Not Possible!

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Light smut??
Edit: Fucking CRINGE WARNING!! Because every time I read the title I just cringe... I really regret writing this story but I don't want to take it down...
-Mark's POV-
Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep!
I reach over and hit the off button.... Not the snooze button because in a few minutes it will go off again if I did. I roll over to see Jack awake.... I move closer to him then I put my arms around his waist and I pull him so he's on top of me... Jack giggles because we're both naked still then he just lays on me with his head on my chest and a leg on either side of me. Me and Jack have always liked each other... From the very first moment we talked on Skype to the first moment we met to the first day we kissed and last night... Let's just say things got heated since we were drunk.
"Last night was amazing" Jack mumbles into my neck.
"Better than any of your ex girlfriends?" I ask with a smirk.
"Well I can't really say because this is the first time with a guy which is different than with a girl... So..." Jack says.
"Yeah but was it better with a guy?" I ask.
"I don't know... I guess... One thing I can say.. I don't know if this is a good thing or not but... You suck dick better than a girl does" Jack laughs "you also aren't shy like a girl normally is... Which is really annoying when they don't give you the best they can"
"Oh so your into bondage and hard sex?" I ask feeling surprised.
"Yeah kinda" Jack giggles as he blushes.
"Well good because I like being the dominant one..... and I like those too" I smile as I smack Jack's ass. He lets out a small Yelp that turns to a small moan... I smirk.... He frowns at me.
"Don't start anything you can't finish" he says as sits up while still straddling me... His hands running up and down my chest.
"Take your own advice" I say as I grab Jack's thighs then I sit up so he falls onto his back. I get up on my hands and knees over top of him... I put my hand to his chest but before I do anything else I get a knee to the dick.. I fall back in pain.
"It's hurts because I have literally no protection" I say through my teeth.
"Oops" Jack laughs as he gets up and runs out of the room. I finally get over the pain... I get up and run after him.. I catch him in the kitchen.
"Don't be a bad boy or I'll punish you" I say as I grab his wrist.
"Punish me daddy" Jack says as he turns around then bends over the counter. I am about to push into him but I hear a knock at the door... I move quickly to the door and I hold it shut... Jack runs up the stairs to my room.
"Who is it?" I ask.
"It's Bob and Wade" I hear what sounds like Bob on the other side of the door.
"Oh um hold on a sec... I'm not decent" I say as Jack hands me boxers and pjs to put on.
"Don't tell me you guys were.... Uh... Never mind" Wade says as Bob laughs. I open the door to see them.... I smile then I wave them in.
"Um... If you were y'know... can you tell us so I know not to touch you" Bob laughs.
"Wow some great friends we have" Jack says as he rolls his eyes. Just then I hear my cell ringing from upstairs in my room... I sprint up the stairs and I answer the call just in time.
"Hello?" I answer my phone.
"Hey Mark it's me" I hear a familiar female voice.
"Oh hey mom" I say "what can I do for you?"
"I have some things I need to talk to you about so I was wondering if you and Jack wanted to come here" she says.
"You sound worried or scared" I say feeling confused.
"I'm fine... Just a lot of important stuff on my mind I guess" she says trying to keep me from worrying about her.
"What's it about?" I ask. I hear a sigh.
"It's about you and Jack" she says... I feel my heart sink.
"Do you not approve of Jack or me being bi?" I ask.
"No it's not that... Well...sorta but no.... It's confusing" she says with a sigh... I feel tears come to my eyes.
"I thought you would be fine with it?!" I almost yell.
"I... Please Mark don't get upset.... I really need to talk to you two about stuff... I would approve but there's something in the way that I can't get off my mind" she says more quietly now.
"Why can't you tell me now?" I ask through tears.
"Because it's to much to explain" she says.
"Give me the short summary... Then I'll decide if that's important enough to come" I say as I start calming.
"Ok.... Y-you and Jack are... Brothers" she says with a shaky voice. I feel more tears now.... I can't hold them back anymore.... I just hang up then I fall to the floor in a ball, crying my lungs out.
"Mark?" I hear Jack at the door "what's wrong?" I don't even say anything I just block him and everything else out... Normally I would never block him out but with what I've been told... I don't know what to think. Jack comes over to me then sits beside me... He goes to hug me but I get up and move away from him.
"Jack..... I'm s-sorry.... But I just c-can't do this right now... I need to go see my mom as soon as possible... And your coming with me" I say through tears.
"What? Why?" He asks looking concerned "are we not... Together anymore?"
"We are... For now... But I've just been told some very shocking news" I say as I call my mom back.
"Mark?" I hear my mom say.
"Yes... Um how soon can we come?" I ask as I go onto my computer.
"Anytime you want to and can" she says.
"Ok well we're going to come...... At 3:00 today" I say as I see a flight to Cincinnati from here.. It says 3:00.
"Ok fine... I'll be waiting for you" she says.
"Alright see ya" I say as I hang up.
"Do I need to pack my things?" Jack asks as he looks at my computer from behind me.
"Your stuff is already mostly packed anyway... Right?" I ask as I grab a suitcase and I start putting things in it.
"Yeah I guess.... Um but Bob and Wade are still downstairs" Jack says to me.
"Right" I say as I head down to Bob and Wade "you guys are in town for a few days anyway right?"
"Yeah why?" Bob asks.
"Cuz we gotta go to Cincinnati.... In 2 hours" I say as I look at the clock... It says 1:00.
"Oh ok... Well I guess we should just go and let you pack then?" Wade asks "what's the special occasion?"
"Well it's more like very shocking, life changing, heartbreaking news" I say with a forced smile.
"Were you crying?" Bob asks.
"Yeah... That's how much heartbreaking is gonna happen when we're there" I say as I push the two guys out the door "ok bye... See ya"
"Bye" they both say.
-the beginning of the flight-
"At least the flight isn't long" I say looking at Jack as we get settled into our seats.
"Can you please tell me what's so important that we have to go to see your mother?" Jack whines as he places his hand on my knee. I look at his hand then I brush it off... Jack looks crushed when I do... I immediately feel a lump in my throat.
"Mark.... What's going on? You've been avoiding all physical contact with me ever since that phone call..... It's scaring me" Jack says as a tear falls down his face.
"I know... It's hurting me too but what my mother told me while on the phone... I just.... I don't know what to think" I say as I make myself grab Jack's hand... I can tell Jack instantly feels better and to be honest... So do I.
"I love you" Jack says as he puts his head on my shoulder. I freeze and I feel like I want to scream and cry but I resist.... I just relax then I fall asleep for the two hour flight.
"Mark... Wake up" I hear a soft voice beckoning me out of my deep slumber.
(Omg I'm so happy with this one sentence!)
I open my eyes to see Jack gathering his stuff up... I sit up then I look around to see others doing the same.
"Have we landed?" I ask as I stretch a little.
"Not yet.... but we will be" Jack says with a soft voice that just makes me forget everything for a second. I look to his soft lips... I just want to kiss him right now and not let him go till we have to breath. Jack looks at me and catches me staring at him... He smirks the goes back to what he was doing.
"I honestly don't know why I was panicking so much before" I say as I shake my head "if we truly love each other.... Than we'll make it work"
"I'm sure we can.... But I'm still curious about what had you panicked before" Jack says as he looks up into my eyes. I shake my head then I start gathering my stuff up.
"I'm gonna wait.... I just don't know what your reaction will be and I don't want you to break down in front of a bunch of people" I say as we feel a little bump. I look out the window to see we have landed.... Good.... now to just find my mom, get home and I guess whatever happens. Happens.
"Ok I guess that's reasonable" Jack says as he smiles at me. I smile at him as I lean my head over so that all Jack has to do is lean in a little then our lips will meet.... I stay there looking at Jack's soft lips wanting so bad to kiss them since I kinda freaked out and avoided all contact with him for almost 3 hours... Which is a record.
"Why are you so adorable" Jack giggles as he leans in so that our lips meet. Our lips stay connected for several seconds before Jack pulls back... I give him a pouty face as I stick my bottom lip out at him. Jack smirks at me then leans back in... He grabs my bottom lip between his teeth... He pulls on my lip... I breath out a small moan. Jack then let's go of my lip.... He smirks at me... I smile even though I want so badly to just ride him here and now.... In my mind it sounds awkward because of what I've been told.
"Attention passengers.... You may now exit the plane" a woman says through a speaker. Me and Jack grab our stuff, stand up then we exit the plane with the wave of other people leaving. Once we've grabbed our bags from the baggage claim we walk around for about 3 minutes before I spot my mom... We walk over to her.
"Hello" I say as I hug my mom.
"Hey Sweetie" my mom says as she kisses my cheek.
"I guess you know who Jack is" I say with a sigh as I step aside to show Jack.
"Hello.... Momiplier?" Jack laughs as he shrugs.
"You can call me Mom if you like" she says with a smile "Mark.... Did you not tell him?" I sigh as I look at the ground.
"No.... I was freaking out and I only calmed down once I got on the plane" I say as I scratch the back of my neck.
"Alright well... You must be tired so if you want when we get back would you like to sleep first?" My mom asks as we head to the car.
"I will. Jack?" I say.
"Yeah probably" Jack says as he grabs my hand. I flinch then I pull away for a second as I start freaking out again.... Maybe I shouldn't wait to talk about it. We get into the car.... I decide I want to drive since I know where we're going and just for something to do.... We drive for about 10 minutes with thousands of thoughts racing through my head before I speak.
"Y'know.... I might not go to sleep... I kinda want to talk about it first because I'm kinda freaking out again" I say as we pull up to a red light.
"If your freaking out why are you driving?" Jack asks me with a laugh.
"Because it's helping me sorta get my mind off of it" I say in all seriousness.
"Ok so do you want to talk as soon as we get home?" My mom asks.
"Yeah.... It's probably best to just get it out of my head" I say as I turn a corner then I pull up into the driveway. We get inside then I take Jack to my old room... We set our stuff down and we head back to the living room... I sit on the couch dreading this next conversation. What's Jack gonna think? Will he leave me just like that? Will he be upset like I am? Will he just not care? I put my face in my hands as I feel my eyes fill with tears and I now have a lump in my throat.
"Ok please tell me what is going on" Jack says as he rubs my back.
"Jack.... You and Mark are brothers" I hear my mom say with a sigh.
"What?" Jack asks with confusion strung in his voice.
"I want to know how" I ask through my tears.
"Well... Me and your father had Tom then you... But we hadn't intended on having Jack so when we had him... He looked nothing like us and we put him up for adoption" my mom explains "that's when a nice Irish family found you and took you in as their own... You looked like you belonged with them more than you ever did with us" I finally calm down enough to take my hands off my face but I look over to see Jack with tears running down his face.
"Why?" Jack asks "why did you give me up?"
"Because I didn't want anymore children to take care of.... But think of it this way if I hadn't would you and Mark have fallen for each other?" She says with a weak smile.
"No but we wouldn't have to have this conversation right now and I might have had someone to be really close with after my dad died!" I almost yell as I get up and walk quickly to my room. After crying for about 20 minutes, I fall asleep in a ball..... Until I get woken by the door opening.
"Mark?" I hear a voice that immediately both panics me and calms me... It's Jack.
"What?" I say a little more harshly than I expected.
"Can we talk more?" He asks as he sits on the end of the bed. I sit up and I look at Jack... He's sitting facing away from me.... I hug my knees to my chest.
"Sure" I say.
"You know this doesn't have to change anything" he says.
"It's illegal though" I say.
"Yes but.... It's not like anyone else has to know" Jack says as he turns to me.
"What if we want to get married eventually?" I ask as I look him right in the eye... Even though it's dark.
"We don't have to be married to be together forever" Jack says as he turns around and moves closer to me. I look at my hands then I look back up only to see Jack a few inches away from me.... He grabs my hands... I take a deep breath.
"Mark... Are you comfortable to go on as my boyfriend... Or just as a brother?" Jack asks me as he looks into my eyes. I sigh then I grab Jack's shirt... I pull him to me so that our lips meet... I shove my tongue down his throat.... I pull back to speak.
"No one will ever know"
-The End-

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