Lost And Found

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Yay! Got something out! I think it's pretty decent but.. you're the judges. Idea by EmmieUser
-Mark's POV-
I sigh as I look at the time, I have to meet with my regular patient right now. I look through my file cabinet then I pull out his folder and read through it quickly before I set it on my desk then grab a pen and my note book. I head out of my office and down the halls of the insane asylum, I don't jump as I hear screams and laughing echo through the halls following me. I'm used to this so it's just normal for me. As I approach my patients door I hear him screaming my name, I chuckle softly before looking through the small window.
"Sean? Please step away from the door" I say as I notice the usual two guards that have gained Sean's trust. I watch as he steps back and faces the back wall with his arms behind him, I open the door then the guards go in first. They cuff his hands and ankles before I walk in to calm him, he usually panics or gets mad when the guards chain him. He says that he trusts me and I calm all of his bad thoughts, well... I sometimes don't believe that. The guards grip his arms as they guide him out of his padded room and down the hall to the meeting room. Once were inside they chain his feet and hands to the concrete floor, they also chain his neck to the floor just incase. I take a seat across the metal table and I open the notebook before looking up at him.
"So, Sean?" He looks up at me from the floor, he grins his usual wicked grin.
"Yes, Mark?"
"Let me just ask an overall, how are you feeling?" I ask.
"Be more specific please" he growls.
"What are some of the most occurring thoughts you have?" I ask.
"Well... none about Anti, he's gone" he looks spaced out and has an emotionless face.
"Good. Sean that's great. A huge step in the right direction considering that's what started this all" I genuinely smile because being his doctor for 3 years has finally started to pay off.
"Stop calling me Sean! Why have you started now after all these years?!" He screams pulling at his chains.
"I wanted to trust you first" I say being completely honest with him like usual "now that I have that trust I thought calling you Sean might help stir something"
"Only Anger!" He screams again. I'm used to his loud screaming by now, I'm just amazed he hasn't wrecked his vocal chords.
"Okay. Jack I'm sorry, just please calm down" I say in a soft lower voice, the anger in his face and eyes fades as he looks like he's in a trance. His eyes locked on mine, he now looks upset, like he's gonna cry.
"Mark. Kiss me?" His breathing picks up as he sniffles and tears run down his face, my eyes widen in shock. He's definitely vocalized how much he likes me, but those words still take me by surprise. Also he never usually cries this openly.
"Jack, what's wrong?" I ask in a soft voice again, I stand.
"You'll never love me. I'm just a crazy psychopath and you probably hate me, I'm sorry" he sobs, I move to beside his chair then I crouch. Normally any doctor would be scared to do this with any patient no matter how insane, but I trust him not to hurt me.
"Jack, I've never hated you ever. To be completely honest I think you are one of the most beautiful people I've ever seen even in your condition, so I can't imagine the normal you. I just want to find him again. Then maybe, just maybe when we do I'll kiss you. I just need your help to find him again because lately you've been pushing me away" I explain as I look him in the eyes our faces closer than they've ever been. He smiles lightly then looks away at the ground "and maybe soon we can talk without you in all these chains"
"Fischbach! Step back!" I look up to the door to see another doctor and two guards coming in.
"I'm fine..." I cut cut off by the guards shooting tazzers at Jack "Stop!" I move around to his other side the I rip the wires off but I end up feeling the electrocution as my body seizes and my muscles contract. The pain stops so I just lay there feeling left over contractions and the growing headache.
"Mark?" I hear Sean, then I hear shuffling and growling "Mark! Let me go!" I can't do anything because I'm in so much pain. Sean is used to enough electro shock by now so it didn't bother him much, this kind of stuff is what sends him spiraling back into his insanity. I groan as I can move slightly now, I feel foamed saliva bubble from my mouth as I roll over and push myself up. I am on my hands and knees when several people come in and help me up, once I'm up I push them away.
"Stop! I want everyone to stop touching Sean! He's my patient but you keep ruining what I'm fixing!" I yell as I lean against the metal table, I am grunting while trying to think about me speaking "Leave me! I'm fine!" I sigh as they leave. I then stumble out of the meeting room, my condition is getting better but my muscles still hurt. I walk down the hall then to Sean's room "Jack" I call in looking through the window.
"Mark?" He looks up at me from the back wall, then he gets up and moves to the door "I'm sorry.."
"Shhh... you did nothing wrong. Those douchebags were in the wrong" I growl "I won't let anyone else touch you from now on, I'll give you your meals, I'll come in and cuff you before we go for our session, I'll do everything. They don't understand you and for some reason think you are dangerous, more dangerous than some of the others here... that is far from true. I'd trust you more than some of the doctors here" I spew my thoughts on him as I feel angry at my colleague "Please don't relapse back into madness... I really want to help you"
"I won't. I want you to save me, and so far you've proven you can" he puts his hands to the window. I then feel exhausted, my muscles are sore, they give out them I fall unconscious.
-Jack's POV-
I am sitting in the corner of my padded room crying while hugging my knees. A couple guards carried Mark away a minute ago. Oh those fuckers! I will murder every last person that either hurt or angered Mark! I the exchange my crying for laughing as I think about how I will get out, how I will brutally murder. My eyes widen.
"Anti! Fuck off!" I scream as I hold my head in my hands "go away..." I start crying again. I let Mark down already, Anti is back. I curl up in a ball in the corner as I cry and scream simultaneously for what feels like hours on end. I eventually fall asleep once I calm down. When I wake up I panic slightly because I see a figure sitting in the room, is it in my head? I rub my eyes then shake my head, my eyes focus to see... Mark? I look up at the barred window at the top of the wall, it's night.
"Shhh.. it's okay. I'm fine. I just came to see if you were, everyone said that you had been screaming and crying for hours" he says. I just can't get over the fact that he's in here with me, without me in cuffs, I don't dare approach though.
"I uh... Anti is back" I sniff as I feel upset again.
"Hmm... and what brought him back do you think?" Mark asks as he stands then moves into the moonlight from the small window. He's so handsome.
"You getting hurt, I just want to Tear APART WHOEVER..."
"Shhh... calm down. Breath." He cuts off my screaming, I also stand but I don't see him flinch in the slightest. Instead, he takes a step forward, I move back "Jack, it's okay. You can come closer"
"How do you trust me if I barely trust myself?" I ask as I stand still. Mark move closer slowly but doesn't answer, my heart speeds up as my obsession approaches me for the first time with nothing holding me from him. No chains, no table, no guards. I won't hurt him, I won't hurt him, I Won't! He's brought me nothing but happiness and wants to Help! I clench my fists as my eyes meet his in the dim moonlight. He is about a 5 feet away now, he stops then puts his hand out as if I'm an animal he's trying not to scare. I lift my hand up and I place it in his open palm, my heart skips a beat as I feel calm non threatening contact for the first time. He once again slowly moves closer to me and we are now really close, he reaches both arms around me and I pull back slightly before he reassures that everything is fine. Then he pulls me to him, he... hugs me. I am in shock first but I eventually hug back as tears brim my eyes, I haven't had a hug in so long. I hold him tightly to me never wanting this feeling to go away, I feel warm, happy, free and weightless. I don't hear Anti anymore. I sigh a good sigh as I bury my face into his shoulder.
"How are you feeling?" He asks me.
"Better" I smile.
"Good, now I think I will have sessions in here, no chains or guards" he says.
"That might help me"
"Let's hope"
-1 Year Later-
I grin like an idiot as I bounce up and down on my toes waiting for him to come get me. 4 months ago they moved me to a different since I don't need a padded room anymore.
"Sean?" I hear Mark.
"Yes Moo!" I smile as the door opens, Mark walks in with a gym bag.
"Ready?" He smiles.
"Yes!" I say really excited to get out of here.
"Let's go" he takes my hand and leads me down several halls towards the front door. Once we reach it I step out and look around at everything I forgot about. Nothing has changed much but I missed seeing this. I breath in the fresh air then I sigh heavily, Mark stops and turns to me "I think you deserve this now" I look at him with confusion.
"What?" He smirks then leans in and presses his lips to mine, my eyes widen in shock for a moment before I close them and kiss back. "Oh how long I've waited for that"
"A little insentive never hurts" he grins then fits his mouth to mine again. I've earned this.
-The End-

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