All this Time

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Idea by IGracie-ChanI
-Mark's POV-
The bell rings for the end of the day.. I get up and my eyes land on him as he leaves the class. Hurry now! I gather my things then I head out.. my eyes scan the hall as I dig through my pocket, my hand barely getting a grasp on the folded up paper in my pocket. I spot him at his locker so I head to mine quickly and put everything in my backpack that I need to take home... once I'm done I turn to look at his locker but he's gone. My eyes search the crowd again then I see him leaving the school.. I push through quickly and I try to reach him. Once I go through the door I look around to see him starting his walk home.. I sprint after him full speed as I try to reach him. I get just a few steps behind him when something hits my head hard and knocks me off my feet... I fight to stay conscious as the world spins and fades. I look over to see Jack being forced into a pickup truck.. I grab my phone and call 911.
"This is 911 what is your emergency?"
"I'm at *high school name* some kid just got forced into a truck.. and.... I.. can't... please..." I close my eyes and go unconscious. I open my eyes to see I'm in the hospital... I sit up and look around panicked.. the door opens and I see my dad come in.
"Mark... I'm glad you're okay..."
"Are you searching? For Jack?" I ask him.. he nods.
"I've got a bunch of my men searching the area, his home and they're trying to put together some statements from some other kids that saw it happen... there's also an amber alert.."
"No... that's not right! They'll know we're looking and they'll kill him!" I get up off the bed then I drop to my knees as I start to cry.
"Mark.. It's okay... we'll find him" he crouches and hugs me.
"I hope so..." I cry into his shoulder "Dad.... I haven't told you this before because I wasn't sure how to... but I love him"
"I could see it in your eyes when he came over a few times.. it wasn't completely hidden" he mentions.
"Can I help find him?"
"You can give us your story but you are not running into danger to find him.. okay?" He explains.. I get up and sit down on the bed again.
"Fine.... I'll see what I can give you although I didn't see much since I got a blow to the head" I point out.
"Anything can help us"
-7 years Later-
I am in the middle of a training course when I spot my coach wave me over... I sprint over to see my dad standing beside him.. I smile.
"Dad.. how are you?" I ask as I hug him.
"Looks like you're working hard... I hope to work with you some day Mark" he smiles back but his smile drops "do you remember today 7 years ago.. when you were... what.. 16?" My gaze drops to the ground but then I perk up and look at him.
"Did you find him?" I ask with wide eyes but he just shakes his head then I understand.. 7 years ago "your declaring him dead?" My heart breaks at those words.
"Yes.. I'm sorry and I can't make my men look for him behind my bosses back anymore.. I don't want to loose my job Mark" he lowers his voice as he takes me away from my coach so he doesn't hear.. I nod.
"Okay.." my voice breaks "but I can't guarantee that I won't open the case when I am a cop" I look in your his eyes.
"I figured as much and you're graduation is in a week?" He asks... I nod "I'll get you the case and 2 weeks to find any major leads or its going away again"
"Alright" I smirk and nod as I get excited "I'll find him"
"I hope you do but for your sake I hope he's alive" he sighs "Alright.. I gotta go.. but I'll see you soon"
"Ok.. love you" I hug him before he leaves.
-3 years later-
I am sitting at my desk organizing files and papers before I head home. It's sometimes hard being a police chief... I've only been in this position for about a year I don't know how my dad did it for as long as he did. I move some papers around then I put my hand on a file and I read the number.. I open it and look at the picture. I wonder what Jack looks like now... he's probably really handsome... well probably not the best he could be. Then my eyes water... every time I think about him I think that he's alive when he could be dead and it's killing me not to know but at least I have some hope.. right? I sigh as I tear hits the file.. I wipe it off then I file it away in my desk drawer.. I've always kept it here instead of in the archives where it should be. (Btw i dont know how 911 calls work) The alarms in the building go off signaling a 911 call.. I head out of my office and look at the huge TV that's on the wall.. it says the address and what's going on. Sean Mcloughlin?! I run back to my office and get my things together before I head out with 3 other cops with me since it's not too dangerous. I turn on the lights and sirens as I speed down several roads that lead me out of the city to a small service station.. I pull in and get out with a first aid kit because the ambulance doesn't seem to be here yet. I head into the building where the only other person in there is the owner who is sitting next to him. I see a family small scared boy who surprisingly doesn't look all too different from when I last saw him.
"Jack..." I smile as I wrap a blanket around him.. he flinches then his eyes brighten as he realizes who it is.
"I've been looking for you this whole time... I knew you couldn't be dead" I hug him but not too hard since he's injured.
"I saw them hit you.. I thought they killed you" Jack whispers as we hear the ambulance get closer.
"You should've been more worried about you.." I point out as I move out of the way to let the paramedics take him "I'll see you at the hospital.. I promise" I say as me and my two men head to the car. Once i'm in I start driving back into town... I head to the station where I drop my men off and the car then I get into my car and I clock out for the day.. I head straight to the hospital. I spend no time parking my car then i head in and to the front desk.
"What room is Sean McLoughlin in?" I ask quickly as the woman scrambles for her papers then comes up with the name she needs.
"Sean's in with the doctor right now so if you don't mind waiting then i'll let you know when he's out and allowed visitors" I nod to her before I take a seat then pull out my phone. I call my dad immediately.
"Dad.... he's alive. We found him.." I smile with tears in my eyes.
"Jack? Where? How?" I can tell my dad is happy as well.
"I'm not sure yet but he called the cops so he must've escaped somehow"
"Alright well... i'll let you go. I know you'll be busy the next few days.. come see me when you can" He suggests.
"I will, I promise... Bye" I hang up then I just sit there smiling for the next few minutes before the woman at the front desk hangs up from a call then looks at me.
"You may now go to see him... Room 127.. just down the hall" she nods down the hall just across from me.. I nod to her then get up and I have to force myself not to run down the hall. My eyes land on each of the numbers as I quickly head down the hall searching for his room. I finally reach his room... when I look in I see the doctor is still there talking to him.. I open the door and head in without hesitation. Jack's face lights up when he sees me.
"Mark" he smiles then wraps his arms around me.
"Are you the boyfriend?" the doctor asks me.. I hesitate and about to say no but I don't get a chance to speak.
"Yes" Jack smiles at me.. I smirk then look back at the doctor.
"Mark Fischbach" I say as I watch the man smile... he chuckles.
"you've stuck with him for this long? I remember hearing you're stunts on the local radio or news" he then turns to Jack "he tried so many times to sneak out and find you... almost got himself killed 3 times.. and that's not including the times after he became a cop" I smile at the ground as I remember hearing my stories on the radio or at school... I felt proud that people know "Anyway.. i'll leave you be" the doc says as he leaves the room. As soon as the door closes Jack fits his mouth to mine.. his arms around my neck as if holding on for life. When we break i smile then tears fall from my eyes.
"The day it happened I was trying to get to you to give you something and I knew you were in a rush that day so I was trying to be quick but then everything happened" I explain as I pull the soft cloth like paper from my pocket and hand it to him "I've always kept it in my car in case I found you so I grabbed it for you to read"
"It's a note?"

 Dear Jack,

I know were not the best friends but every time you come over or we hang out I feel like we've been friends forever and when you fall asleep in my bed, I can't help but stare. You're beautiful, handsome and so damn adorable that I have to force myself to not kiss you or hold your hand right then and there and its killing me that you aren't mine. You adorable little ball of energy, I will protect you and I will never leave you for as long as I live even if it's just as a friend, i'm okay with that but just think about it. Sean? Will you be my boyfriend? And if not what do i have to do to prove i'm worthy or that I really do love you?



"You don't have to prove anything because I think you just did" he sniffles as he buries his face in my neck "I love you and I can't believe that you were just about to ask me out when this happened"
"And I haven't been with anyone since"
"Really? What if I was dead?"
"Only after I found and saw your body would I move on... and well if we never found a body.. i would die a virgin" I grin as he gigles.
"Hmm.. so you're still a virgin? What if I change that later?"
"How are you so calm and like you're old self.. do you not remember the 10 years in captivity?" I laugh as he smiles.. but then his smile drops.
"After 5 years of torture... I stopped feeling pain, I stopped feeling scared, and I guess I just stopped feeling.. and so being able to block that out the next 5 years seemed to go by quick and I still have my sanity" I press kisses to his forehead.
"I'm sorry that you had to go through that... What did they do to you? How did they hurt you?" I ask as I remember I should be taking things to try to catch and put whoever did this in jail for life.
"It was just physically.. not sexually if that's what you're getting at"
"I'm a virgin too... god you're so pushy" he jokes as we both laugh.
"I'm so glad that you're not to traumatized by this whole thing... you've always been strong while I break down in tears" I sigh.
"Hey, you fought and almost got yourself killed what 6 times?"
"8" I correct as I blush and sigh.
"Damn... I mean I don't think I wouldn't try to find you but I would probably stick to letting the cops do that for a while then I would do small things" Jack explains as he presses his forehead to mine.
"My mom sent me to a psychiatrist because she thought I had a death wish and.. god forbid you were ever found dead then maybe I would have.. but.. I always kept hope that you were still alive" I sigh.
"And I guess it payed off in the end" Jack smiles "I love you Mark"
"I love you too"
-The End-

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