I'd do Anything for You

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This one is short and probably not good so... sorry but the idea I had in my head was good.. :(
-Jack's POV-
"I'll be right back... I gotta go to the washroom" Mark says as he kisses me then leaves me with Matt, Ryan, Ken and Felix.
"Hey lets play truth or dare" Felix suggests with excitement.
"This is gonna end badly... But sure" I say with a laugh.
"I'll go first!" Felix volunteers "Jack! Truth or Dare?"
"Fuck! Ummm... Dare? I guess?" I ask myself not sure if I want to get myself into a mess.
"Go on the Farris wheel alone" he smirks deviously with an evil laugh.
"No... I'm not doing that"
"Chicken!" Ryan says as the others make chicken noises.
"Just do it!" Ken says.
"Come on... Chik.. Chik.. Chicken!" Matt says "scaredy cat!"
"I'm not Scared! Fine I'll go! I'll show you fuckers" I say angrily as I stomp towards the line... There only a few people so I can't just wait till Mark comes back. It's my turn to get on... I get in then I calm down.
"It's fine... There nothing to worry about.. It doesn't get that high of the ground... Right?" My voice cracks as it starts to move... There is nobody else so it will immediately move a full circle... As it gets higher I just look out across the horizon trying to not look down.. But then they call my name... I look down and I go into a panic attack... Why'd they do this.. they know I don't like heights!
-Mark's POV-
I reach the guys but they're staring at something.
"Sorry I took so long but I got a few drinks... Where's Jack?" I ask curiously.
"We dared him to go up there" Felix says with a laugh as they look up.. I look to the very top of the Ferris wheel... My heart drops as I see Jack sitting with his head in his hands... He's having a panic attack!!!
"You fuckers screwed up bad!" I say as I put the drinks on the ground and run up to the wheel.. I look up and because there's people loading it's stopped.. There's only one thing I can think to do. I take a deep breath then I hop over the fence and I start climbing the wheel.. Holding on tight to the metal bars that make the wheel.
"Sir.. Excuse me! Get down or I'll call security!" The kid who runs the ride says to me... I ignore him then I continue climbing. I am about halfway when I hear police sirens getting closer... I don't care if I get arrested I need to help Jack.. He could hyperventilate and go unconscious or die from lack of oxygen... I don't want to risk anything. I eventually reach where Jack is.. I climb in and I pull him into a hug.
"Jack.. I'm here... You're fine... Breathe for me" I say in his ear.
"M-Mark? How?" Jack sniffles from crying.
"I climbed" I grin at him... He begins to calm down then I notice were getting closer to the bottom "you okay now?"
"Yeah" he nods as he wipes his eyes.
"Good... Those fuckers are gonna get it... They told me what they did... You should have come found me" I say.
"They were pressuring me" he explains as we are now at the bottom. There are cops there waiting... The kid points at me... I sigh.
"He was having a panic attack... I had to get to him or something bad could have happened" I argue as the cops grab me and cuff me.
"I was... And if not for him I may have hyperventilated or worse" Jack adds.
"We have orders and that's to take you back to the station... You can argue to the chief" the cops says as he pushes me into the car... I glare at my "friends" and they look away with regret... Good! I am taken back to the station where I'm out in a room with a one way mirror.
"Tell me why you did this?" What looks a Chief asks me.
"I had left my group to go to the bathroom but when I came back my boyfriend was at the top of the Farris wheel by himself and he's afraid of heights... He was having a panic attack and I needed to help him.. He could have gone unconscious from lack of oxygen if I hadn't helped" I explain.
"Why was he up there In the first place?"
"He was pressured by our 'friends' to go up... And I have no idea why when they know he's scared of heights" I admit.
"Hmm... Well.. We will ask your boyfriend if you'd like to call him" the officer says as he hands me my phone.
"Okay" I say as I call Jack... He comes down and confirms my story then we are allowed to go home. Me and Jack get back to our place only to find the others are there... They look sad and don't say anything... I Slap Felix across the face for suggesting the dare... It was a hard hit too because he falls to the floor.
"You aren't welcome here!" I say sternly "leave!"
"Listen... Jack... I'm sorry for suggesting the idea but this is a little harsh.." Felix says... I snap.
"You have the right to say what's harsh? No! Because what is harsh is basically blackmailing him to do something he didn't want to do!!" I yell as I push Felix against the wall "I don't want to hear another word from you... Leave before I hurt someone"
"Good choice" Ryan says as they all quickly run off.
"Don't worry I won't be mad at them forever... I just needed to teach a lesson"
"And what is that lesson?" Jack asks as he moves closer.
"Nobody messes with you... If so they get the Darkiplier" I smirk as he giggles and buries his face in my chest.
"You're like a super hero... Climbing the wheel to save me" Jack smiles "thank you"
"You don't need to thank me... I'd do anything for you"
-The End-

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