Inside the Monster a Heart Still Beats

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Ready for another long ass one shot? Okay! Here we go!
-Mark's POV-
"Please don't! We didn't do anything to you!" A random civilian screams in my grasp... I growl then I break the bunny's spine leaving him lifeless. I then run after the others one by one slaughtering them on sight until the small village is nothing but dead bodies and empty homes. I calm down from my adrenaline rush then I look at my work... I just growl then I quickly get outta there... I move on to the next village.. It's small as well but it's training for my real task. I slaughter the 40 people living in the village then I'm up for my next fight.... Six Kung fu masters stand before me... The furious five and the dragon warrior... I growl at them.
"Why did you slaughter all those people?" Po asks me. Without warning I flick my orange and black tail, my pupils widen then I charge at them ready for a fight... I swipe Po off his feet then with one punch to the head I knock him unconscious. Everyone stops and gasps... I smirk then lunge at monkey... He goes down in one shot along with mantis and viper. For crane I let my cat instincts take over I jump into the air as high as he is... I grasp his neck tightly then I fall to the ground him underneath me... I crush him and he's out.
"You're weak!" I growl at Tigress "you've been fighting me the whole time I was busy taking your friends down and you didn't give me much of a fight!" Tigress just growls at me before charging and giving it her all... I use next to no energy trying to block her attacks so once I see a flaw in her blocks and attacks I punch her in the chest... She goes down.
-Jack's POV-
"Jack! Go! Help the others!" Shifu orders.
"But I'm not strong enough" I say to him.
"Yes but you may be able to distract him or help in some way... I feel they are in trouble!" Shifu says "go!" I nod then with my cheetah speed I run as fast as I can to where they are.... I then see him. I see everyone but Tigress on the ground.. Oh wait scratch that... She's down... I gotta help.
"Guys! I'm here to help!" I say as I speed in.
-Mark's POV-
I hear a familiar voice.... That voice sounds so familiar... I look to my left to see someone speeding at me.... Only one person can run that fast... Even for a cheetah... Jack?
-Jack's POV-
I speed around and grab the others... I pick them up a few at a time and I take them up to the top of the little hill.... When I'm done I speed down to the big Tiger standing there staring at me.... I stop right in front of him.
-Mark's POV-
He stands in front of me... Staring me in the eyes with no sign of fear.... It's gotta be him... Then something in me changes... I hear my instructor In the back of my head "show no mercy! To no one!"
"Who are you why are you doing this?" He questions.
"Hello Jack... Remember me!" I growl as I throw a punch to his face... He dodges. We go through that routine for a minute or so before his face lightens in realization as he pauses... I hit him square in the face and he falls.
"M-Mark? Is that you?" He asks as I stand above him.
"Goodbye Jack" I say as I let my fist fly as hard as I can at him... I then feel myself being held back... I look back to see Po and the others all holding me back. I then look down at Jack to see him crying.... Crying? I try and break free but with them all on me I can't they just push me further down to the ground... Then Tigress stomps on my head and I go unconscious.
-Jack's POV-
I cover my head with my arms and I cry... What has he turned into... He would've never hurt a fly before... But now?
"Jack?" I hear Po's voice. I look up to see them staring at me.. I just get up and speed off back to the jade palace... For the majority of the night I hide in my room and cry.
-Mark's POV-
I wake up only to find myself in the device that held Tai-Lung.... I can't move my head so I use my eyes to look around.... I'm in Chorgom.... I struggle as much as I can to get out but I can't move.
"Mark!" I hear what sounds like Tigress... I look up to see her and the other five jump down the long fall from the top.
"Jack stop hiding I obviously can't do anything to you... I can't move" I say... Jack steps out from behind Po with a worried look on his face "I always was the brave one wasn't I? The one who protected you when it happened!" I growl.
"Enough talking!" Tigress yells as she looks at the clearly upset Jack.
"Who is your master?!" Po asks.
"Master!? You think I follow rules from someone!? Wrong! I'm not like you!" I laugh.
"Who is your trainer? We didn't know the least bit of Kung fu so there has to be a trainer" Jack points out.
"You were always smarter than me" I say in a deep tone that I know will get to him. Jack's eyes roll into the back of his head as he faints... I chuckle.
"What did you do to him!?" Tigress demands.
"Nothing sweetheart.... It's called weaknesses and my voice is one of his" I smirk. As they take care of Jack I push my arms back and my shoulder blades up... The pins in my back come free and I break it off... I then pull my arms up as far as I can.
"Mark! Please stop this! You've been brainwashed! The real Mark I know and love would never do this!" Jack yells as he moves closer to me. I growl at him as he gets closer... He brings his mouth up to my ear I stop and stay still as if not to hurt the fragile creature.
"Mark... Please stop this... I was so happy to see you alive but... It's not even you, it's some monster that someone made... Who? Who did this to you?" Jack asks as he stares me right in the eyes. My breathing quickens as my thoughts race... Almost instantly every memory of me and Jack come back and hit me in the face like a punch.
"T-Tai-Lung" I sigh as I hang my head.
"What?" The five and Po all say at the same time. Tears start running down my cheek and they fall to the floor... I look up at Jack and he looks at me with concern... I growl as my expression hardens.... I get off my knees then I kick Jack backwards as hard as I can because my arms are still chained. Jack lands feet first on the wall as he jumps back onto the platform.... He walks up to me ignoring what the others are telling him... He pulls his fist back and hits me in the face I fall into my back.
"Why did that hurt so much?" I ask myself out loud.
"Because it came from someone you once loved!" Jack yells at me as he moves closer. I get up onto my feet except I don't dare hit him... He moves really close then presses his lips to mine... I get really weak... I collapse to my knees again.
"STOP!" I yell at him "stop. Don't toy with my emotions... You don't know the war going on inside my head right now.... Every time I remember us I can just hear Tai-Lung in my head saying trust no one and kill... Just kill"
"Try not to listen to his voice he's gone and he was evil" Jack says as he comes down to my level on his knees.
"He wanted me to destroy you guys" I say as I nod to the five and Po "he knew I was stronger than him hense stronger than Shifu or even Po"
"Things will get better... All you have to do is promise that you will try and do what we say... What I say.... Okay?" Jack says as he looks into my eyes. I smile remembering how we used to chase each other around and I would pick him up.... Or how we would lay on top of my our house and look out at the moon as we would make out... More tears slip from my eyes.
"Why did he have to destroy the village?" I ask quietly.
"I don't know... But I'm just glad you're alive... Forever I thought you had died saving me" Jack whispers as he puts his head to mine.
"Jack move back" I growl through my teeth as I try to fight back the urge to smash his face in "aaaaggggghhhhh" I scream as I hit my head off the ground and scratch long marks in the ground. I eventually calm down so that Jack is standing near me without me lunging for him.... I slowly get back up on my knees.
"Unchain him!" Po yells to one of the guards above.
"No! Don't!" I panic at the thought of being free to hurt anyone "I-I think I should stay chained for a while... To m-maybe be safe"
"Don't worry when we get back to the jade palace we'll put you in a cage" Tigress says.
"What about the way there?" I ask.
"I'll make sure you don't freak out" Jack says as he looks into my eyes... I nod as the guard reaches the platform... He unchains me and I stand up feeling free... The next thing I know I'm running up the walls as fast as I can to reach the fresh air. I duck and dodge all the guards that are trying to catch me... I burst out the door and I stop when I'm out... I look around and inhale the fresh, cold, mountain air... I hear quick footsteps behind me... I know it's Jack.
"Calm down... I'm not escaping I just needed to get to fresh air or I might've suffocated" I smirk at Jack as he stands beside me "plus I bet those ninja moves looked pretty awesome"
"Yeah... They did" Jack and I both laugh.
"I would say race you back but... I know you would win you little Cheetah" I grin.
"That was a terrible pun you fucker" Jack says as we start running back to the jade palace.
"Jack! No swearing!" Po yells.
"Fuck No!" I yell as me and Jack run at the same speed... Me going as fast as I can but Jack only going half speed... Pft show off!
"Can't you go any faster?!" Jack laughs as he speeds up a little.
"Shut up!" I yell as I speed up to my very limit. In less than 20 minutes we make it there... Once we hit the sacred hall of warriors I collapse in front of the door. I pant heavily as I try to regain my energy and breath... Shifu steps out only a few moments later.
"What's going on here?" He asks.
"Oh nothing... We were just uh running fast back from the uh.... Prsnnn" Jack says mumbling the word prison.
"From the what?" Shifu asks.
"From the prison" I say without hesitation.
"You're the one who killed two villages?" He asks.. I nod "then why are you here unchained?"
"Because he was brainwashed... We're gonna try to get him fully back to normal" Po says as the others finally catch up.
"Damn you run fast" Monkey says as him and some others collapse.
"By who?" Shifu asks looking at me.
"Tai-Lung" I say as I stand down on one knee as to show submission "I was once Jack's lover unable to hurt a fly but after the attack on our village he took me and turned me into a monster incapable of showing mercy"
"Hmm... I see... And how is it you are showing submission now?"
"Jack... Memories come back to me and help me rid of Tai-Lung's cruel voice in the back of my mind" I say.
"Do you still hear the voice?" He asks.
"Every once in a while but I've gotten better at ignoring it.... And so fast too" I say in shock.
"Alright well you are all dismissed... But you come with me" shifu says as he walks passed the hall... I get up and follow him... Jack gives me a worried look "Jack don't worry I'll keep him under control I just wanna test him" we head into the training hall where he closes the door then turns to me with a strict look. He walks up to me and punches me... Not hard but it kinda hurt... He then steps on my tail... I step back but he pushes me down onto one knee.
"What are you doing?" I ask.
"Looking for a trigger in your attacks" he says "what did Tai-Lung do to you?" I hear his voice just at the mention of his name... I panic... I look around the room but because I don't see Jack, Mark gets buried into the back of my mind and the Monster comes out to play. My pupils widen as I lunge at Shifu... I attack my hardest and I show no mercy... The fight ends with Shifu on the ground almost unconscious and the training hall destroyed... I go up to him and I pull my leg up to stomp the life out of him but I get tackled to the ground by someone... I look up to see Jack... I meet his eyes then the Monster retreats back to its home deep inside my mind... I sigh then I hug him tightly. I get up and I look over to see Shifu slowly standing up... The others are helping him... I sprint out of the training hall and up into the mountains... No one stops me.. Not even Jack tries. I get up there then I just hide in a small cave... I just cry and scream and scratch the walls... I bet from down in the village it sounds like a Monster is tearing something apart in here... I am though... A Monster is tearing himself apart. After I calm down I look to the ground to see the ground painted slightly red... I've literally ripped myself apart... I have deep gashes around my entire body from my own claws.
"Mark?" I hear Jack call out... I also hear the footsteps of all the others... Probably incase Jack can't calm me down. Just knowing I could hurt them I start growling and screaming again as I create new cuts in my face from clawing at it.
"Mark?" I now hear him more clearly.. He's at the entrance of the cave... I turn around and I limp out of the cave towards them.
"The only one who can destroy me is myself" I say my voice hoarse from screaming.
"Mark.... Oh god... Why?" He asks.
"I hurt Shifu and I couldn't stop myself" I say.
"Mark.... Don't worry about it to much... I wanted to see what would happen... I was technically asking for it... Although I didn't think you were that strong" Shifu says as he slightly limps towards me.. I step backwards.
"Mark please come back so I can fix you up... Please" Jack begs as I see tears brim his eyes.
"In think I'm safer in here where I can't hurt anyone but myself... One day I'll be one less problem" I say as I turn and limp back into the cave.
"No Mark!" Jack cries as he runs after me.... As he gets closer I can't help myself... I swing my fist back and I hit him sending him flying back to the entrance of the cave.
"Stay! I'm gonna save you one last time and having me tear myself apart is saving you!" I yell louder than I meant to.
"No it's not!" Jack yells back "it's just killing me more!" He cries as he runs back in towards me... He hugs me I hug back. I press my lips to his.... I'm so selfish... Why did I think killing myself would help Jack?
"Mark... We can help you.... Right guys?" Jack says as he looks back at the others.
"Yes" they all nod.
"We'll do whatever we can to get Tai-Lung out of your head" Tigress says as she steps closer putting her hand over her heart "seeing as how much you mean to Jack we will help as best we can"
"Okay" I nod as I let Jack guide me back to his room in the jade palace. When I'm in there I fall asleep as Jack cleans and bandages me up.
-Jack's POV-
I look at Mark as I finish fixing him up... He is sound asleep... Must've been tired... Probably.
"Mark" I whisper to myself "you're gonna get better... We're gonna help you no matter what... If you never get better at least we tried... But I believe we will help you.... You will be back to the guy I last knew 5 years ago"
-The End-

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