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Just a note this is a part that is pulled from a longer one shot that I was doing but I didn't like most of it so I just pulled the best parts from.... They are in grade 12 at the end of the year so that's why they're doing exams...
-Mark's POV-
Me and Jack are the first ones to get our exams done so we just go out in the hall and sit there... Talking... Until Jack climbs on my lap. He sits with his back to my chest and he rests his head back on my shoulder... I put my hands on his stomach so he is just playing with my fingers with his eyes closed. We now have about two hours before our Math exam... since it took about 40 minutes to do the exam.
"What do you wanna do?" I ask him.
"Sleep" he says.
"Ok well here" I say as I turn then I lay on my back. Jack gets up then lays in the same position as when we fell asleep last night.... On his belly... Partly straddling me... With his head on my chest. He falls asleep first then I slowly drift off. I get startled awake by the bell that Is right above us... I look around to see a bunch of class mates looking at us. Jack sits up and is the first to say something.
"What are all of ye lookin at?" He says.. His Irish accent really thick. With that they all head off to their next class... Jack looks at me... I smile at him... He giggles then presses his lips to mine before getting up off of me. I get up then I almost fall over.
"Woah.... I'm a little light headed" I say as I lean against the wall.
"You ok?" Jack asks me.
"Yeah I think I just stood up too quickly" I say as I feel much better "let's go to Math"
"Can we finish quickly again so that we can sleep more?" Jack asks as we walk down the hallway to our Math class.
"We'll see" I say. We reach our class then we go in.... When we get in everyone starts chanting something.... Kiss?
"Kiss... Kiss... Kiss" they all chant continuously.
"Settle down everyone" the teacher says as his attempt to quiet everyone fails. I turn and look at Jack..... immediately he pulls me to him... Our lips meet.... I hear cheers and claps from the class. I pull away then we go and take our seats... I sit there blushing as the teacher hands us our exams. I get this one done extra fast since I just wanna get out of here and go home.... I get it done in about 25 minutes which is a record... But to be honest a lot of it was really easy for me. I get up and I go to the hall because I don't know what to do... I decide to just sit out there until Jack is done then we will go probably to my place.
"Hey Mark" I hear a voice say. I look up to see my music teacher in the doorway of the room across from me.
"Hi Mr. Hase" I say.
"What are you doing? Are you done already?" He asks.
"Yeah... Half the stuff was really easy" I say.
"Well why don't you go home then?" Mr. Hase asks me.
"I'm waiting for Jack to be done" I say wondering if he knows.
"Oh yes I heard about you two..... Anyway wanna come over and keep yourself busy?" He asks motioning to the music room.
"Yeah sure" I say as I get up and I go in the room. I grab an acoustic guitar then I make sure it's tuned.
"Can I sit in the hall and play?" I ask Mr. Hase.
"Yeah I guess so... But you might be a bother to some people in your Math class" he says as I go out and sit in the hall.
"I don't really care" I say as he goes back into his room. I start playing Paradise by Coldplay... I also start singing... I'm fairly loud.. so everyone in my class can obviously hear me. I finish that song the I do Sad Song by We The Kings... I get halfway through the song when Jack comes out of the room... I smile at him but I continue singing and playing. Jack sits down in front of me and watches me play.... I finally get done... But before I can say anything Jack is on my lap with his lips pressed to mine. I pull away.
"Wanna go to my place?" I ask as I press my forehead to his.
"Yeah" he says as he gets up off of me. We both go into the music room then Jack goes over to the drum kit and starts playing... I smile and realize what song it is.
"You gonna sing with me?" I ask him as I start to play along with him.
"Yeah" he says. We're playing Like I can by Sam Smith. We start singing to each other... And we're constantly looking at each other so we don't notice the group of people from our class walk in. We finish the song then we hear clapping.... I turn around to see 10 people standing there clapping... I blush.
"That was amazing boys" Mr. Hase says while clapping.
"Heh... Thanks" I say as I set the guitar down. Jack walks over, grabs my hand then we leave.... We walk hand in hand all the way back to my place.

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