Pax West 2016

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-Mark's POV-
I try to keep my cool but I am fucking terrified on the inside... Nobody knows what I have planned... I did have to ask A certain someone's parents but I think I'm ready. Wade is going on about how he doesn't want to keep the day to himself and he's asking if anyone else has a certain question to ask.. I start sweating and I think people notice but not the 3 of them so I'm good. I reach behind me to feel the small box... I clear my throat and stand up then I move over towards Jack... There's silence around the room now and my heartbeat is so god damn loud I can't hear myself think.
"J-Jack... Please Stand" I ask, my voice clearly shaking as he stands slowly.. He looks like he's gonna cry already "Jack... We've been together for almost two years now and I know that doesn't sound like a long time but it's one of my longest relationships... And erm... We've stuck together through YouTube, through the hate, through me going to the hospital and so much more.." I pause and breathe as tears start rolling down his face and the crowd is cheering "I fell in love with you completely the first time I watched one of your videos and even more when we started talking... My love for you continues to grow more each day... More than I even thought possible and I want it to continue growing for ye rest of our lives" I get down on one knee and hold the box in front of me "Sean William Mcloughlin.. Will you marry me?" I ask as I open the box. He smiles as tears continue rolling down his face... He hugs me tightly.
"Yes" he whispers in my ear as I press my mouth to his.. I stand and take the ring out placing it on his finger. I then pick him up bridle style and carry him over to where I was sitting.. I sit down and he sits on my lap his face buried into my neck, still crying. I laugh at Bob and Wade who's faces are in shock and they look like they're gonna cry.
"My proposal was meaningless compared to that" Wade sighs jokingly.
"All proposals mean everything... If not they wouldn't have people crying by the end" I smile as I squeeze Jack a bit.
"How come you didn't tell us?" Bob asks.
"It was a surprise" I kiss Jack on the forehead "well I think we need to just sit here and wind down a bit before the panel ends because I feel like I'm gonna be sick.. I was so god damn nervous when I stood up"
"So was I" Jack says quietly but the mic picks it up... I smile.
"I've never seen Jack like this before" Bob laughs as the audience awes and laughs.
"I'm okay!" Jack smiles as hops off me, wipes his eyes then goes over and sits back in his place.
"Well we got a few minutes left... so closing thoughts?" I ask as I look at Bob and Wade.
"I don't know if I can say anything" Wade says.
"How do you think I feel.. Anyway thank you guys for coming and witnessing two extremely emotional proposals" I say as I feel like I'm gonna cry again "God dammit! I just can't stop thinking about this... It's you guys who made this happen today... Both of them would never have happened if we hadn't started YouTube and if you hadn't like it from the start... I would have never met Jack and Wade wouldn't have met Molly" I cry as Jack comes over and hugs me.
"We owe you guys way more than we could ever give back" Jack adds.
"I guess just to sum up... We are so thankful that we could say it a thousand times and it would never express how thankful we truly are" Bob chimes in.
"Anyway" I clear my throat as I have calmed "thank you for coming, I hope you enjoyed and we'll hopefully see you next time?" We all stand up as we wave and the lights dim... I sigh and grin wildly as me and my fiancé walk hand in hand off the stage that will forever hold the tears of joy from this amazing day.
-The End-

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