Expecting the Unexpexted (Part 2)

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Yay so I finished it... Finally! I had been busy with other stuff but now schools out so I have more time... That and sleep. Here you go!
-Jack's POV-
I wake up to see Mark asleep beside me... His right arm is stretched out with his hand on my stomach... I smile at how happy he is... I'm so glad. I then feel like I'm gonna get sick again... I quickly get up then I head to the bathroom where I throw up the last bit of food I had in my stomach... I just sit against the wall with my head back. I look up at the doorway to see Mark standing there with a smirk on his face... He moves closer then helps me up.
"You okay babe?" He asks as he looks me in the eyes.
"Yeah but I'm really hungry now... I have no food left in my stomach since I keep throwing it up" I say as I head down to the kitchen with Mark behind me... I look at the time.. It's 3:00 "Mark... You can go back to bed if you'd like... Don't let me keep you up"
"Nah it's okay... I'm not sure if I could get back to bed" he says as he stretches his arms out above his head.. He is only in his boxers.. Like me.
"Thank you for dealing with this... I know there's still a long road ahead but I'm gonna say it now... And probably later as well" I smile.
"You don't have to thank me... This is exactly what girls go through... You will be able to relate to them now too" Mark points out with a laugh "oh by the way.... When are we going to tell people... After the appointment or later on?"
"I don't know" I sigh.. I know how excited he is to tell people and I don't want to be a party pooper "how about this... We film the appointment... We film the ultrasound then we will go into details afterwards... Okay?"
"Yes! I'm so excited to tell people! In so happy!" Mark jumps around with the biggest grin.
"Yeah well you don't have to be the one carrying the baby" I say as I roll my eyes.
"I know... And I'm sorry for putting you through this... It's my fault and I take the blame" Mark smirks.
"Oh shut up... You didn't do shit Fishbach" I laugh as I turn and look through the fridge "you're a gardener... All you did was fertilize" I smirk as I take a bite of an apple that I grabbed. Mark gasps... His mouth hanging open wide... He turns his head away.
"How dare you insult me... I did an important job" Mark argues.
"Yes... It's important but not as difficult as carryin the baby"
"Hey... What I did was hard" Mark starts laughing a lot.. I join in.
"That's was a stupid joke" I say after I finally calm down.
"Yeah well whatever... I'm tired again... Wake me if you need anything" Mark says as he turns then heads back up to his room... I roll my eyes.
"Hello everybody my name is Markiplier and I'm driving a car!" Mark says as he looks over at the camera every once in a while since he's driving "of course you probably are wondering who's filming?"
"Me!" I yell as I turn Mark's phone to selfie mode so they can see me "I'm in L.A!" I turn it back.
"Yeah so... As you might have noticed... Jack is taking a little break and you'll hear why today... It might be bazaar but all true" Mark says as we pull into the hospital.
"So we are at a hospital... I have an appointment but we'll try to film in there... But if we can't we'll just tell you what's going on after" I say as we get out... I hand Mark his phone.
"Ok so... Ready?" Mark asks... I take a deep breath then I nod at him "I'm gonna turn this off for now because some people in there might not want to be filmed and the doctors or nurses might not like it either" Mark stops recording as we enter to the waiting room... Mark goes up to the front desk and tells the lady were here for the appointment in 3 minutes.
"Ok so head into that second room right there" she says as she points at a door "the doctor will be with you any minute" we head into the room then I lay down on the bed thing that is in the room... Mark pulls out his phone.
"Ok so we are just waiting for the doctor to come in right now" Mark says to the camera... He then moves over to me... We are now both in the shot "how you feeling?"
"Tired" I say as I close my eyes.
"Probably... You were up early... Why didn't you go back to sleep?" Mark asks.
"I don't know" just then the door opens and the doctor walks in.
"YouTubers?" He asks.
"Yeah" Mark says as he ends the recording.
"Well I don't mind if you put it on YouTube... It's fine with me" he says.. Mark smiles "ok so what's going on here?"
"Well... I'm pretty sure I'm pregnant" I breathe as I look at the doctor "I've shown all the signs and the pregnancy test I took said positive"
"Hmm... Okay well let's see... We'll do an X-Ray if that's okay with you?" The doctor says.
"Yes of course"
-Mark's POV-
"Can you stay here?" The doctor asks me as Jack gets up and follows the doctor to the door.
"Yeah.. Sure" I say as I pull out my phone.. Once they leave I start recording another video "so now Jack is going for an X-Ray... You guys are probably pissed because we haven't said what it is yet.. Don't worry I'm try so hard not to just blurt it out... I'm sure from that you guys can guess what it is... You guys are smart like that" I smile "ok well not much else to say just yet so... Byee" I stop the video then I go to Twitter.

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