The New Chipmunks (Part 1)

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-Mark's POV-
"Mark! Let's go! You guys are gonna be late if we don't go now!" I hear Felix call to me.. He's kinda like our dad/owner... Well along with his girlfriend Marzia.
"Okay! I'm coming!" I call back as I button up the last button on my lucky red flannel that I wear and I fix my red hair. I then run down the stairs on all fours to see Jack on Felix's shoulder... He is wearing his blue sweatshirt and his grey Irish style hat over his green hair... Yes Jack in an Irish chipmunk. He has fairly normal brown fur that other chipmunks do... But me... Mine is a dark brown.. Like very dark... I quickly climb up Felix to meet Jack on his shoulder.
"Let's go!" I say as Felix heads out to the car... We get in the passenger seat and sit with the belt around our bodies.
"I wonder if we'll see... Alvin and the others?!" Jack points out.
"Probably at some point" I say excitedly at the thought of meeting them... And the chipettes!
"Now... Mark" Jack says looking me in the eyes "when we meet the chipettes... Please don't leave me for them right away if they like you" I feel surprised that he would even say such a thing.
"Of course I wouldn't! I love you too much to leave you... Even if they might be pretty... You're just more of what I'm looking for in one bundle" I say with a smirk "I just need you to promise me you won't"
"I promise I would never... Because I love you too" Jack hugs me tightly.
"You two are cute... Hashtag relationship goals!" Felix laughs.
"Oh shut up dickbag!" Jack yells at Felix... He pushes on the break abruptly sending us flying forward into the dash.
"Oops" Felix laughs.
"You're such a bitch!" I yell as I rub the top of my head.
"Now get going! Shoo! You're here!" Felix says as he opens the door then throws us out. I get up and start running after the car.
"Hey! Get back here you scaredy cat! Come back and fight me like a real man!" I say as I stop and put my fists up.
"Uhg... You gotta love Felix" Jack laughs as he stands beside me... I look to him.
"Okay... You ready?" I say my voice a little shaky.
"Yes but I don't think you are" Jack says as he puts a hand on my back and we start walking towards the school "don't worry you'll be fine" I nod then I feel better as we step into the school... We start running down the hall then we see the principals office.
"Oh! I got this!" Jack says as I put my hands down for him to step onto... Jack places his one foot in my hand then with my strength I throw him up to the door nob. Jack turns the nob then the door opens... He falls and I catch him in my arms.... We both run up onto the desk to see the principal sitting there.
"Hello. You must be Mark and Jack our new students... Where's Felix?" She asks.
"He just dropped us off then left" I say as I take a seat on the desk... Jack sits next to me.
"Don't you find it strange how many chipmunks come to your school? You've probably seen more talking chipmunks in the past few years than anyone has in their life" Jack points out.
"Yeah well when you put it that way you make me sound crazy" she laughs.
"Well you're a principal.... You gotta be pretty crazy to be one" Jack laughs.. I punch him.
"Well you can go to class now... Thanks for stopping in to let me know you're here... Do you know where your classes are?" She says.
"Yeah I think so... Oh and thanks for putting us in the same classes for the year... It makes it easier" I say as I stand up then walk to the edge of the desk.
"I hope you and the other chipmunks get along" she says.. We nod then we just leave the office.
"Ok so we need to go to..... Home room... Which is.... That way!" I say as I start running.. Jack behind me... We head up the stairs and down the hall quickly... I look at the numbers on the doors... There!! I stop abruptly so Jack runs into me and we both tumble to the floor... We start laughing... The bell then rings.
"Let's go in" I say as we get up... I once again thrown Jack up to the door nob who then opens it... I catch him then we enter... We climb up onto the teacher's desk ninja style... We did a flip up onto the desk then landed so elegantly.
"You must be Jack and Mark" the teacher says from behind us... I turn around to see him "welcome to school"
"Hi... I'm Mark.. This is Jack" I say just to clarify who is who "what class are the chipmunks and chipettes in?"
"They're across the hall" he says "you can sit there... I'm assuming you'll be sharing a desk"
"Yes thank you" Jack says as we take a seat on top of the desk.
"Hey look at the new kids... Or should I say chipmunks" one of the boys says.
"Yes... Hello... We are chipmunks... But we are probably smarter than you" I say... Jack starts laughing "what's so funny?"
"You think.. We're smarter.. Than them?" He says as he laughs.
"Oh... Right" I start laughing with him "I forgot we're so stupid"
"Okay guys settle down" the teacher says
-To be continued-

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