New Agent

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Sum:  Spencer is love struck by the new agent 

3rd person 

"Hold the elevator please." Spencer instantly reached his hand out to stop it from closing. "Thank you so much." The woman said. "You're welcome." She flashed him a bright smile and looked at the elevator button. "Oh it's already pressed, cool." She turned to Spencer. "Hi, I'm Y/n." You had coffee in your hand and your phone in the other. "I would asked to shake your hand but..."

"I see, I don't really shake hands anyway." 

"Oh I see." The elevator door opened and Y/n flashed a smile to him. "Bye, nice meeting you." She caught him off guard and he didn't realize that the door was closing. His arm hit the door trying to keep it open. "Ow." 

Morgan saw Reid's struggle and chuckled. "What's wrong pretty boy, head not in it today?"

"No, I just got distracted."

"Distracted?" Morgan raised a brow. "Yeah, ow." He winced. Spencer went to his desk and sat down. "Distracted by what? Or should I say who?" Morgan smirked at him. "Hey guys what's up?" JJ sat down at her desk.

"Spencer is a little distracted by someone..." She gasps and laughed. "No I'm not..." 

"Oh yeah you are kid." 

"Guys who is replacing Blake and are they nice?" Garcia asked. "Oh and there is a case." Everyone went to get to the table while Hotch was dealing with their new teammate.

"Hello, sir, nice to see you again."

"Y/n, you know to call me Hotch and It's always a pleasure to see you." Hotch gave her a hug and she pulled away first. Y/n is beautiful in every way, even though she was younger than him and just about spencer's age, Hotch found Y/n incredibly beautiful inside and out. Her bright smile was what got a lot of people. "Let me introduce you to the team." He actually smiled at her. Hotch opened the door like a gentleman. 

"Team, this is our new agent, Agent Y/n Y/l/n." Y/n smiled at the team and Morgan started drooling. Spencer watched as she took a seat next to Hotch and Rossi. "Hi, I've heard lot's of great things about this team." Her eyes wondered to Spencer's glued ones. She winked and Spencer found himself starting to drool like Morgan, but Morgan shouldn't have been drooling cause he already had a hot girlfriend. 

After the team got on the jet Y/n sat by Spencer. "Hi elevator buddy?" 

"Hello." Y/n kissed his forehead and leaned back. "I read that kissing is less likely to spread germs." The whole team stopped and looked at a blushing Spencer. "Yeah and did you know that..." then begin the long flight of statistics. 

Spencer Reid x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now