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Ok so I started this but got bored with it and because I want to put something up for you guys I decided to post what I've got.. it may not be good or entertaining but here it is!
-Mark's POV-
Trees and leaves blur past me as my feet push me forward quickly... not stopping for anything. I jump, duck and dive through the forest.. my bow on my back. It's getting dark out and I need to get home before my friends get worried... they always do even though I'm one of the best hunters and warriors in my clan. Some even say the best in all the Nävi...I doubt it. I skid to a stop on the edge of a cliff... Everything is starting to glow... it's beautiful but deadly. I hear a Crack behind me... my ears flick towards the source.. I turn and squint looking through leaves.
"Help" I hear a groan of pain... they speak English.
"Who's there?" I ask my accent making it clear English is not my original language.
"Please...." I note his accent... it's strange and foreign. I creep closer.. still cautious in case it's a trap. I finally see someone laying in the Bush... he has blood on his face and he's covered in dirt.. he's one of us.. but he doesn't sound like one.
"Where are you from?" I grab his hands and bring them over my shoulders so that he is hanging off my back with his head on my shoulder.
"The humans... captured me when I was young and I grew up in this place they call Ireland.... on earth" he struggles to get out.
"So they dropped you off here?" I ask feeling anger rise in me.
"And because I didn't grow up here in can't fight these animals... I barely escaped a pack of dogs" he sighed onto my neck.
"Oh you call them different here" he explains.
"Nantang?" I suggest
"Yeah probably but on earth they look like what we call dogs" he explains "ahhrrrggg"
"Sorry... umm.. hold on" I drop him then I pick him up with one arm under his knees and on on his back "let's pick up the pace" I start running.
"Who taught you English?" He asks as I jump from brand to branch.
"Humans taught us hoping to create an agreement.. so they destroyed out home.. we found this tree which is now call our home" I explain as I finally reach my home... I walk in to see Jake and Neytiri ... our leaders.
"Mark... who is this?" Jake asks as I walk closer... Neytiri comes over and places a hand on the guy's forehead.
"I found him on the ground... he says humans dropped him after they took him when he was young" I explain as I put the boy on the ground.. on his feet. He stands for a moment before he falls but I catch him before he hits the ground... he's unconscious.
"Did you get his name?" Neytiri asks as she motions for me to follow... I shake my head.
"I didn't ask.... he doesn't know very much about the way of life here.." I look at Jake and he nods.
"Then I'll trust you to teach him... the language, how to hunt, everything like Neytiri did with me" he nods as I set him down in a bed.
"Let's let him rest" Neytiri says as they go to exit the room.
"I'll stay here and watch" I sit down on the rock beside the hammock that I normally sleep in... it's also for things like this. They both nod and leave.. I grab a cloth then I dip it in the bowl of water Neytiri left for him.. I lightly dab it on the bloody cuts on his face. There's something about this boy that makes me feel like I should be here to protect him every second I can... he looks so weak and... adorable... like a... kitten? Or what I've seen from Earth... Everything here is strong right from birth so I can't compare him to any animal from Pandora. I clean all of his cuts and scrapes for about 3 hours before I get tired myself... I lay back on the rock and just try to fall asleep... half an hour later I'm pulled under. When I wake up I see the boy sitting up beside me... I sit up then look at him.
"What's your name?" I ask.
"Jack" he smiles at me "I don't remember if it was given here or on Earth"
"Well... why don't I show you where you can wash up... I cleaned a lot of your cuts that will likely have to be bandaged but you should bathe first" I explain as I get up then my back cracks from laying on the rock. He follows me down the one vine that goes from my room to the main 'lobby' to this castle of a tree.. it's empty so it must still be night.
"Oh... maybe we should just go back to sleep.." he suggests worriedly.
"Nah.. it's better to do it now so no one's watching... I'm more of a privacy kind of person so I wash at night" I add.
"Oh.... so you're.. Mark?" He asks.. I nod as we reach a small water hole.
"You can wash I'll go grab something else for you to wear... I might have something" I quickly head back up to grab something similar to what I'm wearing... when I get back down he's in the water hole.. I set the piece of clothing down beside him then I grab the dirty... what humans call boxers and I throw them into a small fire that's out back. It's our 'trash' disposal. I sigh and look around in the dark... it's really quiet... why?
"MARK!" I sprint inside to see Jack being dragged away by a.. Thanator?! I run out after them quickly.
"Jack!" I yell as I start gaining on them... once I'm close enough I jump onto the Thanator's back.. it yells at me "let him go! Fight me instead!" I grab hold of the tail like things that come off its neck and yank them back hard causing it to scream and whip it's head back.. I look behind me to see it dropped Jack.. good. I jump off only to feel it's teeth dig into my calf hard... I cringe as I hit the ground hard then it flings me into a tree. Several branches scratch at my skin... I get myself up even though I hurt then I start climbing the tree I hit.. let's hope it's big enough that the Thanator won't get me. As I put my foot on the next branch up the Thanator breaks it so I slip and fall back onto a bunch of branches.
"Oh that's it!" I growl as I get up and pick up a branch before hitting him in the head several times "your lucky I don't have any weapons on me!" Getting them mad is a bad idea. His he hits me with his paw so I get flung back the way we came... I struggle but I push myself up... I need to get as far away from home as possible.. even if it kills me. I sprint past him.. grinding my teeth from the pain of my leg.. I've got to keep going.. I run fast for a couple minutes before I hear what sounds like Pa'li running.. a bunch of them too. I look back to see Jake and some others coming.. I sigh but I trip and tumble.. the Thanator rips it's claws down my chest then tries to get at my neck but I grab a hold of its head and hold it away for as long as I can.. my arms are about to give out when it gets yanked off of me.
"Mark get on!" Jake yells.. I get up then I hop up onto his horse without a second thought. I watch as the others drag the Thanator away... it's wrapped in vines and ropes so it won't escape until they let it go. I grunt with each time the horses feet hit the ground.. once we get there I pretty much fall off onto the ground.
"Mark... are you okay?" I look up to see Jack looking fairly unharmed... I smile.
"All that matters is that you're safe" I slowly stand.
"What happened?" Jake asks as Neytiri comes over and starts washing up some of my cuts.
"I brought Jack down to wash up then I left for a moment... that's when I heard him screaming... I couldn't grab any weapons in time" I breathe.
"Why did it attack me?" Jack asks looking scared.
"You probably just smelled like humans still... don't worry... it'll go away soon" I explain.
"But why did it attack you?"
"Because I attacked it... it won't back down from a fight unless it knows it can't win" I add "and it would've won too.. but you came just in time" I look at Jake.
"Thank you" Jack says quietly.. I smirk.
"No problem.. but now.. I'd like to sleep" I grunt as I limp up the large branch then into the small room that has my bed in it... my parents used to sleep in here with me.. but they both died when our old home tree got destroyed. I survived..  I wonder if that's when Jack got taken.. but why would they? And why don't I remember him if we are the same age... I would remember playing with him. I shake away the thought as I grab a cloth and some bandages... I wash then wrap my leg along with patching up some other cuts and scrapes.. when I finish it lay back in my bed. I fall asleep. When I wake I can see the sunlight coming through some of the small openings in the walls and I can hear people talking and laughing downstairs.

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