Yes Sir**

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Warning: language, Heavy Smut, I would skip if you can't handle some kinky stuff.

You poured almost a whole cup of sugar into your coffee. You were standing at the refreshment area of the office, your mind playing over the events of the previous night.

"Little mama are you okay?" Morgan woke you out of you daze.

"Uh yeah why?" You started stirring your coffee.

"Well you just poured like a half a cup of sugar in your coffee." He pointed out. "Late night?"

"Um you could say that." You made swift eye contact with Spencer before turning back to Derek.

"Late night with pretty boy?" Morgan teased.

"No I couldn't sleep that's all." It was a late night with Spencer.


You sighed and realized you forgot your phone by the coffee machine. You went back and a sharp memory came flooding your brain.

Blindfolded. You closed your eyes and traced back the memory of being blindfolded. You put your hands down to keep you steady.

You gasped when you felt a hand slam down next to yours. It ghosted its fingers along the length of your left arm. The other hand pushed you against him so that you could feel his erection pressing against your behind.

"Spence-" you struggled to get out.

"Shhh." He kissed your cheek and let you go and grabbed a spoon from the spoon bucket.

Now you just stood dumbfounded. For a minute you forgot what you were looking for.

"Y/n are you okay? You look a little flushed." JJ asked.

"I'm great, just great." You smiled at Spencer who just returned a small smirk.

Oh how he acted all innocent around everyone else, but you knew what he was.

The day went by faster than usual. Before you knew it you were packing up to go home.

"Hey anyone wanna go out to eat?" Morgan asked.

"Sorry gotta get home to the boys." JJ responded.

"I'm tired I just wanna go home." You said.

"Okay that's cool, how about you Reid?"

"I think I'm gonna call it a night." He bent down to tie his shoe or at least you thought so.

Morgan and JJ were facing the other way so Spencer's hand slid up your leg in the smoothest way. It left you letting out a small silent gasp.

You managed to remain composed throughout the elevator ride and away from your coworkers.

"Did you want a ride back home?" You asked Spencer while Morgan was still around the two of you.

"Erm sure if you want."

"I wouldn't have asked if I didn't want to ask you." You sassed him.

You looked up and saw a glint of mischief in his eyes. You know you would be in for it tonight.

You drove to his apartment which you had been staying the night at. You never officially moved in but it was basically yours too.

You walked faster than Spencer and made it into the apartment before him. You sighed and let your things fall to the floor.

You ran throughout the apartment to tease Spencer. "Y/n baby, where are you?" You could here him calling you.

"I'm in here." You called from the bedroom.

Spencer licked his lips when he found you. You smiled and jumped onto him wrapping your legs around his waist.

"Strip." He demanded.

You bit your lip and took your time undressing. You started to tease by leaving your bra and panties on.

"I'm waiting." He tapped his long fingers on his plump pink lips.

"No." You tested.

"No?" He raised a brow.

"No." You repeated.

You stood paralyzed as Spencer walked over to you. He shrugged off his purple tie he was wearing and grabbed your wrist.

"Good girls get rewards... do you know what you get?"

"No Sir." You played innocent as he tightened the tie.

"You my dear, get punished." He whispered in your ear.

"please, Spence- sir I need you." You begged.

Spencer pushed you onto the bed and spread your legs. He shimmied you out of your remaining clothes.

You clawed onto Spencer bare shoulders as he entered you. You didn't even notice when he got out of his clothes.

Spencer pushed your legs back and made quick rapid thrust. Your head fell back and your eyes were in the back of your head.

"I'm gonna-" you moaned

"I know I'm right there come." Spencer sucked on your neck.

You pulled hard on his hair as you came undone. You heard a low growl and Spencer spilled inside you.

"Thank you for doing this for me." Spencer said as he pulled out of you.

"I like it, I like when you take control." You let him until your wrist.

He kissed them both and got up to get a rag. He came back and cleaned you up.

"I love you." You cuddled up against him.

"I love you too." He placed a small kiss on your forehead. He could feel you drift off into a deep sleep after that.

A/N: I'm sorry for writing this guys. I feel kinda bad about writing it, but I feel like it's good. Sorry if I ruined your innocence

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