Who am I?

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Btw I wasn't planning to in the beginning but I had to add Christmas in the story.
-Someone's POV-
"Uhhh... holy christ" I groan as I push myself up into a sitting position.. my hand finds a bleeding cut on the side of my head. I look around to see I'm in a small, dark all concrete room.. it's cold and the air is slightly damp. I get up then squint through the darkness trying to find a door or anything that leads out of the room.
"Hello?" I call out... I then cough from dust and sand that has collected in my throat.
"Down here!" I hear someone yell from outside of the room. The next thing I know a blinding light breaks through one of the far walls.. I hear the sound of crumbling and breaking move closer like the wall was smashed in. My eyes focus and I can now see I'm in a basement of a house... it looks crumbled and possibly war torn.
"What's your name soldier?" I spin to see an important looking man.. military? I look down at myself to see I'm dressed in uniform.. that's why I felt heavy.
"Umm... my name is..." I pause and think... what is my name? Who am I? "I don't know my name.." I say absentmindedly.
"Alright let's get you to our medics... you must've taken a good blow to the head when this house collapsed" he says as I see a few other soldiers come in and scan the area with flashlights.. I follow the man out of the basement. When I reach ground level  I squint as my eyes adjust to the bright sun of the sunset.
"Where are we and what happened here?" I ask as I look at the either crumbling or collapsed houses amd buildings.
"We are in Vietnam.. a small part of it that's still war torn" he looks at me "my name is D'lacey... that's my last name of course but we call each other by our last names" I try hard to remember my name then I get an idea... I pat through all the pockets of my pants and jacket.. then I dig through them.. I find a picture. It's a picture of me and some guy.. We're kissing? I'm gay? I flip it over.. it says 'My beautiful husband Sean/ Jack' then there's a phone number.
"Umm.. is there any way I can reach a phone?"
"Yes but after a medical checks you out... then you're going home anyway"
"God only knows how much of your memory is missing... I don't want someone with no mental experience out on the field" D'lacey explains as I he helps me up onto a truck... others also get on before the truck starts moving. I continue looking at the picture... how do I tell him that I don't think I'm into guys anymore? I don't feel attracted to him whatsoever. Although maybe I should wait a bit.... Some of my memories might come back... I'm not sure.
"Fischbach I'm glad your okay" someone pats me on the shoulder.
-Mark's POV-
"Fischbach? Is that my name?" I ask looking at him... others on the back of the truck look at me with shock and worry... I guess I had friends.
"You don't remember?" Someone else asks.. I shake my head.
"Boys... he hit his head hard when the house he was in collapsed... he was the only survivor" D'lacey says to them.
"Oh man.. so you're probably gonna go home huh?" The guy next to me says looking sad.
"I guess so... so what's my first name?" I ask.
"Mark.. Mark Fischbach... you have a husband Sean but most people call him Jack... you were a youtuber then you got pulled into the military"
"Youtuber?" I ask feeling confused.
"You made videos on this website called youtube... You've been with us for about 4 years now and you call your husband at least once a week" he continues "you have one brother named Tom and two mothers... one blood and one step mother... your dad died from cancer when you were a teenager" I try to catch up with all of this information... I can't tell you what it's like to be told details of your whole life when you have no memory of it at all. I nod to him as the truck comes to a stop.
"Alright Fischbach... let's go get you looked at then you'll get ready... a helicopter will come for you and a couple others"
"Ok" I follow him into a tent... it had a bed and some other stuff.
"This is your tent.. You'll gather your stuff before you leave" he heads to the tent opening "strip down to your boxers for when the medic comes.. he'll just check for any other injuries" D'lacey leaves... I sigh before I shed layer after layer of clothing until I'm just in my boxers. I glance at a mirror to see my body.. wow.. I look good. I'd do me. Maybe I am gay because I'm so fucking hot... no that's just vanity. I spot another picture of Sean beside the mirror... I get a better look. He's lays on his back on a bed.. his hands above his head resting on the pillow but his legs are spread wide and he's naked.. I feel myself get hard... Ok that is pretty sexy.
"Fischbach?" I turn and cover my crotch when I see who I'm assuming is the medic "it must be like looking at him for the first time"
"Hmm?" I move over to the bed as he sets his stuff on the floor next to it.
"Has looking at anything triggered any memories to come up?" He asks... I feel my boner go away and I'm thankful because this would get more awkward.
"No... I don't think so"
"Alright well let's clean up that cut on your head first.." he says. For the next hour or so the Medic asks me routine questions and pushes me around checking for more injuries... and I'm glad when it's over. When the Medic leaves I put on a green t-shirt, some beige cargo pants then I tie up my boots tightly.. I also put my dog tags back on. I grab the picture of Sean with the phone number on it and I head out of my tent.
"Fischbach! How you feeling soldier?" I turn to see D'lacey walking towards me.
"Pretty good.. um.. can I use the phone now?" I ask.
"It's in that tent.. thought someone else may be using it" he points to a tent that's even bigger than the one I was in.. I nod to him then I jog over there. When I go in I see a short lineup of 4 people... I sigh and growl but I get in line anyway. I stand there for a few minutes before I look up to see a lot of people staring at me... was I that likeable?
"Why... is everyone staring at me?" I ask.
"Mark... you were just such a good soldier.. and a friend" some guy mentions.
"It's just hard for us to say goodbye and it's hard to accept the fact that you probably will never remember all of the good times we had" Another man states.
"I'm sorry that you feel that way.."
"Well shouldn't have sent you in there! But you insisted on going in to find civilian survivors" a different soldier looks upset.
"And.. in the end the only survivors died anyway... We're just not sure how you even survived the fall and the house collapsing" I sigh as I look at the ground.
"I wonder how Jack will feel..." someone mentions... everyone goes silent. At that point I feel like I want to either punch something or break down into tears... I hate this! I was a really good person but now I won't even remember anything I did or accomplished!
"Just for clarification... what did I call Sean?" I ask and I feel stupid for breaking a sentimental moment but... I need to know.
"You called him by his real name.. Probably the only one who did" I nod as I look at the line to see I'm now next after this person is done. I'm thankful when everyone goes back to what they were doing ignoring me once again... I wonder if I've always hated being the center of attention? I turn to see the guy hang up then leave... I take a deep breath then I punch in the number on the back of the picture.. I hold the phone to my ear.
"Hello?" I hear a man with an accent answer.
"Mark! Is something wrong? Why are you calling? You called two days ago" his energy slightly overwhelms me.
"Sean, I'm coming home" I sigh.
"Yes but... not for a good reason" I close my eyes.
"What happened?"
"I'm physically fine don't worry... but.. um.... I'll explain when I get there.." I sigh.
"Mark? Please tell me"
"I'll see you soon" I say as I then hang up.. I sigh then I head back to my tent to gather the stuff I think is mine... some other soldiers come in to help me figure out what's mine.. that takes about 5 hours to do and by then the helicopter is here.
I am riding in the back of some black car that picked me up at the military base that the helicopter landed at. It's a good thing they know where I live because I sure don't... I sigh as I slide the golden wedding band back onto my finger.. I guess I had taken it off when I left not wanting to lose it. For the rest of the hour ride I sit there looking at my social media accounts on my phone... I try to remember anything that would help me but nothing comes. I just laugh at several of my tweets or some of the games I've played... then I come to some of the sader ones. My dad died of cancer? I've been in the hospital so many times? One of my closer friends attempted suicide? Oh boy.. I guess I've had a hard life.
"Mark Fischbach" I look up at the man in black that was driving me "You're here" I look out the window to see a pretty decent size house.. I nod and thank him before I gather my stuff then get out. I head up to the door where I knock on it then stand there waiting in fear and excitement. The door opens quickly then I look up to see the adorable boy I call my husband... he grins then throws his arms around me.. I hug back and I actually feel warm, safe and loved as I bury my face into his neck. He pulls away then he presses his lips to mine... I can't help but jump and pull away a little. I break the kiss then he let's go and picks up some of my things for me.. I grab the rest then follow him inside.
"Does it look the same way it was? I haven't really changed it.." he grins widely... I look down and sigh.
"I wouldn't know if there was a difference..." I say gently.. his smile drops then his eyes widen at the realization.
"Is that what you meant by.. mental... you lost your memory?" He moves closer then puts his hands on either side of my face.
"From what the other guys told me... I went  into a house and tried to save some civilians but the house came down on top of me... I woke up in the basement of the house.. I was the only survivor but... I guess technically Mark Fischbach died too" I explain as tears run down Sean's face.
"You don't remember any of your life?" He asks... I shake my head.
"I'm probably still as smart as before just... not about my family and what I've been through... I only know what I read online or what the other soldiers told me" I add.
"Ok... it's fine... I'm just glad you're alive.. we'll get through this.. I'll tell you everything you need and want to know about who you are" he smiles weakly as he puts his forehead to mine.. I flinch slightly. Sean gives me a sad look.. I then relax.
"I'll have to get used to this" I smile slightly "but I think I can"
"Where do you want to start?"
"Sleep" I sigh as I press my lips to his then I wrap my arms around him and pick him up... he giggles and buries his face in my neck. I head up the stairs then I look down the hall to see a bedroom.. the others look like offices so I'm assuming that's the only bedroom.. when I walk in I turn and fall backwards onto the bed.. Sean on top of me.
"You sure don't act any different" he smiles.
"Maybe my personality will always been ingrained in me no matter what I forget... I also know one look at the picture of you I had and I fell in love with you all over again.. well it took..." I dig through one of my pockets for the picture "this one to tell me what I needed to know" I chuckle as he blushes.. I am holding up the erotic picture of him that literally did persuade me in the right direction.
"Oh lord... I forgot you took that picture" his eyes then widen "don't tell me you're showed that to everyone"
"How am I supposed to know if I did?" I ask him.. if so that's a mystery to the both of us.
"Oh great" he rolls his eyes.
"Just so you know I immediately got a boner when I saw it" I grin as he raises his eyebrow at me.
"Hmm... you still have a god damn high sex drive don't you?" He asks as he slides off of me onto the floor... I propose myself up on my elbows "don't get excited now.. I'm just taking some fucking layers of clothing off of you" he slips my boots off as I take off my jacket followed by my shirt... Sean slides my pants off. "Really? You already have a fucking erection?"
"Hey I can't help it... it's like the first time.. I'm technically still a virgin" I point out as he stands up "and my body is still the same so it's obviously hasn't has much Sexual attention in a while"
"Oh fine" he sighs.
"I though you would have been looking forward to reunion sex" I smile.
"More like first time meeting someone sex... to you" he says as he climbs on top of me... straddling my hips.
"Makes it even better" I put my hands to the back of his head then pull him down... our lips connect.
-sorry no smut-
I sigh as my heart has finally calmed down.. Sean is already asleep next to me but.. I just can't.. hopefully I will eventually. My eyes wander the room landing on every individual shadow I spot but I only am able to identify 5 objects and none of them help me get my memories back. After 2 hours of looking at things I finally give up and close my eyes.. I start relaxing then eventually I fall asleep. I get startled awake by the sound of gunfire.. I jump from my bed as instincts take over.. gun! Where's my gun?! My eyes dart around the room as I slide off the bed... I then calm down... Oh no.. I remember war... fuck. I remember everything that happened from when I got there until the building collapsed on me and of course everything after.
"Mark? What's wrong?" I hear Sean.. I guess I must've slid down onto the floor beside the bed.
"I remember...." I shake as pictures of dead innocent people flash into my head.
"You remember what?" He asks as he slides down next to me.
"Fighting... dead innocent people.... getting shot... the building collapsing on me.." I look over to him "I remember somewhat about friends, family... you" I force a smile as I remember the times I talked about these things with the guys when we had nothing to do.. or if we thought we were gonna die.
"How far back do you remember?" He asks with a smile.
"When I found out I got drafted"
"Well... it's a start right?" He smiles with tears in his eyes.
"I guess" I feel tears come to my own... seeing years of blood and bodies come back in about a second is hard to deal with.. I pull him into a hug and I bury my face in his neck as I cry.
"I'm sure the memories are a lot to take in... shhh" he rubs my back slightly as I try to calm down a bit. We sit there for a few minutes before there's a knock at the door downstairs.. Jack gets up.. I remember I only called him Sean out loud. Jack heads over to the closet then digs through it... he pulls out 3 baskets of folded clothing.. he sets them on the bed.
"These are yours... I just filed them to the back of the closet when you left" I nod as I grab some boxers, pj pants and a sweater. I look up to see Jack is starting to get dressed... I quickly slip on my clothes then because I'm done first I race downstairs to the door. Jack calling after me telling me to wait... I open the door to see 6 people there.
"Hello" I give a confused look.
"Mark were so glad you're back... how are you feeling?" The guy up front asks.
"Ummm.... you are..." I raise an eyebrow at them.
"Mark! Go sit down please" Jack points to the couch... I look at him confused.
"Oh are these friends? I'm sorry..." I sigh as I go over and plop down on the couch grumpily. I watch as he talks to them quietly... they have looks of either shock or sadness. I run through the friends I talked about with the guys... Wade, Bod, Molly.... Arin? Arin! I get up and move over to them I point at the long haired guy.
"Arin. Arin?" I sort of ask.
"Yes. I'm Arin."
"Oh and umm.... umm.. Suzy!?" I point at the girl... she nods and smiles.
"Did you talk about them with the guys?" Jack asks... I nod then I grin.
"Oh and I did show them that picture" I laugh as I dodge the fist flying at me "man.. I've had practice dodging bullets.. if you think I can't dodge your fist than you're insane"
"I'm not gonna ask" the tall curly haired guy in the back says.
"Umm... I'm sorry.. I can't think of a name" I try to think hard.
"Danny Avidan... aka Danny Sexbang" he smiles proudly at me. Sexbang... Starbomb... NSP... Game grumps! Ross! I cringe at the headache from the rush of info entering my brain.. I put my hands on my head.
"Mark you okay?" Jack asks... I nod.
"Headache from memories..." I then laugh "Triggered"
"Wow... you forget your family but not recent memes" Arin laughs "Ok well we just wanted to stop by and see Jack but I guess he's not as lonely as we thought on this day"
"Why what's today?" I ask.
"Mark... today's Christmas eve.." Jack smiles "but you don't have to get me anything because having you back is the best present and I want nothing more"
"I remember calling you last Christmas and wanting nothing more than to be here to hold and kiss you" I say sadly as the grumps leave.
"I know... I wanted nothing more than you to be here.."
"Wanna know my Christmas present last year?" I chuckle slightly "a bullet to the shoulder and grenade shrapnel in my hand"
"You didn't tell me that"
"I didn't want to worry you even more" I explain.
"How many other injuries did you get that you didn't tell me about?" he asks looking upset.
"It's all in the past I'm fine... but if you really want to count you should've counted my scars" I say as I move closer "none of that matters anymore"
"I'm still scared for you Marky... I can't help it" Jack folds himself into my chest as I wrap my arms around him.
"It's okay... We're okay... I'll protect you and I know you'll protect me" I whisper against the skin of his forehead.
"I know... I overreact over the smallest things... I always have" he breathes.
"Now.. I'm starving" I say as I feel my stomach growl.
"It's sounds like it" Jack giggles as I follow him into the kitchen where he cooks something for the both of us. When I am finished Jack takes me up to what apparently was my recording room.
"You spent a lot of time in here recording, editing, or just replying to comments" he says as he turns on the computer... I sit in the chair as I look at the screen.
"Where do you go to find the games?" I ask.
"In steam" he points at an icon.. I click on it then go to games that I've bought... as soon as I read off some of the games. A huge pain aches my head... it feels like I slammed my head off the ground so many times.
"Ahhhhgggg..." I groan as I squeeze my head in my hands.
"Mark?" Jack places his hands on my back. I literally see my life flash before my eyes.... my head hurts so much though... I remember everything about my life. My friends, family, everything that has ever happened to me and my relationship with Sean. I open my eyes to see I'm on the floor... my eyes are watery and there are tear streaks down my cheeks. I push myself up onto my knees to see Jack beside me looking worried.
"Are you okay? What happened?" His hands are on my shoulders as he sits on his knees in front of me.
"I remember..." I sniffle as I look up at him.
"You remember.. what exactly?"
"Everything" I look into his eyes before I pull him into a hug "I love you Sean... I'm sorry you had to deal with me gone, and not remembering you"
"Oh thank god... I'm glad it was only for a couple days... but I'm also glad you're home"
"Now... how about we make some videos... I've got some catching up on games to do" I smile as I sit down in the computer chair "merry Christmas Sean"
"Merry Christmas Mark"
-The End-

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