YouTuber Hunger Games.... Sorta?

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-Jack's POV-
I get done editing a few videos and I go sit on my bed, on my phone reading comments and tweets. I'm on my phone for about half an hour before I hear a knock on my door, I get up and go answer it.
"Hello" I say as I open the door to see two cops standing there.
"Sean McLaughlin?" The one cop asked me.
"Yes.... Am I in some trouble or something?" I say feeling very confused.
"No your not, but we need you to come with us" the other cop says.
"Ok but can I lock my place up?" I ask them pointing in to my apartment.
"Make it quick" the first cop says. I do as I'm told and very quickly grab my phone off my bed and my keys off my kitchen table, then I lock the front door and follow the two cops out to their car. They put me in the back of the car then we head off.
"May I ask where we're going?" I ask.
"No you may not" the passenger cop says.
"Ok jeez" I mumble under my breath. So I sit in silence for the rest of the ride until we get to the airport. I look out and see a helicopter on the landing pad.
"Are we going in the helicopter?" I ask not able to keep my questions to myself.
"Yes" the driver says as he parkes the car and gets out. The second cop opens the door for me and I get out, then the first cop escorts me to the helicopter. I stop right at the entrance of the copter.
"Is there a problem?" The second cop asks.
"I'm sorry, I just don't like heights" I say truthfully.
"Ok then you can go on your phone for the flight" the first cop says pointing to my phone in my pocket.
"I didn't think I was aloud..... It could mess with the gadgets" I say kinda guessing what I just said.
"Well... You shouldn't but if we see problems we'll let you know" the second cop says. I nod and step in the back while they get in the front. I do up my belt then I pull out my phone, I get pretty good reception because I'm so high in the air. I decide to text Mark.

Hey Mark right now I'm in a helicopter being escorted by two cops, do you know what's going on?

-Mark's POV-
I get woken up by knocking at my door, I look at my phone the see if anyone had sent a text saying they were coming but no one had. I put on my glasses and put some pjs pants on since I was only in my boxers, then I walk out to the front door.
"Hello" I say as open the door, I see two police officers standing there looking at me.
"Are you Mark Fishbach?" The female cop asks.
"Yeah.... What's going on?" I ask.
"We need you to come with us" the male officer says.
"Ummm...... Did I do something wrong?" I ask.
"No.... We just need you to come with us" the female cop says.
"Ok let me put some different clothes on" I say "wanna come in?"
"All you need is a shirt and your phone, grab your keys and lock up" the guy cop says.
"Ok I'll be quick" I say as I turn leaving the door open, I put a shirt on, grab my phone and my keys then I walk out out and I lock the door. The two cops then escort me to their car, they put me in the back and they get in the front. We drive for about 20 minutes before I get a text from Jack.

Hey Mark right now I'm in a helicopter being escorted by two cops, do you know what's going on?

Really? Right now I'm in the back of a cop car with two cops as well..., I kinda hoped you would know.

Well great! Have you seen the two pictures of us all over the internet.

No, what are they?

They're pictures of us being escorted by the two cops. Everyone thinks we did something wrong now..... Wait there is a picture of Felix too!

Oh yeah I see those pictures..... And yeah it's pewds! What's going on!

I wonder what other YouTubers are being taken??

Hold on I'm gonna tweet something.

Mark! No! This will lead in such a bad direction!

I go out of messages and into Twitter.

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