Christmas Boyfriends

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Sum: Spencer and Reader ex- boyfriend meets for the first time during Christmas holiday.

warning: Slight smut 

You opened the trunk of the car getting your bags from it, you sighed at the heavy suitcase that you had. Spencer gave you his bag to take with you while he went home to Las Vegas for a few days to visit his mother. "Y/n hows my baby?" You mom looked out from the door. "She's great mom, just super tired." You put on a smile, even though you weren't exactly feeling great. "Where's Spencer?" You took a look at the new Sprinter that your parents sported. They traveled more now since you and your brothers were out the house. 

"He's visiting his mom in Vegas." Your mom nodded and shut the door. "It's cold." She said. "I know, did dad go out?" 

"Yeah he went to pay a bill." Your parents bought a ranch house because their legs were getting bag and they couldn't keep walking up the steps. You never spent your childhood in the flat home so you weren't familiar with your surrounds yet. "So you say Spencer is in Vegas with his mother?" You nodded, you didn't want your parents pestering him about his mom and her sickness. "He should be here tomorrow, he left a few days ago, he called me about an hour ago to check up on me." 

The garage door opened and your father appeared. He spotted you and went to give you a hug, but then he jabbed you in the side causing you to laugh. He wasn't trying to beat on you, that's just how your dad shows his love, by stepping on your foot and then giving you a kiss on the head. "Where is everybody?" Everybody meaning your brothers. "They are on their way, right now actually." 

"Poop I don't want them here." You loved them, but you also couldn't stand them. You have 2 brothers who always pick on you, the three of you never could get along. 

The next morning you woke up early for the arrival of Spencer, barely holding your excitement in. When you heard the door ring you opened the door expecting to give him a kiss, but the person who greeted you was't Spencer. "Chris..." Your eyes widened and your jaw dropped. It was your ex that you hadn't seen for years. "What are you doing here?" Your shock was slowly starting to wear off and turn into anger. "I heard you would be in town and I had to see you... I-i need to tell you something..." He started but he was cut off by your phone buzzing in your hand. The picture of Spencer and you popped up with a flash. 

"Hey, what's up?" You grabbed Chris and shoved him inside, closing the door. "You are? When do you think you'll be here?" Spencer told you that his flight just landed. "Okay I'll open the door when you're here..." 

"Listen, I gotta go, I love you." You hung up not giving him a chance to say anything back. "Who was that?" Chris asked, he had already made himself comfortable on the couch. "My brother." You gave him a glare, he smirked. "You seem happy to see me... are you baby? Are you happy to see me?" He pulled you down on his lap, slowly sliding your loose black sweater down. "You smell so good, baby, and you look hot in black." Chris was always a rough personality, while Spencer was softer. Chris jerked your head back with the pull of your hair and captured his lips onto your neck. "Stop." You pushed him away standing up quickly. "Why? we've done it before in your living room." You pulled your sweater back up over your shoulders. "Chris, you don't want to mess with me, I left to become apart of the FBI, I can charge you with sexual harassment." You bent down to meet his eyes, you grabbed his throat softly. "And I don't think my teammates would take very kindly to me being sexually harassed, especially some of them. Kiss me again and see what happens, they are only a phone call away, baby." Your whisper was rough and raspy, you pushed away from him walking down the hallway to your room. 

You could hear you parents conversing with him through your door, you couldn't believe that he came to the house. After a good 10 minutes Chris left and you went back in the living room, your parents said nothing  to you. The door rang and you race to open it, this time you were greeted by Spencer. "Y/n!" Spencer put his bag down to give you a kiss. "Spencer!" You pulled him in the house. He smiled down at you and then turned to your parents. "Hi Mr. Y/l/n,  Hi Mrs. Y/l/n, how are you today?"

Spencer Reid x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now