Beauty and the Beast

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-Jack's POV-
I sigh as I make sure I have all of my stuff together before I watch the plane approach the landing strip at high speed. We land with a slight bump then the plane begins to slow as we reach the terminal. Within a few minutes the plane is stopped and we are heading off the plane. I follow the crowd out to where we grab our luggage then I pull out my phone... I click on the name I need.
"Hello?" I hear Mark breathing deeply and quickly.
"Mark? Are you okay?" I ask.
"I'm fine but.... I won't be able to come get you.. I'll send Tyler to get you if... he can" he pants heavily.. he also sounds like he's in pain.
"Okay.. if you're not feeling well.. maybe I should stay at a hotel?" I suggest.
"I'm fine... just..... I'm fine.. I'll see you soon" he then hangs up. I hope he's okay.
-Mark's POV-
"Arrgggghhh!" I growl as I involuntarily launch myself into the wall.. I claw at my skin and the surrounding walls as pain drives through my body. My nails whuch are now long and pointrd claws so My clothes are shredded and so are the blank walls. This room is one that is empty so I don't use it for anything.. well I actually do but I use it for my outbreaks... which happen once a month.. almost like a girls pierod.. it hurts as much and as messy. I smirk at that thought but then my muscles jerk so I hit the floor. I then grab my phone and force myself to calm enough to text Tyler.

Can you go pick up Jack from the airport? I'm a little busy

Do I bring him to your place?



My muscles jolt again then I toss my phone to the wall... I growl through my teeth as I feel them grown and shape.. they dig into my lower jaw but then I feel bones shift and change. My muscles strengthen and buldge out of my arms. I kick and claw at the walls again as my bones and structure actually start to change now.. it's so painful but it has to happen. But why now!? When Jack is coming over!? I destroy the walls and floors for another half hour or so... the big structural changes are separated about 10 minutes apart and they last for about 5 minutes each so I haven't changed much since I texted Tyler. The change after I texted was the first major one so I looked the same then as I normally do but now I am sitting panting as most of the pain has subsided. After 3 changes My legs are bent so I now have hocks and paws like a wolf's, I also have long claws on both my fingers and my toes now.. I have long sharp teeth but I don't have a muzzle though, my ears have shifted up to where they should be and a small tail has sprouted. I'm pretty ugly looking at this stage because im still skin colour but it will be over in another one or two depending on how strong the change is.
Buzz Buzz Buzz
I head over and pick up my phone as I stay in a crouch.
"Hello?" I test my voice before I answer since I'm not sure if my vocal cords have changed yet.. they're good. I then answer "Hello?"
"Mark? Are you okay now?"
"We're on our way"
"Oh.. umm.. actually can you to Tyler place for a little while? I just need.. Ahh.. to clean up a bit" I cringe at how bad this lying is.
"If you're sick I'm coming because I want to help" he demands.
"You don't wanna help me.. I'm an ugly mess" I sigh.
"I don't care.. I want you do be okay.. so I am coming to help"
"You're making a mistake.. you should go check out L.A. for a while then I'll feel better later and we can just relax..." I sigh as I am saddened by the thought of him being terrified by me and never wanting to see me again.
"Please? You're not here to take care of me..." my next change then kick starts.. my muzzle starts to form as my mouth stretches.. I groan then hang up because I won't be able to hold them back. I once again start launching myself around the room.. my claws digging deeply into the layers of wood I put on the walls and floor just because the drywall is like a thin twig to my claws. In a matter of 4 minutes all of my bones structure is complete and settled.. I am about 8 feet tall now and my features have all gotten bigger.. but I'm a gross hairless dog right now.. my voice is deeper and gravelly when I speak but I still can form words like most think my kind wouldn't be able to. I stretch and work all of my muscles as I wait for my body to start sprouting hair.. then my heightened ears pick up the front door opening.
"Mark?" I only hear one set of footsteps so it's only Jack... I growl quietly as I try to think.. I can easily hold the door closed but I won't be able to change back soon enough to tell him I'm okay "Mark? Where are you?" I hear his voice get closer so I quickly get up then head over and hold the door closed. I hear his footsteps creep closer and slow down.. then I hear shuffling around before a gasp... my eyes widen. I crouch then I lay on the floor my head on its side.. I see Jack looking through the gap between the door and the floor... he looks like he has tears in his eyes.
"Mark?" I snuff as I watch him waiting for a reaction "can I come in?" My ears perk up and I think my eyes must show my confusion because he smiles "I'm not afraid as long as you don't hurt me"
"I won't" I say.. he doesn't seem surprised by my voice.. I get up then I remember I'm still pink and disgusting "I'm still waiting on the last stage of the change" I open the door.. he stands and looks me over then gasps are the room.
"I always wondered why you never let anyone in here" he steps in then spots my shredded clothing.
"It was a little unexpected even though I knew I had to soon" I say as I then feel the last part of the change.. my muscles all tense as fur sprouts at a rapid pace around my body.. Jack watches attentively as I groan then all the pain stops.. I sigh but I don't move because I need to rest.. I'm sore.
"Why did you sound so sad over the phone? I mean I know why the excuses but you sounded genuinely sad" he asks.. I huff then I move over into the corner where I just sit and look at the floor "Did you think that I would run away scared or hate you?"
"I thought about it" I admit.
"Mark.. wanna know the truth?" I look up at him then he smiles and moves closer "I may or may not love you so I don't think anything could make me hate you" he puts his hands on my chin then he presses a kiss to my noes.. my ears perk up then I tilt my head like a dog does causing Jack to giggle. He runs his hands along my muzzle, the sides of my face then over the top of my head.. I close my eyes and sigh because it feels relaxing.. I've only had one other person do that and that was my mother when I was younger but not any more since I live on my own. I hear Jack chuckle.. but I then feel a bone shift into another place.. my eyes fly open.
"I'd suggest leaving the room..." I grunt as I feel the change settings off again "I'm changing back"
"Because a lot of flailing happens and with my claws like daggers that's dangerous for you" I growl as pain erupts through my body.. I push past him then head to the other side of the room. I then latch my jaws onto my arm you stifle some of the loud noises I will make and so that maybe I don't have to flail as much. I feel bones shift under my teeth.. it's strange but it helps me and the next time I open my eyes I'm human again.. my teeth are still in my skin but I look at my arm.. there is long shred Mark from where my jaws started shrinking pulling my teeth inward therefore ripping open more skin. I sink to the floor with a sigh.. Jack's eyes settle on my arm then he looks worriedly at me.
"I'm fine" I say knowing he's going to ask "It's nothing I can't handle"
"Yes but what about bloodloss?" He starts to move closer.
"It's fine" I reassure as I cover myself with the torn up cloth left over from my clothing "if you can just go downstairs and wait for me I'll clean myself up then I'll explain everything if you'd like" he nods then leans in and kisses me.
"I'm just glad you're okay and not terribly sick like I thought before" he sighs then hugs me tightly.
"I'm glad you don't see me as a monster" I wrap my arms around him.
"I would never see you as a monster even if you were just a friend to me"
"I love you"
"I've always loved you"
-The End-

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