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-Jack's POV-
I can't stop smiling... This is just so god damn fun... At an amusement park with my love. I look to my right hand.. My Fingers are connected with the fingers of the love of my life's... Mark Fishbach.
"Like what you see?" Mark's voice snaps me back to reality.
"Wha?" I ask as I realize that I was staring at his chest "oh... I was just daydreaming"
"Bout what?" He asks me.
"Us" I say with a smile. Mark then stops... He pulls me to him... Our eyes lock then he gently pulls me to him so that our lips meet... I was hoping he would do that. When we part I smile at him... He raises an eyebrow.
"What's so funny?" He asks me.
"I set that up" I say as I laugh.
"That's mean... Playing with my emotions just so you can get what you want" he laughs as he pushes me back but keeps our fingers intertwined so that I don't fall.
"I'm sawry" I say in a cute little kid voice. Mark pulls me so our faces are just centimeters apart.. He presses a quick kiss to my mouth.
"What would you like to do next Roo?" He asks me in a deep voice. I can only think of one thing right now but I know he doesn't mean that so I try thinking of something else.
"I know that look anywhere... Tell me what first came to your mind.. And don't lie" Mark says in his deep sexy voice.
"What first came to my mind was doing you" I say seductively.
"How about when we get home... As much as I would love to do you right here right now.. That's illegal" he says with a laugh.
"How about some games?" I ask him as I look around at the games.
"Alright... how about that one" Mark says as he points at a dart throwing one. I nod then I drag Mark over to it... He goes first.
"I'll show you how the pros do it" he says being cocky. He throws the first dart and he misses... The second hits but towards the bottom.. The third hits only a little higher than the last.
"Yeah... You should just stick to throwing controllers across the room instead" I say as I pat Mark on the back.
"Hey.. Woah.. That was uncalled for" he says as I pay the guy and I get three darts.
"Watch and learn babe" I say with a grin... He hates when I call him babe. I throw the first dart and it hits the middle... I look back at Mark he mouthes something that looks like 'show off'.. I smile then I throw the second only to have it stick right beside the first.. I then throw the third and it also hits the middle.
"Well done" the guy at the game says to me. I smile at him... He points to the bigger prizes up high... I see a big teddy bear that I immediately want.
"I want that one" I say as I point at it... I turn around to see Mark looking the other way.. Good. I take the big teddy... It's just under my height but it's still big.
"Moo" I say to Mark.. That's what I call him. Just as he turns to face me I throw the teddy at him... He catches it but stumbles backwards.
"Oh my god! It's so fluffy I'm gonna die!" Mark yells.. Which attracts attention from others around us... We both laugh.
"Wanna go home now?" I ask because I feel like I'm done doing everything that I've wanted to do here.
"Yeah.. Let's go" Mark says as we start heading to Mark's car.
I get out of the car then I grab my teddy from the back seat.. When I bring it inside I sit it on the bed up against the headboard.
"Moo do you want a beer?" I ask Mark.
"Yeah sure" he says as I head to the fridge.
(Let's again pretend he can drink)
When I get back upstairs I see Mark sitting in a ball hugging the teddy... He looks so adorable right now... I walk over to him then I set the beers on the side table. I lay down and snuggle up beside Mark.. Our noses touching... Mark smiles then kisses me on the nose. He starts shifting but then cringes and pulls his arm from around the teddy... I look at him as he looks at his hand.
"What happened?" I ask as he turns his hand to me.. He has a cut along his palm. Mark gets up and goes to the bathroom to clean up his hand... I flip the bear over to see a small sewing needle sticking out of it.. It has Mark's blood on it.
"The hell?" I say out loud as I pull it out of the bear. I then hear a thud come from the bathroom... It wasn't loud so it's probably nothing.. I then freak out when I hear something strange.. A baby crying.
"Mark?" I ask as I get up and rush to the bathroom.. When I get in there I see a toddler standing there, With black hair, looking at me "Mark?!"
"Jack?" He says in an adorable little voice.
"So you can talk and walk I guess" I say as I pick him up "you have no clothes though"
"Fuck clothes" he says.
"It sounds so weird coming from a toddler" I laugh as I grab a towel. I wrap Mark in the towel so that he looks like a burrito.
"Imma burrito!" Mark laughs in an adorable toddler laugh.
"Oh my god Mark... Just as you couldn't get any cuter, you had to go and turn into a baby" I say as I take Mark to the bed "um.. I'm gonna call Bob and Wade.. Ok?"
"Go ahead" he says as he snuggles up next to the teddy bear "hey you don't think that I'm like this because of the bear do you?"
"That's a lot of words from someone your age" I say talking to him like he's actually a little kid.. Well isn't he always.
"Oh go fuck yourself!" Mark yells as he starts doing an annoying baby scream.. I get annoyed so I leave and close the door. I call Bob first.
B: Hello?
J: Hey Bob
B: oh hi Jack, what's up?
J: um are you busy by any chance?
B: no.. I'm just hanging out with Wade right now.. Why?
J: ok because I need you and Wade to get down here... Now
B: you ok? You sound pissed
J: yeah well it doesn't help when you have someone screaming in your ear
B: do you mean what I think you mean?
J: no.. I wish I did but it's worse than that so please get down here
B: ok sure be there soon
J: thanks.. Bye
B: bye
I hang up then I go back up to my room to see that Mark has stopped screaming.
"Did I piss you off?" He asks me.
"Yes because I'm really scared and your just having a grand old time" I say as I feel tears form in my eyes.
"I'm sorry Roo" Mark says.
"You don't realize how awkward this is" I say with a laugh "and the other thing that makes it worse is I can't kiss you cuz that would be weird"
"Very" Mark laughs "hey wanna prank Bob and Wade into thinking that we adopted a kid?"
"But how would we do that ?" I ask.
"You just tell them you wanted to show me to them... And as for where.. The real me is.. Just say that I'll be down in a few" Mark says as he stands up with the towel still around him.
"I don't know... Seems like more effort than it's worth" I say as I lay down on the bed. I start to fall asleep but then I hear a knock on the door... I get up and I quickly run to the front door... I open it.
"Hey guys thanks for coming" I say as I start hearing crying from upstairs.
"Is that a baby?" Bob asks.
"No it's Mark" I say in all seriousness but they take it as a joke.
"Wait did you call us here to tell us that you guys adopted a baby?" Wade asks with a smile. I wave my hand for them to follow me then I head upstairs.. When we get into my room there is a dark haired toddler, naked, in the downward dog yoga position.. But he's twerking.
"Wow as if that couldn't get any weirder" I say as I go over and pick him up.. He starts whining. I then hand him to Bob... Bob looks at me with a confused look.
"Do you not love your child?" Bob ask me.
"Yeah Jack do you not love your child?" Mark asks me with a laugh.. He then looks at Bob "surprise motherfucker" he say to them as me and him both start laughing.
"Mark?" Wade asks.
"Sup" he says as he jumps off of Bob and lands on the bed "amazing summersault"
"Oh shut up ye fucker" I say to him as I throw the towel over him.. He starts crying "oh my fuckin God Mark! Your gonna drive me insane if you keep doing that!"
"That's my goal" he says with a smirk. I look at Bob and Wade... They are both still shocked.
"Guys you can now see the reason I called you" I say to them "oh my god we can play real life who's your daddy" that sent everyone including myself into a laughing fit that lasts forever. Eventually I tell Bob and Wade everything that happened right before he turned... They now believe it more and it's less awkward. Later that night Bob and Wade decide to stay so I have Bob sleep in the guest bedroom and Wade sleeps on the couch... Everyone goes to sleep except for me.. Even Mark falls asleep before me. I get up then I start looking at the bear... I grab a knife then I cut open the area where the needle was stuck into it... I find a note in it.. It reads:
'To whom ever gets this bear.. You or someone you know is probably now a baby and you want to know how to reverse it.. Right? Well there is a very simple way to do this.. You simply sleep it off.. And the good thing is prick yourself with it again and it happens again. Good luck.'
I look at Mark he is back to normal... Already? That was fast... But this is cool. I leave the bear on the floor because I'm probably gonna sew it up in the morning then I climb in next to Mark.. I finally fall asleep. When I wake up nobody else is awake... I look over at Mark.. I can't help myself I move over to him then I climb on top of him... Straddling his hips. Mark wakes up and he looks at his arm and his chest then he looks at me.... Then he wraps his arms around me and pulls me to him. I'm now laying with my head on Mark's chest... He is placing kisses to the top of my head... Oh how I've missed this.
"I know that you were only a baby for a few hours but I missed you kisses already" I say with a laugh "what can I say.. I'm addicted to you"
"I know Roo.. So am I" Mark says then I press my lips to his "so you realize that Bob and Wade are still here right?"
"Oh yeah" I get up and go to the door "I want them out of her as quickly as possible"
"Why?" Mark asks me.
"Because you still have to do me like you said you would last night" I say seductively.
"Oh right" Mark says as he gets up. I look him up and down... He is naked... Mark smiles at me... I feel my pants tighten..I then rush downstairs to see Bob and wade awake. They are in the living room talking to each other.. They look at me with worry... I smile then I start pushing them towards the door.
"I need a favour from you" I say to them.
"Ok what is it?" Bob asks.
"Go home.. You don't need to be here anymore and frankly you don't want to be here" I say as I hand them their shoes and stuff they brought.
"Are you ok?" Wade asks.
"No because.... I'm gonna be honest with you.. I'm really horny and Mark promised something yesterday that he needs to follow through with... So please go" I say with a straight face.
"Oh I understand now... Ok bye" Bob says as him and Wade head out the door in a flash. I close the door then I rush upstairs to see Mark on the bed in a sexy pose.
"Mark" I say to him.
"What?" He asks looking worried.
"Fair warning.. Your gonna be sore tomorrow" I say.
-The End-

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