The Side No One Sees

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-Jack's POV-
I walk out of the guest bedroom down to the living room to see Mark, Ryan and Matt sitting on the couch talking... The smell of coffee in the air.
"Hey! You're awake!" Mark says excitedly as he gets up and pours me a cup of coffee.
"How long have you guys been awake?" I ask nervously.
"About 3 hours" he says as we head back to the living room.
"Oops, sorry" I say with a laugh "I guess I was tired from the flight yesterday"
"Don't apologize it's fine... I would be too if I were you" Mark says.
"So what do we have planned for today?" I ask as I take a sip of my coffee.
"These guys are gonna go buy some food soon then I guess we're just gonna relax maybe play some games if you want..... Or is there somewhere you wanted to go?" Mark says.
"No that's fine... I think today I just want to get settled and adjusted into the time zone so maybe tomorrow we can go out" I suggest.
"Sounds like a plane" Mark nods as Matt and Ryan get up head to the door.
"Why do we have to go? Why can you go?" Ryan complains.
"Because I invited our guest here so I have to entertain the guest.... You go get food for later" Mark over exaggerates his explanation "God... Don't you guys understand the rules of having a guest over!?" I laugh at him.
"I think Mark's trying to impress" Matt says as him and Ryan get outta here before they get they're faces smashed in by Mark. Mark gets up and locks the door then looks back at me with a determined stare... I get kinda scared.
"Um... Mark?" I say as he practically runs at me. He stands me up then pushes me back against the wall... My hands pinned above my head and his tongue down my throat... I try and escape his grasp but it's impossible. I try to say something but it just comes out as mumbling. Mark then just pins me with one hand the other goes down my side and I get slapped on the thigh... I yelp into the kiss... I then get picked up and taken up to his room. I struggle to get out of his grasp still, to no avail... I then get thrown on the bed but my hands get cuffed to the headboard, I get blindfolded and gagged... I try to break free and I try to tell him to stop but I just revive another slap to the inside of my thigh.. I Yelp to the best of my ability. I then feel Mark literally rip my shirt off and throw it to the floor... He starts kissing and sucking on my chest, nips and stomach... I feel myself get hard as his mouth moves closer to my V-line... My breath picks up pace. I know this is wrong because I have a girlfriend but I don't want him to stop now... I mean I do... But I-I don't... I don't know! I pull on the cuffs trying to break free but I can't... I then decide to the next best thing I kick him off me but I then receive a hard slap to my thigh again. The next thing I feel... Mark pulls my pants off in one swift movement... Now I'm completely naked and vulnerable for him to do as he pleases... That kinda turns me on.... I get flipped over to I'm on my stomach.. I then get slapped on the ass.
"On your knees" Mark orders... I obey as not to get smacked again. I then feel my face pushed into the pillow my butt sticking up in the air.... I scream into the gag as I feel something cold push into me... The pain unbearable... I come to the conclusion that it's a butt plug... Why does Mark..? Y'know I'm not gonna question anything at this point because this is a whole new side of Mark I've never seen. My mind then goes blank as I feel him slip something else cold onto my erection... I moan then I try to ask him what it is but it is inaudible even for me... He doesn't say anything so I just try to forget about it. My mind is elsewhere so I don't realize what's going on until I feel something pound into me hard.... Mark? I hear him grunting and groaning with each thrust... My mind then wanders to what Mark looks like.... He's obviously big because this feels so good... But his naked body slamming into mine.. I wish I could see! I feel myself getting closer.... A few more thrusts then I feel a very strange feeling that almost hurts... I the realize... The cock ring... Fuck! I feel Mark release inside of me.... He then flips me over so I'm now on my back... I feel the gag come out of my mouth and the blindfold comes off along with the cock ring... But I'm still cuffed. My eyes widen as I see Mark... He is a sweaty, sexy, naked, panting mess.... I feel myself get hard at the sight... He smirks at me as he moves closer then presses his lips to mine.. I kiss back. He then starts kissing and sucking on my neck... Moving down my chest and eventually reaching my V-line.... He fits his mouth over my erection... I moan several curse words with Mark's name mixed in. He just starts bobbing his head... He deep throats me.... Oh god it feels so good... After a few minutes I cum into his mouth.
"Oh fuck! Fuck Mark! Holy shite!" I moan as I calm down and catch my breath.
"Are you okay?" Mark asks after we both calm down and catch our breath "did I hurt you at all?"
"No.. I'm great... Well I'd be better if you took off the handcuffs" I say as he grabs the key then takes them off... I sit up.
"I was worried you would take it as rape" Mark looks down at his hands.
"I wouldn't because I've wanted this for... A while now" I say honestly.
"Then why were you struggling before?"
"Because I knew it was wrong since I have a girlfriend" I sigh "by the way... I've never seen that side of you before... Is it Darkiplier?"
"Yeah kinda... I guess" he smirks "so this is just between us right?"
"Well it depends.... Whether we continue as nothing happened or as a couple" I say as I look into Mark's eyes.. He perks up.
"You.... Would really dump your girlfriend for me?" He asks.
"Well... I guess..... Mostly since you're way better than she is at sucking dick and because I like the feeling of cock up my ass" I laugh.
"So the deciding point is sex?" He asks raising an eyebrow.
"Well yeah because for personality your both funny, both nice, both insane and your hot" I say as I move closer to Mark.
"If you make me hard I'll fuck your brains out" he warns as I push him back onto the bed so that I'm straddling him while he's laying on his back.
"Go ahead" I giggle.
Knock! Knock!
"Mark? Jack?" Ryan's voice comes from the other side of the door.
"What do you want?" Mark asks.
"I know it's not my business but... Are you guys actually... Y'know... In there?" He asks.
"Yes!" I yell as I grind on Mark... He moans but then puts his hands over his mouth.
"But... Don't you have a girlfriend?"
"Yeah I'm cheating! Don't worry I'm gonna dump her anyway" I say as Mark lifts me up and sets me down so that he pushes into me "ohh.. Fack!" I practically yell.
"Okay well we're gonna stay out of this problem.. Don't come to us for help" Ryan says as he walks away from the door. I start riding Mark... I speed up really fast because I can feel myself getting close again.
"Oh fuck Mark! Uh shite I'm gonna... Uhhhhhh" I moan as I cum onto Mark's chest... Seconds later I feel him fill me up. I collapse onto his chest... He presses his lips to mine.
"I love you Jack" Mark says as I burry my head into his neck.
"I love you too Markimoo"
-The End-

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