Gender Bent (Part 1)

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Okay so I think I'm just gonna do the first two days with this story... I'm also contemplating on making a separate book about the college adventures of Jackie and Marko... It's just fun writing this. So idk what do you think?
-Marko's POV-
I brush out my shoulder length black hair as I get ready to go to school... It's the beginning of collage and I'm excited... I have all my stuff packed and now I just have to take it to my dorm room and unpack for tomorrow. The left side of my head is shaved short and I have glasses that bring out my chocolate brown eyes.
"Mark! Let's go so you can get there and have enough time to unpack and get settled in!" My mom yells up the stairs at me. I put on my red flannel and some grey sweatpants along with my black high tops... I grab my phone then I head downstairs to see my mom heading out to the car.. My stuff is all packed in the car already.
"Geez it's like you are eager to get rid of me" I chuckle as I get in the passenger side of the car.
"I'm just excited for you that's all sweetie... I would never want to get rid of my favorite daughter" my mom smiles at me as she pulls out of the driveway. I laugh at her remark... I'm the favorite out of me and my older sister Tonya (Tom).
"So Mark you excited? Oh and are you still gonna get people to call you Mark instead of Marko?" My mom asks.
"Why not? I like it... Plus I do still act more like a guy than I do a girl" I point out as I look out the window.
"What do you hope to get out of this year?" She asks me.
"Umm... Hmm... New closer friends I can hang with..probably"
"Not... Finding a girlfriend? Or boyfriend?" My mom asks.
"Uhhh... Let's please not talk about that... I can if I want to but please stop hassling me.. I just haven't found anyone I like" I sigh "especially ones that are fine with my sexuality"
"Awe sweetie... Things will get better.. You will find someone that you are happy with" my mom reassures.
"All I can do is hope" I say to myself quietly.
-Jackie's POV-
I sigh as I look at myself in the mirror... My hair is like a boy's... Buzzed short around the sides and back then longer on top but it's green on top. My blue eyes very noticeable and my pale skin making it very clear I'm not from here.. I'm already in my dorm room and I'm already unpacked.. I wonder who my room mate is? Oh please be a cute girl that likes girls... I'm bisexual but none of my other friends are... Which sucks because I've only dated one other guy and he didn't even like me... It was just a dare.. Asshole! I am wearing blue skinny jeans with a red t-shirt and grey high tops... I sit down on my bed on the left side of the room... I decide to go for a walk maybe find out the name of my roommate or make new friends. I head out and I lock the room just incase someone wants to take my stuff... I start walking slowly down the hall of the girls dorm building... The guys is right across but we're not aloud in there and the guys aren't aloud here... That's the good thing about being bi is that I can hook up with girls in my own dorm without being in trouble. I know that rule will be broken anyway so why bother having it... As I walk by all the girls in the halls they look at me with a look of disgust.
"Put a bag over your face... Ugly bitch" I feel as if I just got punched in the gut.. the wind gets knocked out of me... I try to brush it off then I walk outside where all the people who are done unpacking are hanging out making friends or seeing friends again... I walk past a group of boys who all make gagging sounds as they look at me. I can't help it anymore... I just sprint back to my room with tears threatening to fall... When I get in I lock the door behind me then I just crawl into my bed and cry into my pillow... I'm not the prettiest girl but they don't have to be rude about it.
"No... Mom... You can go now..... What? Of course not.... I can take care of this myself... Goodbye luv you" I hear a voice right outside of the door... Oh no... I'm gonna be criticized by this one probably as well... I never thought about that. I hear a key go in the lock as it clicks open... The door opens and I don't even hide I just stay how I am not caring if she hears me cry.... I hear moving, shuffling and the sound of boxes hitting the ground then the door closes.
"Hello?" I hear her ask I can tell she's looking at me "are you okay? Oh um... I'm Marko by the way... I want people to call me Mark because I'm a tomboy... My parents call me that" I sit up.. Hugging my knees and I look at her... Holy. God. She's so beautiful and sexy... Her black hair... She has no makeup on.. She's not even trying and she's so beautiful... I won't be friends with her.. She'll be in the popular kids group for sure.
"No" Marko.. Er I mean Mark says with a stern look on her face... I get confused.
"W-what?" My pathetic voice cracks and my accent sounds stronger even for saying just one word.
"No judging until we know each other... I can already tell you think I'm gonna be rude and am gonna be in the pretty girls group... I'm not" she says as she starts unpacking some of her stuff "okay well what's your name?"
-Marko's POV-
I glance over at the adorable, small, scared and sad girl in a ball on her bed... Tears stained to her face from recent crying... I continue to unpack my stuff as I make conversation.
"I-I'm Jackie... I'm a tomboy too" she gives a weak smile to me as she wipes her eyes.
"Are you from Ireland?" I ask.. Her accent is amazing and I just want to listen to her talk all day.. Am I? Falling in love... Oh my god... Love at first sight!
"Yeah.. Most people can't guess it right away" Jackie perks up her face brightening.
"Well I like Irish accents.. They're cute" I say with a smile as I see her blush... Did I just make a move?
"Where are you from? You sound American but look.. Different.." Jackie says as she moves into a more comfortable position.
"Yeah.. I am different thats for sure" I laugh "I'm part Korean... Part American and a bunch of others" me and Jackie talk and laugh for a few more hours while I get settled in.. By then its around 2:00.. I notice I am sitting beside Jackie on her bed.
"Hey Mark?"
"I never actually told you why I was crying" she reminds me.
"Oh yeah.. What was up with that?" I ask as I turn so I'm sitting cross legged facing her.
"Well... Everyone was calling me ugly" she looks sad again "well only one actually said anything all the other girls just gave me disgusted looks and the boys started to pretend to gag"
"That's awful... You're not ugly... If anything they just don't know what beauty without makeup looks like" I say as I pull her into a hug... She tries to escape the hug.
"No... No hugs" she laughs.
"You're getting a hug no matter what" I say as I climb onto her lap and hug her tightly "this is probably less awkward for girls who are straight because it means nothing" we both start laughing and giggling a lot.
"Wait what?" Jackie looks at me shocked "what do you mean?"
"I mean..." I move my mouth to her ear "I like you" she then presses her lips to mine as she pulls me so our bodies are pressed.. I'm still straddling her lap as well... My stomach growls loudly.. We break the kiss and we both have shocked looks on our faces.
"Wanna go get food?" Jackie asks me with a giggle.
"How do you know I'm hungry for food?" I ask seductively as a wink at her then I get off and stand up.
"Wow are you always like this around friends?"
"No because none of my friends are bi or lesbian... I'm weird around them but not that weird... You're just lucky" I laugh as I grab my phone and my wallet then I put them in the pockets of my sweatpants.
"This day just got a lot better... Although.. I don't want to walk past anyone" Jackie says looking scared.
"Don't worry I used to be a gardener I know how to handle hoes" I say with a smile as I open the door... I hear Jackie laughing.
"We're you actually?"
"No.. But you said you grew up on a farm... There you go.. Use that as a comeback" I laugh as we walk outside to see a bunch of people walking around talking and a bunch eating. We walk by a group of guys who start looking me up and down... I the hear a whistle.
"Damn hottie what you doin walking with the walking dog shit here" one guy says.
"Ha ha... That's funny you call her shit, considering you're the one with bullshit coming out of your mouth" I say as a girl comes up beside him and grabs his hand "oh has your tool come to save you?"
"Tool?" The guy asks.
"Oh.. You must not have been a farmer.. Lesson one.. that's what they call a hoe" I say... His friends are in the back laughing but him and his girlfriend are just shocked "now please... Leave us alone or I will fight you.. I'm not afraid to get physical" I take Jackie's hand as we walk off heading off campus.
"That was amazing... Thank you so much for helping me" she laughs.
"No problem... That was fun and I was just getting started... Ok so where do you want to go to eat?" I ask. We decide on a small Chinese food restaurant.... We eat there for about an hour and by then it's about 4:00 so we decide that was our dinner for tonight... We just walk around town for an hour or two... Just hanging out and having fun... Then we head back to the campus because it's 6:00. We stumble back to our room since we did have a few drinks before we came back... We aren't too drunk though... When we get in we lock the door then I get pulled on top of Jackie.. Her hands on the back of my head and our mouths fit together... Our tongues fighting for dominance... I win. My hands push her hands to the bed and pin them there with my right hand... While my left hand pulls her shirt up over her head... I then let go of her hands and they immediately start unbuttoning my flannel shirt... She is just about to slide it off but then my phone starts ringing.
"Who the fuck is calling me?" I say as I stand up an grab my phone from my pocket "hello?"
"Hi sweetie... I'm just calling to ask how your first day in your new home is" my mom says.
"Hi mom.... Why couldn't you just text me?"
"Because you wouldn't have answered" she points out.
"True..." I laugh.
"So have you had fun today?"
"Yeah... Um hold on a sec" I take the phone from my ear and I look to Jackie "I'm going into the bathroom.. No eves dropping please"
"Fine... I'm going to sleep" Jackie says as she curls up on her bed.. I smile at her as I hear my mom.
"Is that your roommate?"
"Yeah... It is" I say as I close the bathroom door behind me "I like her.. She's nice... She's like me.. A tomboy"
"Are you guys together already?" My mom asks.
"I don't think so but we both know that we like each other... So in time we will be" I grin widely at the thought of Jackie being mine.
"Well that's good..." Me and my mom talk for about 10 minutes before she leaves me to go sleep. I walk out then I see Jackie is sound asleep so I decide I guess I should too... I take off my shirt and pants then I climb into bed... I pull the covers over me and it doesn't take long for me to fall asleep.
-To be continued-

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