Fuck the Police!! (In More ways than One)

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Okay so I didn't intend on having a SMUT WARNING!! But I kinda wanted to write smut then one thing led to another and a piece of shite was created! Whatever sometimes things don't go as planned... Actually a lot of the time for me... Anyway I hope you enjoy somewhat?
-Jack's POV-
Ring Ring Ring
My phone starts ringing.. I answer it.
"Hey babe.."
"Oh hi Mark you done work?" I ask with a smile.
"Yeah and I was wondering if you wanted me to grab food" he asks.
"Come pick me up then because there's a few things I'd like to get and it'd be easier if I got them instead of explaining to you" I point out as I hear Mark laugh.
"Alright... On my way" he says as the call then ends. I slip on a sweater then I put my badge in my back pocket so that I have it at all times although I'm not aloud to have my gun or cuffs but Mark has his so we're good... I don't know why I'm worried when everything will be fine like always but you can never be sure. After a few more minutes of waiting I see Mark's car pull into the driveway... I head out, lock the door then I join him in the car.
"Hi honey how was your day?" I ask as I press a kiss to his lips.
"Pretty slow... Nothing much happened except for a couple speeders" he sighs as I look him up and down in his uniform.
"God do you look sexy in your uniform" I comment as I bite my lower lip.
"Oh yeah? I bet I look sexier with. nothing. on" he whispers seductively in my ear,
"Don't fucking give me a boner before we go into a store" I say as he pulls out of the driveway and start heading to the store.
"Oh I will... Later do you want me to handcuff you to the bed while I slam into you... Hard" Mark continues.
"If you make me hard I will force you to give me a blowjob in the Walmart parking lot" I threaten.
"Ooo... I could do that.... I love being dirty" Mark smirks at me... And with that I am fully erect.
"Fuck you..."
"Oh you wish you could in this car... You'd like to ride my big cock" Mark teases.
"Oh fuck yes I would" I moan painfully as I start palming myself.
"Hey now... If you're gonna cum in this car I'm gonna be the cause" Mark says as he pulls into the parking lot... He parks beside a cart corral so that we're slightly hidden. Once the car is off he slides the seat back as far as it goes then raises an eyebrow.. I look down to see he is hard as well.. I smirk as I undo my belt then I slide my jeans and boxers all the way off and onto the floor. Mark undoes his pants but only slides them down to his knees... I climb over onto Mark's lap then I immediately lower myself down onto him.
"Ohhh... God fuck! Yes!" I moan as he immediately hits my prostate.
"Uhhhgggg... Fuck you're so tight" Mark grunts as I start bouncing up and down.. Riding him hard and fast. His hands grip my hips tightly as mine are on his shoulders.... I feel myself getting closer and closer but without warning I feel him spray his load inside me... I guess he was closer than I was.
"Uhhggg... Jack tell me when you're close" Mark grunts riding out his orgasm.
"I'm... Gonna.." Mark pushes me so I'm laying across the console... He fits his mouth around my tip as I cum into his mouth.
"Ahhhh.... Fuck Man" I moan as I lay there and pant.
"You better now?" Mark asks as he shuffles his pants back up.
"Oh fuck yeah...." I absentmindedly sigh... I hear Mark chuckle as he pushes me back into my seat.
"Let's go" he says as I put my boxers and pants back on then I get of the car with him,
"Well I can cross have sex in a public place off my bucket list" I smirk as I take his hand and we head in.
"Oh I can go more public if you'd like" he grin deviously.
"Like where?"
"Middle of a park" he suggests.
"Ooo" I chuckle as Mark grabs a cart then we start heading around grabbing food that we might need for the next few days. We are heading past the sports section when I hear running from behind us and when I turn a baseball bat comes flying at.. Mark's head.
"Mark!" But I'm too late he gets knocked out and is bleeding.. I grab his Walk-E Talk-E "come in *police station name* this is officer Mcloughlin" I say as I grab Mark's gun and handcuffs then I run after the guy "I need backup and an ambulance to Walmart now... Fishbach has been hit in the head and is unconscious"
"Alright Mcloughlin were on our way are you going after the attacker?"
"Yes... Someone is taking Fishbach to the front for you I'm at the back" I say as I hold my gun out and I see the guy run past the end of an isle... I clip the Walk-E Talk-E to my belt then I chase him down. I eventually get right up behind him.
"Hands up and stop right where you are! I have a gun pointed at your head so stop where you are and drop your weapon!" I order as the guy stops and drops the bat. I run up and cuff him then I start dragging him to the front where backup should be.
"Mcloughlin you got him?" I see Kjellburg say, a few others following him to me.
"Yes..." Just as I finish saying that I hear a gun fire then I get thrown to the grown with a pain in my side.
"Jack!" I hear Felix Kjellburg call my Nickname instead of my last name... He kneels at my side as more paramedics are called to where I am.
"Fuck... Felix... It hurts" I grunts as I click my side where the bullet went in.
"I know Jack... It will but you'll be better soon and so will Mark" he reassures as the medics get here but I then slip unconscious.
-Mark's POV-
My eyes fly open and I look around to see double of everything.
"I-I-I-I see d-d-double" I stutter as I can see someone's in the room but who I don't know.
"You will for a bit since you took a hard blow to the head" the woman says. I sit up slowly and my eyes start focusing more but things are still blurry... Well blurrier than usual without my glasses.
"W-w-where's J-J-J-J-Jack... My h-h-husband" I finally get out... Oh god I must be stuttering from getting hit.
"Is the stuttering getting better, worse or the same?" She asks moving closer... I think for a second.
"B-Better than b-b-before" I say.
"As for Jack.. He is just out on a walk but he should be back anytime now"
"W-wait was h-h-he hurt t-t-too?" I ask.
"Yes... He got shot but he's fine it's you were worried about... You took quite a blow" she explains.
"I-I'm f-fine... I n-need my g-glasses" I say as I squint around trying to find them.
"They're to your left" she points as I look to see a blurry picture of what they look like.. I grab them then put them on and I can see perfect.
"Thanks" I say without a stutter.. I move around so I'm sitting on the edge of the bed.
"Mr. Fishbach I don't think you should stand just yet" she says as I disobey her and I try to stand only to get dizzy and fall back into the bed.
"F-Fine" I sigh in defeat as I lay back onto the bed... Just then the door opens to reveal my little, green haired husband.. I smile.
"J-J-J-J-J-J... Fuck!" I start laughing as I couldn't even get his name out of my mouth "F-f-fucking stutter" Jack laughs.
"Well I guess you're pretty much okay" he smiles as he presses a kiss to my lips.
"S-So you g-g-got shot?" I ask in concern.
"Yeah" he says as he lifts his shirts to reveal bandages around his torso "but I'm fine... You should be worried about yourself"
"N-n-n-nah I'm s-s-so f-fine" I grin then we both start laughing "g-god... I-I-I-I think i-it's g-g-g-getting worse"
"I'll have the doctor come in" the nurse says as she leaves the room.
"So how are you feeling besides the stutter?" Jack asks sitting beside me.
"P-pretty good e-except for t-the h-h-headache"
"You got through that sentence pretty good" he giggles.
"I-I hope t-this g-g-goes away" I sigh.
"Imagine you moaning" Jack giggles "o-o-oh f-f-f-fuck g-g-god J-J-J-Jack"
"Sh-sh-shut u-up" I grumble as I push him off the bed.
"M-m-m-make m-me" he mocks... I frown then I roll over my back facing him "Mark I'm sorry... I won't do it again"
"J-j-just be g-g-glad I'm a-alive" I say as I hear the door open.
"I am" Jack says before the doctor moves him out if the way.
"So Mark... sit up please" the doctor says as I obey "so the only thing bothering you is the stutter"
"Y-yeah I-it's pretty a-annoying" I say.
"Hmm... Doesn't sound too bad"
"W-well I-it kinda goes o-o-on and o-o-off between being b-bad and o-okay" I explain.
"Well I don't think its permanent so it should go away soon but you might have some other things that will show up every once in a while" he mentions.
"Ok... I-I'm really t-tired" I say with a yawn.
"Yeah you might be tired at random times for a while too"
"I think the stutters getting better" Jack points out.
"That's good... So I just want to do some tests and maybe scans then you can go but both of you will be off work until fully healed and Mark will be doing less than he had been" the doctor explains... I nod then look at Jack and sigh... Well this day went from 0 to 50 in half an our then 50 to 100 in 20 minutes... My life is great like that. Im just glad to be alive but that's the risk you take when being a police officer.
-The End-

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