Get her

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Sum: You and Spencer have a little girl and you leave her with the babysitter everyday, but today is different. 

Y/N Pov 

"Spence are you sure we should leave her?" We stood on the porch of our still new home. "Yeah y/n what's going to happen, she's with Margot." Something just isn't right today. "Spence I just don't feel like we should leave Victoria with her today, something is off, I know, a mother knows." 

"Well if it's bothering you so much, then you stay home." Spencer grabbed my hand. "No I'm fine I'll just check up on her often." We leave her everyday with Margot, but today is just off. Margot is the daughter of a friend of mine and she's great. "Let's go I don't want to be late again." Last week we were late because Spencer felt like he had to get me pregnant again.

"You looked so cute in your outfit, and you know what that outfit does to me." I rolled my eyes getting into the car. 


It wasn't a busy day and there was nothing to do really, but a case could come in at anytime. "Hey sweet cheeks could you do me a favor and go over these files for me." Morgan came up behind me his fingers ruffling my y/h/c hair. "Sure, just let me call my babysitter real quick." Morgan nodded still standing behind me with the files. 

"Hello? Margot? Is everything okay?" I could here crying. "He took her, he took Victoria!" I nearly jumped out of my chair. "What?! Who took her?!" I pushed Morgan out the way as I frantically moved to where Reid was. "Spencer someone took Victoria!" I was shaking to the point where I couldn't hear Margot. Spencer took the phone from my hand and started talking. "y/n what's going on?" Hotch walked out of his office. "Someone took Victoria." I whispered. I didn't want it to be true. "Team our main priority is to find Victoria Reid." I felt like my heart stopped. "y/n, Reid, this is your daughter and I think it's best you two stay here." Hotch suggested. J.J. rubbed my shoulders to try to ease my mind, but I shrugged her off, Rossi, and Blake watched as I unleashed my rathe onto Hotch. 

"No Hotch I will not stay here why my daughter is with some psychopath!" I yelled at him. 

Spencer pov 

"y/n calm down, please, when you are nervous I'm nervous." I held y/n back. "What happened, I heard Victoria's name and psychopath?" Garcia rushed in. Y/n stormed off to the elevator. "Everybody meet at Reid and y/n house."


"Y/n?" y/n sat on Victoria's bed crying. "I told you we shouldn't have left her alone." She sniffed. "I know, but Margot is at Quantico, they are interviewing her." I grabbed her pulling her into a hug where she cried into my shoulder. 

Y/N pov 

"I'm talking to her." I stood up from the bed feeling Spencer stand up with me. "y/n are you sure?" Spencer walked faster to catch up with me. "Spence our daughter has been kidnapped, I've never been more sure than anything. 

I walked in seeing J.J. talking to Margot. "Y/n I'm so sorry, He was so big and he had a knife and he said if I fought back, he'd kill both of us." Margot cried into my shoulder. "It's okay, Shh, It's okay." J.J. looked at me with sadness when she saw how puffy my eyes were. I let go of her so I could talk to J.J.. "She's lying about something, I know she is, it just doesn't add up."

"I know, Garcia pulled up the nanny cam footage and most of her story plays out, But something is off, I want you and Spence to look at it." She whispered. I nodded. "Spencer is at the house in case of a call."

"Oh my God, are you okay, Y/N?" We walked in to see Garcia. "I just want to find my daughter, what do you have?" 

"Oh... Well first Rossi and Blake searched your house and they didn't find any forced entry..."

"So she let him in." I finished for her. "That doesn't make sense, I told her never open the door without looking through the peep hole." I put my hands on my hips. "The worst thing is the camera shows him... putting a um...gun to her head." 

"Wait J.J. what did she tell you the weapon was?" 

"A gun why, but she told you a knife, why the change in weapon when she talked to you?" 

"Because she forgot her story when it came to the person that it really matters to." I ran out the room seeing Hotch and Morgan about to let Margot go. "No!" They all turned around, but I was already there tackling Margot to the floor. 

"Where the hell is my daughter!" I raised my fist and brought it across her face. "y/n!" Morgan picked me up even though I was kicking my way through it. "She has my daughter! She has Victoria!" I screamed, struggling against Morgan's hold. At this point I was crying. "Y/n we will find her, I promise you, we will find her." Morgan hugged my shaking figure. "Blake, Rossi and Reid are at your house, you should join them."

"No I want to interrogate that bitch for lying to me." 

"I'm sitting in on it, you can't do this by yourself." I saw Hotch talking to Margot. 


"Margot, you said to me that he had a knife, but he had a gun on the footage that we saw, do you want to confess something?" I asked nicely. 

"You never were smart enough for this job, you are to stupid to realize that I didn't do this. What do I gain from taking your daughter." I stood up quicker than Morgan. 

"That is a 4 year old little girl that you let that man take, my little girl, so I suggest you give me a name or I'll make sure the only way you walk out of this room is in cuffs." She scoffed at my offer. "y/n we both know what happened to Victoria, she got taken, but you caught me and now I have to tell you where she is." She paused, "But I'm not going to tell you unless he's gone." Margot motioned to Morgan. 

"Morgan get out!" I pushed him out. "Tell me where she is?"

"I sent her with my boyfriend, Andrew, he should have killed her by now." I was about to rip her eyes out but Spencer stopped me. "Spencer let go of me, she needs to die!"

"y/n no she doesn't, she's lying, we know where she is, we're going to go get her."

"Where is she?" I frantically fidgeted with the door trying to open it. "In a warehouse, let's go get our daughter." 


"Andrew Hall we know you're in there, let the girl go!" Morgan yelled. 

"No! I will shoot her! Stay back!" He answered. 

"We won't hurt you, just let the girl go, Margot told me about how you always wanted a child, but you guys could never conceive." I yelled through the door.

"She's lying, she never wanted children, she hated them." He cried back.

"You are going to jail for a long time, but you can save a little girl." Spencer pitched in. We heard shuffling and then screams. I kicked the wooden door down but not in time to see put a bullet in his head. 

"Victoria!" Spencer and I both ran to pick her up. "Mommy, Daddy!" She cried on my shoulder. I held on tight for dear life, not wanting to let her or Spencer go. 

This is so freaking bad I'm for real about to cry. Ugh it's so awful ugh this didn't even portray the reader and Reid's relationship ugh. It sounded so good in my head but then I write about it and it sucks. poop. I'm sorry. 

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