's go this way.... I think it's this way to the village" I say as we both start running fast "oh man I love this speed" we both continue running until I catch the scent of someone approaching... It's a human. I look over to Jack to see he smells the same thing so we both stop just in time or else we would have trampled this person.
"Don't hurt me!" The girl I front of us says as she puts her hands up.
"Kagome?" I ask as I look at her.
"Who are you?" She asks as she calms herself.
"I'm Jack and this is Mark... We don't want to hurt anyone... If anything we want to help" Jack says. Just then I catch the scent of another half breed... Inuyasha! The tetseuiga comes down in front of us blasting us backwards.... I look up to see Inuyasha looking ready to fight.
"Inuyasha stop... Please... We don't want to fight and we have no intention to harm you!" I say as Jack stands behind me.
"Yeah right! Get outta here!" He yells as he charges at us... We try and move out of the way but the tetseuiga hits me on the back of my leg so I fall to the ground.
"Mark!" Jack yells as he swiftly picks me up and carries me so I don't get hit again. I look back to see Inuyasha about to cut the wind scar so I get off of Jack and I throw him to safety... I hold my ground as it hits me.
"MARK!" I hear Jack yell as I feel a cut form from just below my right eye all the way down to my knee... I fall. Jack rushes over to me in tears.... He is mumbling stuff I can't understand.
"Please! Help him! Don't let him die! Please!" Jack yells at the others that are standing there. Kagome, Sango, Shippo and Miroku run over to help by this point I am really weak from blood loss but it would be worse if I was a human.
"How did you not die from the wind scar?" I hear Inuyasha ask as he walks over. I then see Jack fill with rage... He stands up and claws Inuyasha on the cheek... That is the last thing I see before I go unconscious.
-Jack's POV-
They let me come back with them while Kagome tends to Mark's wounds... This is of course much to Inuyasha's dislike.
"So you guys came from the well too? Hmm... Interesting" Kagome says as she finishes patching up Mark.
"So what are you and him anyway.... Why are you attached?" Sango asks.
"He's...... my husband or as you would say.. Mate" I say hesitantly.
"What? Guys can be with guys in your world?" Miroku asks surprised.
"They can in my world too but it's.... not really common" Kagome sighs.
"In our world it's fairly common although a lot of people hate homosexuals..... They tell us things as bad as go kill yourself" I sigh sadly.
"Well we won't here... It's uncommon so people don't know how to react... So they probably won't say anything" Shippo says with a smile.
"So... Jack... I have one question for you... How did you know me before?" Kagome asks.
"Well... We've just heard of you back in our world" I say. I hear grunts a moans coming from Mark as I look over to see him waking up.... I get all excited... I crawl over to him then I pull him into a hug. I then press my lips to his.... I pull away and rest my forehead on his.... He smiles at me.
"I thought I was gonna lose you" I whisper.
"But you didn't.... And that's all that matters now" Mark says as he sits up.
"Mark... You need to rest you were hurt bad" Miroku says.
"I'm fine... I am strong as a human so now I can handle it more.... I had several surgeries as a human" Mark says as he sits up against the wall... I sit beside him.
"Oh my gosh... Really? That must have hurt" Kagome says.
"Not all at one time... I had them over the course of several years" Mark smirks.
"Oh... But still..... you're brave" she complements.
"Yeah.... I guess I am" Mark says. I yawn and stretch my arms into the air as I rest my head on Mark's shoulder... He chuckles then picks me up and puts me on his lap I snuggle into his chest but in careful not to hurt him.
"I think we should all get some rest" Sango says as she lays down and shuts her eyes. I close my eyes and slowly drift off to sleep in Mark's arms.... Where I always am even though I'm not at home.
-Mark's POV-
"Guys! Wake up!" I get startled awake by someone yelling at us. I open my eyes to see Inuyasha running back out the door with the tetseuiga out.... Everyone else has woken up already and are scurrying around gathering stuff.
"What's going on?" I ask as I stand but I grunt and groan from the pain of my injury.
"There are a bunch of huge demons outside" Shippo says. Jack helps me stay standing as we step outside to see Miroku, Inuyasha and Songo trying to fight off the demons.
"Sango! Take them out of here and protect them!" Inuyasha yells. I look back at Inuyasha and the huge demons as we get further away from him..... We gotta help him.
-To be continued-

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