The Carnival

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-Mark's POV-
I walk down the stairs from my recording room and I see Jack sitting on the floor in front of the window with his head in his hands watching people walk passed.
"Jack... What are you doing?" I ask him as I walk closer.
"Just sitting here" he sighs as he stands up and starts walking to the stairs "I'm gonna go to bed" I then get an idea.
"Jack wait" I say as I grab his arm "do you want to go to the fair?" His face lights up.
"Yeah.. Of course" he says with a smile.
"Let's go then" I say as he runs to the door like a little kid... I giggle at him. We start heading down the street.. We are walking since the parking lot will probably be full. Halfway down the street I reach over and I grab Jack's hand... He smiles at me.... I smile back getting an idea that Jack won't turn down. I let go of his hand and I walk in front of him... I bend down a little with my arms out behind me.. He gets the hint and he jumps on my back. I start running because I know the little kid inside of him wants me to.... He puts his hands in the air.. I smile. We get there and it's really busy... At the entry gate Jack hops off of my back.. We get our wrist bands then we enter.... I see Jack's eyes light up.
"What do you want to do first?" I ask him as he grabs my hand and pulls me to the alien abduction... Of course. When we get out we are both kinda dizzy so we take a few minutes to gain our balance back.
"Ok let's go back and fourth between choosing the rides" I say as I get up and grab Jack's hand.
"Ok" he says as I start pulling him excitedly... I'm going to one of the places he doesn't want to be.... The Viking ship. We get in line and Jack starts panicking.
"Mark... No I can't do this.. You know the rides I don't like" Jack says as he try's to back out of the line but I hold him in place.
"Yes but those rides are also the ones I like.... And you said it was my turn" I say to him "I'll be right beside you"
"Ok.. Fine" he sighs.... The line starts to move closer. We get 3 people away from the entrance and Jack starts panicking again.
"Jack calm down.... If you want you can hug me the whole time just please go on with me" I say giving him puppy dog eyes. He nods then we enter the ride.... I would love to sit at the back but for Jack's sake I take the first available seat closest to the middle. As soon as we're seated Jack wraps his arms around me and buries his face into my neck... To be honest I do this to him so that he does cling to me... I know it's selfish but he's just so adorable when he's scared. He keeps his eyes shut for the whole time and I do put my hands in the air but when I do Jack tightens his grip around me. When the ride ends Jack doesn't hesitate to get of quick... He basically sprints off.... I struggle to catch up with him. When I finally catch him he turns and hugs me burying his face in my chest.... He just holds me there.
"I'm sorry... If it was that bad I won't do it again" I say lifting his face to meet mine. I press my lips to his the I keep my forehead against his "I love you and I want you to be happy"
"I'm sorry too.... For being afraid of heights" Jack says.
"It's not your fault... You can't control that" I say as I kiss him again "let's go on rides you want to go on" I pull back and I grab his hand.
"Okay" he says as he starts pulling me to another ride. For the next 2 hours we go on rides that Jack wants to go on, we get snacks and we go looking at the animals..... Now I want to take him onto just one ride that I know he won't like but it'll be worth it.
"Hey Jack?" I say looking at him.
"Yeah?" He stops and looks at me.
"Can we go on just one more ride that you might not like?" I say looking up at the Ferris wheel. He sighs then kisses me.
"Ok..... For you.. Because you've put up with going on the rides I wanted to go on" he says as we walk over to the line to the Ferris wheel.... It's surprisingly short. We get in the line and only 4 minutes later we get on... Jack doesn't complain once while we're waiting... Hmmm... What's he up to? We sit on the one side... My one arm is around Jack and he's less clingy but he's still hugging me... Not that I mind.
"What's going on with you? Your less clingy... Is this better than the other ride?" I ask him as he puts his head on my shoulder.
"It's a lot better but I'm still terrified on the inside... I'm just trying not to crush your ribs" he says laughing a little.
"Well... If its heights then all you have to do is look at me... Keep your eyes on mine.. I've got you and I won't let you go" I say as I kiss Jack on the forehead. He smiles then he does something I'm not expecting... He climbs on me and straddles my lap, pressing his lips to mine with his one hand on the back of my head and one hand on the back of the seat... My hands go up under his shirt, one hand tracing his spine up and down, one hand is just making circles on his lower back. Eventually I pull away from the kiss because we're at the top and the moon is big and bright.
"This is so beautiful" I say as I press my forehead to his.
"Yeah the moon is beautiful" he says looking out at it.
"I don't mean the moon" I say in a quiet seductive tone... He looks at me and blushes. I then tug on the neck of his shirt, signalling what I want.... Jack then pulls his shirt of and he sits up straight. His muscular chest being enhanced by shadows that the moon is creating... His skin seems to glow in the moonlight... His messy green hair makes him look adorable.. His ocean blue eyes are now a pale blue that seem to sparkle.... His soft lips... I could go on forever.
"Your so... Is beautiful a good word?" I say to him.. He smiles... His bright white smile looks even whiter if it's even possible. He fits his mouth to mine and pushes his tongue passed my lips... Our tongues mingle and dance around each other. I pull back and I look down at the ground we're almost halfway back to the ground.
"You should probably put your shirt back on" I say as he grabs his shirt then puts it back on. He then gets off of me and sits down next to me.... So nobody gets suspicious. When we get off the ride Jack smiles at me.
"What?" I smirk at him.
"I didn't complain once the whole ride" he says with a smile.
"Yeah well that's because you were focused on my lips the whole time" I whisper into his ear then I grab his hand.
"Hey... You were focused on my body... I could tell you wanted to slam into me then and there but you knew you couldn't" he whispers back to me as we walk into the park.
"Oh I could've.... but it would rock the seat and you would be scared to death" I say with a smirk because I would have done it but for Jack's sake... I didn't.
"Ok then if you can fuck me in the park... I'll believe you" he whispers as we sit down against a tree.
"Why?..... because you want me to.." I say mouthing an 'O' because I realized that he wants me to "well as much as I would love to.. I'm gonna wait till we get home"
"Oh come on... Don't be a party pooper" Jack says as he climbs on me and straddles my legs again.
"Do you know what would happen if a fan was around... When we were doing it" I say to him making a point.
"I guess..... But when we get home I'm gonna be waiting" he says as he plays with my hands.
Fireworks start lighting up the sky with beautiful bright colors. Me and Jack get up and move out to a spot on the grass where we can clearly see the fireworks. I lay down on my back with my hands behind my head while Jack lays on top of me with his head on my chest..... This night is the most amazing night ever.
"I love you Mark" Jack says looking me in the eyes.
"I love you too" I say as I kiss him.
-The end-

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