You Pay for It

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I'm sorry this sucks... I just got bored with writing it and I wanted to put something up so here! I hope it's decent... Also SMUT WARNING!!!
-Jack's POV-
"Uhh... God.. Jack please stop teasing" Mark begs as I palm him through his boxers. I am sitting on his chest facing away from him while palming him lightly.. Teasing him.
"Y-yeah" I hear him stutter from the pain of me teasing.
"Can I try... For the first time... On the other end?" I ask hesitantly
"Are you s-sure?"
"Yeah... I want to know what it feels like... And so you're not always the one with the sore arse" I laugh.
"Ok... And if it hurts let me know" Mark says as he lays me on my back.. My legs apart. He pulls my boxers off followed by his.... I take a deep breath then I see Mark coat three fingers in lube... Right... The prep.
"Ok just relax... This may hurt at first" Mark says as I feel two fingers go in and start scissoring me.
"Oh... F-fuck.. Uhhh" I grunt and groan from pain then pleasure. I feel him slip another finger into me... By now the pain has subsided and pleasure has taken over.
"You good now? I'm in so much pain from this" Mark says as he points at his erection. I chuckle as I nod.... Mark lines up with my entrance then pushes in.... I groan at the pain... Oh god he's so big. Mark stays in one spot to let me adjust... After a minute I nod for him to move. Mark starts thrusting at a slow pace first but then he starts speeding up... It starts to hurt... Not too bad.... Mark leans down and presses his lips to me... His hands grip my waist as his nails dig into my skin. Mark reaches over to the side of the bed then without me realizing it he has handcuffed me to the headboard.... I feel Mark bite down on my bottom lip... I'm not sure if it's on purpose or not. He then moves his mouth down my neck and bites down on several places... I want to try and tell him to stop because it hurts but all that comes out are groans of pain... He doesn't know that.
"M-M-Mark... Fuck" I feel tears brim my eyes. I feel him start to thrust hard so that he's all the way in.... Oh god does it hurt... Is this what he normally does... Is this what he's into?
"M-MARK! STOP!" I finally am able to get out... Just then he stops. I pant and whimper as tears run down my face.... He moves away then takes off the handcuffs... I curl into a ball.
"Jack.... I-I'm sorry I-I didn't think... I-I'm so stupid" Mark says quietly to himself.
"Is that really what you like? Hard core?" I ask as I sit up and hug my knees. He nods sadly then just looks at me out of the corner of his eye.... I notice that I'm shaking... He looks into my eyes then moves closer... He pulls me into a hug.
"I will take care of you.... Because you deserve this for what I did to you" Mark whispers in my ear. I don't argue I just let him lay me back on the bed... He then gets up and puts the covers over me.
"What would you like?" He asks. I think for a minute then I decide on something.
"I'd like to have a bath" I say "oh by the way you know I'm gonna take advantage of this right?"
"Go ahead it's only fair after what I did"
"Okay just so you know" I say as Mark heads to the bathroom. I hear him turn on the water then after a while he comes back to get me... I am just about to get up but Mark picks me up bridle style and carries me there... He sets me in the warm, relaxing water.
"Anything else?" He asks once I'm settled in the bath.
"I want you in here with me" I say with a smirk.
"As you wish" he says as he sits in the opposite side of the tub. There is not much room when we are sitting on either side of the tub... I move over and slot myself between his legs.. My back pressed to his chest... I take his arms and wrap them around me. I let my head fall back onto his shoulder... I close my eyes then I just listen to his breathing... I feel myself falling asleep.
-The End-

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