Trouble makers

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-Jack's POV-
"Class settle down" Mrs. Kayle says "everyone quiet down" she eventually quiets the class of 20, 8 year olds. I look at the new kid that she's obviously trying to introduce, he's only a little taller than me and he has jet black hair.
"Class we have a new student, say hello to Mark" Mrs. Kayle says as Mark gives a little wave and a wide grin.. I can already tell we're gonna be best friends.
"Mark! Come sit down over here" I say as I pay the empty seat next to me. Our desks are in twos and no one wanted to sit beside me so Mrs. Kayle put an empty desk beside me, there are a couple other kids who are by themselves too. Mark smiles at me and walks over putting his back on the back of his chair like I do.. I smirk at the teacher and she rolls her eyes.
"Independent reading, get out your books" Mrs. Kayle says as she puts 20 minutes on the timer.
"Mark.. Do you have a book?" I ask him as I pull out my several attack on Titan comics.
"No... You have those!?" He says excitedly.
"You want to read one?" I ask him with a smirk.
"Yes!" He practically screams.
"Mark... Quiet" Mrs. Kayle says with a frown. Mark starts giggling, I join in.
"I'm Jack by the way" I say quietly to Mark.
"Are you a leprechaun?" He asks me with a laugh.
"Shut up!" I say loudly.
"Jack! Language!" Mrs. Kayle says.
"That's not bad... I got a worse one" I say with a smile.
"Oh I know.. Fuck!" Mark practically yells with a smile.
"Mark! In the hall now!" She says to Mark. Mark starts laughing and I join in... Then I follow Mark out into the hall still laughing.
"I can already tell we're gonna be best friends" Mark says to me as he starts kicking the wall.
"Me too" I say as I look down the hall "let's go"
"Where?" He asks me.
"I don't know.. Just away from here" I say.
"Hey I know... You have grade 8s right?" He asks me as we start walking down the hall.
"Yeah.. Why?" I ask him.
"Girls locker room?" He asks me with a devious smile.
"They won't care since we're only 8" I say as I grab Mark's hand and start running to the girls locker room. We get there and the girls are just coming in from gym... We head into a locker and we close it... We stay very quiet.
"How are we gonna do this?" I whisper to Mark.
"Just make yourself cry" he pokes himself in the eyes then his eyes start watering.. I copy. Then a minute or two later some girl opens the locker door and she is completely naked.
"Awe what happened little guys" she says as she pulls me and Mark into a hug.
"Someone stuffed us in there" Mark says as he starts to pretend cry.
"Well your ok now you poor little things" she says as two more naked girls come over. I just stand there pretending to cry and partly staring at the girls. I then hear the girls coach come in.
"Hey! What are you doing in here!?" She yells at us.
Mark gives the ladies a smirk and he tilts his head down.
"Sorry ladies.. Gotta run" he says in a deeper voice then we sprint out.
"Awe.. So adorable" I hear a girl say as we run into the gym. We both start laughing.
"Have you done that before?" I ask Mark.
"Oh you have no idea... I did that so many times at my old school that the girls would expect me to go in everyday and they wouldn't care" Mark says with a laugh.
"What should we do now?" I ask him.
"Hmmmm.... Wanna know something so bad that you will get kicked out of school immediately?" Mark says to me.
"I'm guessing you've done it before" I say with a grin.
"Yup" he says as he starts talking his shirt off.
"What are you doing?" I ask feeling confused.
"Let's run around the school naked" he says as he gets completely naked.. I have to hold myself from looking down "come on!" I decide... what the heck I can't do any worse than I have before... I strip down and join Mark. We start running up and down every hall in the school and since people are changing subjects some classes are in the hall going to music or gym or library so we have tons of witnesses.
"We're wee naked babies" I say in a thick Irish accent as we fly down the halls through the crowds. We get cheers and whistles from the older students, laughs from kids in our grade and we get yells from the teachers.
-10 years later-
Me and Mark are still best friends, still trouble makers and everyone that came from our public school has forgotten about us running around our school naked. Today is the last day of high school and we have something big planed for our grand finale. I look at Mark... We're just finishing math then we have gym... I smile at him and he smiles back.
"You ready for this?" I ask him feeling excited.
"Always babe" he says.... Oh did I forget to mention that we are together. This will be the first time we see each other naked though...other than when we were little... I'm kinda scared and excited so it's a good balance. The bell rings and we all head off to the change rooms... Me and Mark go first and fast so that there will be people in the halls... We strip down all the way then we sprint up and down the halls. We both sprint super fast so when we go to turn a corner we both slide and wipe out. Mark hits the wall first so when I fall back into the floor Mark falls on top of me.
"This is why I love you" I say to him with a smile. Mark straddles me then leans down and fits his mouth to mine.. His tongue inside my mouth... We get whistles and cheers from the others then we hear the principle.
"Get up!" She says to us. I look at Mark then I wrap my legs around him and Mark stands... He pushes me back against the wall and continues to kiss me. I get a good idea... I start moaning and groaning then Mark joins in... Everyone laughs. The principle grabs Mark by the shoulders and pulls him back so that I fall to my knees in front of Mark.
"Woah you want me to suck Mark's dick so badly... Ok" I say as I grab Mark's member... He lets out a grunt.
"No... Mcloughlin get up!" She yells.
"Awww" Mark pouts as he turns around with his hands covering himself... I have my hands covering myself too.
"You two are in big trouble!" The principle says sternly.
"Why? It's the last day of school and we already passed" Mark says.
"Surprisingly" I add in quietly. Mark and me both laugh because we are the only ones who heard what I said.
"Go put clothes on!" She yells at us "it's illegal to be nude in public"
"What? Who said we were naked... We're in our birthday suits" I say with a straight face.. I get laughs from the crowd.
"Plus right now we're technically not naked... We are covering up the part that makes us naked" Mark says.
"Who wants to see us naked?" I ask the crowd. We get nods and whistles... Most of the girls want to see Mark completely naked because he's the chick magnet... Well so am I but even the guys could go for Mark... That explains me. I look at Mark with a questioning look.. He shrugs his shoulders and puts his hands behind his head then he starts running again... I do the same. We continue to run for a few more minutes before we crash again and I'm on top of Mark.
"Why don't we find a closet" I say to him as we get up and start quickly going down the hall.
"Let's be as loud as we can" Mark says to me as we go into a closet and lock it. I find the light then the next thing I know.. Mark is on his knees with his lips wrapped around my member... I let out a loud moan. He continues to suck and stoke my member... Then I can't take it anymore... I push Mark onto his hands and knees then without hesitation a push into him hard. I thrust fast and hard... And I dig my nails into his back leaving claw marks down his back.... Our moans are so loud. We both get close to orgasm when someone unlocks and opens the door, the principle.... At that point I don't give a fuck I just keep going... Then the principle closes the door. We both reach our climax... We get up and sprint out the door going to the change room... We put our clothes back on and by then the bell rings for the end of the day. Me and Mark stand in the hallway and bow.
"Thanks for watching our grand finale" Mark says as we laugh and run out the doors heading to Mark's house.
"Amazing last day... I got laid and we did something everyone will remember" I say then Mark presses his lips to mine.
-The End-

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