Can't Keep my Hands to Myself

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This is kinda how I wish the panel would have gone.... SMUT WARNING!!
-Jack's POV-
I look to my left to see Mark staring me up and down.. I then look to my right to see Wade looking out at the crowd while answering a question that was for him and I look out in front of me to see the huge room of people here to see this panel at pax east. Wade finishes answering then we come up to our last question.... It's for all of us.
"Can you guys show us some of your sick and nasty dance moves?" A guy asks.
"Hell yes! Get some Selena Gomez on.... Can't keep my hands to myself!" I sing as I get up and start dancing.
"Oh you can't can you?" Mark ask with a smirk. I smirk back at him as I dance towards him... The music now playing..... All 3 of us are up and dancing now and just in time because in a couple minutes or so the panel is gonna end.
"Can't keep my hands to myself! I mean I could but why would I want to!?" I yell into the small mic on my shirt.
(I know They only had desk mics but it wouldn't have worked for my story)
Mark then puts his hands on my lower back and pulls me close so that our bodies are pressed..... The crowd screams because of septiplier.
"Oh by the way..." Mark say as he smiles to the crowd "septiplier is real" he whispers as the music was turned down because he started talking. I wrap my arms around his neck and Mark places his hands on my butt much to my dislike but oh well.... Then we connect our lips in a kiss that makes the room fill with cheers, screams, cries and probably boos. I then feel Mark deepen the kiss as his breathing and heart rate speed up... I know that as only one thing... Lust... Mark breaks the kiss but keeps me in a hug. I cuddle into his chest but then I hear rustling and my breathing through both of our mics... I turn mine off and Mark unhooks his from his shirt then holds it while still hugging me.
"Ok this is a really awkward and difficult position but we'll make it work.... Anyway so this is now the end of the Markiplier and Friends panel today" Mark pauses gaining awes from the crowd "I know you want to see more septiplier but there is one last surprise for you guys..."
"I'm staying at Mark's place for this next week! That's why I was working so hard getting videos ready...." I say into the mic Mark has in his hand.
"Yay!" Mark cheers as he hugs me tightly then kisses me on the forehead "so you'll see more videos of us later this week or next depending on if we want to edit the vids"
"Wade! Any last words? Sorry we hogged the spotlight..... Just getting the news out" I say as I run over to Wade then hug him.
"No it's okay I was wondering when and how you were going to tell them.... But I guess thanks for coming to see us and hope you had fun watching us play this fun card game!" Wade says as Mark comes over and joins the group hug. When in the hug Mark's hand makes its way to my butt and squeezes it... I jump then push him away... The lights then dim and turn off as we are told to go back stage because they need to get ready for their next panel. When we get into the small back room to gather our stuff I am pushed back against the wall with Mark's lips pressed to mine and his fingers hooked under the waistband of my jeans.. He starts slowly pushing them down but I stop him as Wade is still in the room along with other people.
"Mark no.... Wait till we get back to the hotel room" I say relieved that they cut the mics off or else they would have heard that.
"Fine" Mark pouts grumpily as he takes my hand and practically drags me through the halls and to his car without letting anyone know we left. Mark drives us back to our hotel room and as soon as we get in the door is locked and I'm back in the same position I was put in earlier.... This time Mark doesn't hesitate to pull my jeans and boxers off as I pull my shirt off and throw it across the room. Soon enough we are both naked and on the bed... Me on my back with Mark between my legs thrusting into me as hard as he can... It hurts for a few minutes until I feel nothing but pleasure and I can no longer hold back my moans.
"Oh fuck Mark! Faster!" I yell almost at the top of my lungs. I feel Mark speed up to a point where I am just overwhelmed with pleasure and the godly moans coming from Mark's mouth.... He wraps his hand around my erection then starts pumping me at the same speed as his thrusts.
"Jack I'm gonna.... Fuck!" Mark moans breathlessly.
"M-me too" I struggle to even form words. Just then I release onto my belly and Mark's hand while he cums into me.... We both let out loud moans that I bet the entire hotel can hear. Mark just collapses on top of me... His smooth, toned, sweaty and sexy body laying on mine..... Both of us breathing heavily.
"Do you think they would understand if we just stayed in here for the rest of the night.... And just.... Have fun?" Mark asks with a smirk as he starts placing kisses on my chest, neck and all over my face.
"Mark..... It's only 7:00..... I'm sure all of them want to hang out... I do too because I don't get to see them much" I say as I wrap my arms around Mark then I flip over so I'm now on top of him "besides.... You can have this as much as you want all of next week when I'm staying at your place"
"Fine... Well I guess we should at least shower first" Mark suggests as he points to the cum on my chest that also transferred to his when he laid on me.
"Nah.... We don't need to" I smirk as I lean down then I start licking his lower belly. After a bit of Mark begging for me to go lower or him getting a moan caught in his throat... I finally clean the cum off his belly then I just leave Mark pouting on the bed as I just clean my chest with a cloth.
"Why?" I hear Mark ask as I wipe down my chest.
"Why are you so god damn sexy?" Mark smirks.
"I could ask you the same" I say as I rinse the cloth then I step back out beside the bed. I throw the cloth at Mark then he starts wiping the sweat and my saliva off of him.... He gives me a sexy glare as he is doing it so I can't help but giggle at everything he does.
"Will you fucking stop it!" I yell at him as he throws the cloth at me.
"No... I won't" Mark argues as he grabs me and pulls me back onto the bed. I literally fall back onto the bed then Mark climbs onto me sitting on my waist... He starts kissing all over my chest, face and neck again.. Leaving visible hickeys all over me.
"Mark... You're such a slut"
"I'm your slut" Mark smirks as he presses his lips to mine... We kiss for a while till Mark breaks it "can't keep my hands to myself"
"Mark no"
"No matter how hard I'm trying to" Mark sings softly.
"I'm seeing the pain, seeing the pleasure" I sing back.
"I want you all to myself... You're metaphorical gin and juice"
"Nobody but you, 'body but me, 'body but us
Bodies together"
"So come on, give me a taste"
"I'd love to hold you close, tonight and always"
"Of what it's like...." Mark gets cut off by a knock at the door.
"Mark? Jack? Do you guys want to go out for a late dinner?" It's clearly Wade at the door.
"You're such a party pooper Wade!" Mark yells at him "but please for the love of God don't come in"
"I wasn't gonna and I heard what I was ruining... By the way I've been standing here since the first lyrics but I didn't want to stand here all day and I didn't want to interrupt so I waited" Wade says.
"Oh... Oops" Mark laughs.
"Is it just you?" I ask.
"No... Molly, Ken and Mary are here but they're slow and down the hall just a few doors" Wade says with a laugh that clearly indicates that he has been scolded by Molly.
"Ok we'll be out" Mark calls back with a sigh "we'll finish singing later"
"Fucking Wade... Had to ruin a beautiful moment" I sigh as I give a legitimately sad look to Mark.
"Awe babe.... It's okay" Mark comforts me as he pulls me up into a sitting position where I'm straddling his lap as he sits up against the headboard... He hugs me tight.
"I'm so tired and I don't want to put clothes on" I pout as I bury my head in Mark's neck. Mark places a kiss to my forehead which makes me giggle.... He smiles at me then kisses me on the nose... I giggle again.
"You're such a little kid... And that is why I love you"
"I love you too" I say as I press my forehead to his.
-The End-

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