Smash the Hell out of the Fourth Wall!!

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Btw... The Random one shot book I unpublished but if you'd possibly like to see it just let my know...
-My POV-
"Hey hey hey!" Jack says in a girly voice.
"Leda's back! With more to write!" Mark says as he picks me up bridle style.
"Mark! Put me down! I don't like being picked up!" I yell as I try and squirm from Mark's grasp.
"Fine.... Mostly because Jack is getting jealous" Mark laughs.
"I am not!!" Jack yells as he pushes Mark.
"Yeah okay... Tomato face" I say with a laugh.
"My face is not tha...." Jack looks at himself in the nearby mirror then frowns "ok that is tea red"
"Jack focus were supposed to be letting everyone else know that Leda is back" Mark says as he pulls me and Jack closer to him.
"Right.... Hi again" Jack says awkwardly with a small wave "Leda can now write again... Well pretty well.... But she also has another surprise for you"
"If it's even cool to you" Mark mumbles but continues "she is starting a new one shot book... It's a random one shot book for other things that she likes"
"Yeah for example like Tv show or movie characters, Famous people or other ships.... Although Septiplier is of course the best of all!" Jack smiles as he hugs me tight.
"Y'know how weird this is right? Talking about me while I'm here... But oh well.... continue I guess" I explain.
"No one cares what you think...... I'm just kidding... We're trying to make you feel uncomfortable" Mark grins.
"Ok so to continue.... She also has said that she just wants to write whenever she feels like it instead of everyday like she used to" Jack continues.
"Oh! I am excited about this but she might do some crossover stories! Like where we meet Tv show or movie characters.... Or other characters meet each other" Mark adds excitedly.
"We might meet famous people too! You can suggest things as always" Jack smirks.
"Yeah well that pretty much covered everything I wanted you to know about" I smile "I want to thank Jack and Mark for helping tell you guys everything"
"Also for breaking the fuck out of the fourth wall..... It basically disintegrated!" Jack yells so full of energy.
"Yeah that too" I giggle "so sorry this chapter is short but there is not much to say except for what they already did"
"We can just fill the rest with complete nonsense! If you want?" Mark suggests.
"Or..." Jack smirks deviously "we can give them some smut.." Mark bites his lip as he looks Jack up and down.
"Ok well I'm outta here then! Bye everyone!" I yell as I sprint out the room.
-Mark's POV-
I feel my pants tighten as I grab the collar of Jack's shirt and pull him closer so that our lips meet.... Jack puts his arms around my neck while my hands find their way to the waistband of Jack's jeans. I break the kiss and I look at you.
"If any of you don't like smut, now is your chance to leave.... Although it's gonna be good... Well for us that is" I wink as I turn and shove my tongue back down Jack's throat. I push him to the ground then I unbutton his jeans and slip them off... Followed by his shirt... Jack pulls off my shirt as I slide my jeans off. I start palming Jack through his boxers.... I then place kisses all over Jack's chest as I palm him.
"Oh fuck... Mark stop teasing" Jack moans as he pulls on my hair a bit. I smirk then I slide his boxers completely off.... I start stroking him painfully slow but as I do that I slide my boxers off.
"Oh god Mark... Just fuck me already!" Jack yells as he digs his nails into my back. I don't hesitate to push into him then start thrusting hard and fast.
"Oh fuck yeah... God Jack" I moan as I feel instant pleasure. Jack continues to dig his nails into my back as we both get closer to orgasm... Our moans get louder and louder till Jack is screaming my name. One more thrust then I cum into Jack... I ride out my orgasm which is painful until Jack releases onto his chest... I collapse onto him. We just lay there trying to catch our breath... I feel myself falling asleep... I then drift off to sleep.
-Jack's POV-
"Ok so bye I guess since Mark has fallen asleep and Leda is gone.... Bye... Hope you enjoyed" I say quietly as I wave at you.
-The End-

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