One Night Stand

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-Jack's POV-
"Uggghhhh" I groan as I wake up with a headache... When I my eyes finally focus I notice I'm not in my house... Where am I? What happened last night?
Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!
I look on the floor to see my phone... In a pile of clothes... I have a message.

Dude where are you? I'm at your place and you're not here

Hi... I'm not sure where I am or what happened but I'm naked in someone else's bed so..... Must've been a good night

Oh yeah... I had fun and you got drunk as hell then you and this other dude got talking but I don't remember anything after that

Ok well I'll be home as soon as I figure out what happened... I'll talk to him

I'll be here

I put my phone down then I roll over to see a black haired man laying facing away from me... I sit up and I look around the place.
Bark! Bark!
I hear a dog barking and whining at the door... Poor thing probably wants outside... I look back at the man to see him sitting up on the edge of the bed... He runs his fingers through his hair then stands up and puts on some boxers.
"I'll be right back" he says with a smile as he heads to the door then he heads out of the room. I get up and put my boxers on then I head to the small washroom that is connected to the bedroom... When I get out the man is standing there with two cups of coffee in his hands.
"Want some coffee?" He asks... I nod.
"Yeah thanks" I take it then I sit back down on the bed where I was before "did my phone wake you or did the dog?" I chuckle.
"Your phone did but it's fine... Does your head hurt?" He asks.
"Like hell and that dog barking was not nice" I sigh as I tell the truth "what about you?"
"Only a little... You had many more drinks than I did... So you must not remember anything.. Huh?"
"Nah... I remember lots like.... Um... Uh... Ok yeah... Not a thing after going to the party" I laugh as does he.
"Do you remember my name? You're... Jack right?" He asks.
"Yeah I'm Jack.... And no.. I'm sorry" I apologize.
"It's okay... I'm Mark and I can say I'm surprised you forgot... You sure moaned it a lot might I add" he chuckles.
"Heh..." I blush as I drink more coffee "so... Uh... Have you done this kinda thing before?"
"A one night stand? No.... You?"
"Nah I'm usually really obnoxious when I'm drunk so it's a turn off for most people" I explain.
"Well you weren't that obnoxious... Most funny and nice to me..." He adds.
"You must've been just as drunk because that doesn't sound like drunk me" Mark laughs at my statement... The room then goes silent and we now are sitting in an awkward silence "so... What do we do now? Stay friends? Forget each other? Or...."
"I don't know... Most people would just probably never see each other again but... I don't want it to be like that... I... Like you" Mark smiles.
"Really? That's a first... But I like you too.... Even though I pretty much just met you since I don't remember last night" I chuckle as I scratch the back of my neck.
"So... Uh can I see you again?" He asks... I nod.
"Yeah... I'd like that.. I'll give you my number" I suggest as I grab my phone... We exchange phones then I put my number into his contacts "thanks"
"Want me to drive you home?" Mark suggests.
"You don't have to.. I can take the bus"
"No it's fine I'll be going to the store anyway" he insists.
"Ok sure... I guess I should get dressed then" I say as I grab my clothes and I start to put them on. After I gather all my stuff up I head down to the living room to wait for him... He said he's gonna have a quick shower then we'll head out.
Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!
I look to see Felix texted me again.

Are you coming? I'm getting bored of playing gta... Hurry up!

You impatient bastard! I'm coming... He's gonna drop me off.

Oh so what's the deal? Are you dating?

I don't think so but it could go into that... We exchanged numbers so we might hang out or go on a date sometime... Idk though.


"We can go now" I look up to see Mark.
"Ok" I smile as I stand up and I already have my shoes on since they were up in his bedroom. We head out into his car then I tell him where I live and he pulls out of the driveway.


Ok see ya

"So... I'm assuming you live alone" Mark says trying to make conversation.
"Yeah but right now my friend Felix might be there... He was out with me last night and I guess he came check on me so he texted me this morning" I explain.
"Oh yeah... I think I remember seeing him.. He left with some girl before we left... She looked like a hoe to be honest" we both laugh.
"I'm gonna mention that" I say as we turn onto my street "that one with the asshole standing out the front"
"Should I run him over?" Mark asks.
"Yes! That will solve all of life's problems" I laugh as he pulls in and parks.
"Ok well... Text ya later" Mark smiles.
"Yeah sure... Bye" I say as I get out of the car then I head up to Felix on the porch "best. night. ever."
-The End-

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