Body Apreciation

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Story idea by TrustyMcCoolGirl1999
-Mark's POV-
"How was that Chica Bica?" I smile at the golden retriever that I just took for a walk. She trots off into the house somewhere so I decide to go find my husband, I head up to his recording room. The door is closed so I press my ear to it just incase he's recording something but I don't hear anything. I open the door but the room is dark and I don't see him here so I head out to our bedroom. I look through the door that's open a crack then I seen a small silhouette curled up on the bed in the dark room with no lights on. I hear sniffling so I go in carefully.
"Sean?" I creep in towards the bed "What's wrong?" I sit down on the edge of it turned so I can see him.
"Nothing" he sits up and wipes his eyes sniffling more.
"Sean, tell me what's wrong or I can't make you happy like I'm supposed to" I say as I take his hand and link my fingers with his.
"It's nothing important.."
"Well it must be to you if you're upset, now please tell me, it'll make you feel better" I pry more.
"I-I just was looking at some old instagram photos of me with my shirt off, I'm so ugly.." he sighs.
"Baby, I've told you this before, you're not ugly. You're the most beautiful boy I've met and that's only one of the many reasons I married you. Why can't you see what I see?" I say as I pull myself more onto the bed towards him "you are so damn beautiful that I am taken aback by you everytime I see you're body"
"Really?" I know he's blushing but I can't really see it because it's dark.
"Yes really" I put my hands on his hips then I lightly lead him over to me, he sits on my lap and I hug him "I think you are more beautiful than me"
"Beautiful? Maybe, but sexy? No." He says as he pulls back and looks at me.
"What are you talking about? You're so sexy. You just don't show it off, you try to hide it" I put my hands up under his shirt "I think I need to give you some body appreciation" I pull his shirt up over his head. He giggles but just let's me and doesn't protest. I pick him up then lay him back onto the bed, he covers his chest with the second pillow that's there, I decide to do something that's a little crule but it's the only way. I undo his pants then I pull both his jeans and his boxers off, I throw them to the floor then I kick all of the blankets to the floor so he can't get them.
"Sean let go of the pillow" I say as I grab hold of it, I lean down and whisper it again into his ear he does then I toss it across the room along with the other one. I am now just sitting on my knees in front of him my eyes running over his magnificent body, I smirk at the boy. He has his hands over his face. I get undressed quickly then I crawl back over to him.
"Sean.." I am sitting on my knees in between his legs just watching him "please look at me, I want to see those beautiful blues glowing in the moonlight" he slowly but surely removes his hands from his face and puts them onto his belly "better" I crawl closer so I'm over top of him. I lean down and press my lips to his, when I pull back I then start pressing kisses all around his face "I want to kiss you inside out" I say between kisses. I continue kissing his body as I move down his neck then to his chest, that's when I get to him
"Mark.." he moans but his hands leave my hair and go back to his face, I look up at him.
"Sean.. your moans are sexy. If you don't stop that I'll tie your hands to the bed" I smirk at him as he removes them, so I continue. He let's out more little adorable moans that turn me on and a few times they come out louder so he covers his face. I have to coax him out of hiding every time he does that. I am now kissing along Sean's v-line, his fingers are in my hair and everytime I look up he looks like he's enjoying it and is letting his moans go instead of holding them back.
"Are you okay to proceed?" I ask, he nods "do you want prep?" He nods to I move over and grab lube from the nightstand. I coat 3 fingers then I line my fingers up at his entrance I push 2 fingers in and I hear him gasp. I start scissoring my fingers stretching him, I do that a few times before I push another finger in.
"Mark..." he moans then coverage his face again.
"What do you want baby?" I ask seductively.
"You.." he moves his hands and bit and looks me in the eyes. I smile at him as I get an idea, I grab the lube and lube myself up before I line myself up to his entrance, I push in making him moan in pleasure then covering his face again, I move my hands from his hips then I remove his hands from his face and hold them in my own linking my fingers with his. His hands are pressed to the pillow beside his head, I start thrusting at a slightly faster pace. Sean becomes a moaning mess now and I can clearly see the red on his face even through the white moonlight. I continue thrusting and speeding up for a little while longer then I feel my climax building, I can tell that Sean's is too because his moans are getting louder and quicker. I lean down into his ear.
"Cum for me Sean" I whisper in a low growl.
"Oh fuck... I'm gonnaAHHH..." he moans out as he cums onto his stomach, I then grunt as I cum into him.
"Fuck Mark...." he sighs as we both breathe and try to catch our breath, I fall onto the bed beside him.
"You know I love you right?" I turn onto my side and look at him.
"Yes I do. And I love you too, I'm sorry I get into those moments of self consciousness. Thought I feel better now, thanks to you" he smirks and giggles at me, I chuckle.
"I do whatever I can to help" I smile.
"Clearly" he grins at me.
"God I love you so much"
-The End-

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