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-Mark's POV-
"Ugggghhh!" Jack groans as he sits on the couch beside me.
"What's wrong baby" I ask as I place my hand on his knee.
"I have too much going on right now and I have no time just to relax and talk or cuddle with you... I'm also always tired" he complains "I'm in the middle of moving here still... Getting videos ready for the next week off I'm gonna have and dealing with more stuff I have to get because I'm new here"
"Shh... I can help edit videos like I've already said before.. And if you need help with anything I'm here to help" I suggest to him as I pull him onto my lap... He is straddling my lap facing me.. Our foreheads pressed.
"Yeah I know... I just thought I could do this all on my own since you've done it several times" Jack says as he buries his face in my neck.
"Well I've only done it once to another state and the others weren't as far but yours is so much farther and harder because it a different country" I explain as I run my hands up and down his back.
"I'm also stressed because..." Jack hesitated to tell me.
"Because what?"
Jack giggles "because I'm so horny" i raise an eyebrow at him.
"I can fix that" I say as I press my lips to his... Jack breaks the kiss.
"Please do" Jack whispers as he reconnects the kiss. I slowly grind against him gaining a moan from him... I move my one hand down and I palm Jack through his jeans as I take his shirt off with the other hand.
"You fucking tease" Jack giggles at me as he grinds against my hand for more friction..  He also makes my hand move against my own crotch so I groan as well. I push Jack onto his back on the couch.. Our lips are still connected as I pull my own shirt off... I feel Jack's hands run down my chest and to my jeans.. he unbuttons them then I stand up and undress myself. Jack giggles at me as I pull down my boxers... He bites his lip then looks me up and down... I then move over to him... I place myself between his legs as I unbutton and pull off his jeans followed by his boxers. I sit back then I pull Jack onto my lap so we're sitting like we were before... I move my mouth to his neck.. I start kissing and sucking all over his neck then down his chest.. I occasionally suck on one of of his nipples and I get several moans from him. I pull away and I look at Jack.. He is sitting tall with his chest puffed out and his head back... He so sexy... I lift him up a bit and he gets the message. Jack pushes himself up a bit so he's hovering over me... Then he sits down around me.. We both groan from pleasure.. I wait for Jack to adjust then he starts moving up and down.
"Oh fuck... Jack faster" I groan as he is going slow so it's painful.
"I'll go as fast as I want" Jack chuckles as he presses his hand into my throat practically choking me... He knows how I like it. He then starts going faster and hard... We both practically start screaming our moans... I start thrusting against Jack.
"Oh fuck... M-Mark! Holy fuUUCCCKK!" Jack screams as I seem to hit his prostate. I chuckle a bit but that quickly turns into a moan as Jack leans into my neck and bites down on just the right spot... And with that I'm done.. I can't take anymore. I release my hot load inside of Jack.. My head rolls back as I grunt with each second I ride out my orgasm. With a few more bounces Jack cums onto my chest.. He collapses forward onto me.. His face buried into my neck.... We both rest there panting and catching our breath. Jack slowly gets up off of me then sits next to me... He smiles at me.
"I feel so much better now... I am stress free... For now" he sighs.
"Shhh... Let's go take a relaxing shower... Then we can go to sleep don't think about anything else but you and me the whole time" I say as I pick Jack up bridle style and carry him up to the bathroom... He giggles and squeals the whole time. Once we get up to the bathroom I set him down then I turn on the shower and we both step in... The warm water running down our bodies is really relaxing and I feel like I could fall asleep then and there but I force myself to stay awake. It takes no time to wash ourselves off then things just turn into a make out session... I have my body pressed against Jack's while his is pressed against the wall... My right hand is holding both of Jack's above his head while my left hand roams his body and my tongue is basically down his throat... I feel Jack grind against me.. I moan into his mouth.
"Don't start what you can't finish" I say.
"Exactly why I'm doing it" he chuckles.
"Oh yeah... We'll take this" I say as I take my left and and I shove two fingers up his ass while grinding against him... Jack moans but so do I because me grinding against him gets the both of us.
"Nope.. You're not gonna fucking get me hard again" Jack giggles as he manages to push me away from him.
"Oh I will" I say as I lean back against the wall and I start to pump myself because I already got hard... I start moaning quietly as my head goes back and my mouth hangs open... I continue this for a few minutes before I get forcefully turned and pushed into the wall.
"You're gonna regret doing this" Jack grunts at I'm assuming the pain of his erection then he bend me over so that my head and forearms are pressed to the wall while my butt is sticking out towards Jack... I feel him push his cock into me. I groan in pain and pleasure... I've only been the sub a few times and it still kinda hurts... Jack doesn't hesitate to start thrusting into me hard and fast.. He pushes deep inside of me... I then practically scream when I feel him hit my prostate.
"FUCK! RIGHT THERE!" I groan really loud. Every thrust from then on hits the same spot... I am a moaning mess as I feel myself getting closer to my orgasm quickly... After a few more thrusts me and Jack both cum at the same time.. I feel him fill me up. Jack pulls out of me then we turn off the water and step out... We wrap ourselves with  towels then we head to our room... We both slip on boxers then we climb into bed cuddling each other.
"I feel so much better... Thank you Moo" Jack kisses me softly.
"No problem... I love you... I'm always here to help" I smile.
"I love you too"
-The End-

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