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"The use of a pocket knife shows the unsub was quick with his kill, seeing that he slit her throat." You said tucking a piece of hair behind your ear. You felt uncomfortable all of a sudden and you shifted. You draped your right leg over your left leg and tried to shoo away the discomfort. 

"Y/n, you okay?" JJ asked. 

"Yeah, I just, I feel really weird." You looked up at Spencer who was starring at you intently. He looked away once he saw your eyes on him. That's why you felt weird, because eyes were on you, but you always had people staring at you, but today it was irritating you. "Oh maybe you're coming down with something." She said.

"Yeah maybe, excuse me." You got up going to the bathroom. 

You splashed some water on your face and walked back out. "I'm better now, I just felt a little sick." You told the team.

Once the plane landed the team split up and you were sent with Reid to go to the police department. "Hi Chief Rogers, I'm Y/n Y/l/n with the BAU and this is Dr. Spencer Reid. The rest of the team is out."

"Hi Ma'am, I'll show you where you can set up." He was respectful with his stares and didn't make you question anything. Spencer couldn't stand the way he was starring at you, because Spencer felt that he was the only one who should be able to stare at you.

But Spencer knew that you would probably never feel the same way about him, you liked to stay friends with your co-workers. Spencer loved when you talked because he had a reason to stare at you. No one likes a weirdo who stares for no reason, but Spencer was the weirdo who stared. 

Spencer loved the way your body was shaped with all your curves. He loved when you laughed so hard he had to hold you up from falling. He loved when you crossed your toned legs in front of him and chewed on the end of your pen while thinking. Oh how he loved when you called him for information. He loved everything about you. That's why he stared at you when you weren't looking. 

"Spencer have you started on the geographical profile yet?" You snapped him from his gaze. "Y-yeah I was thinking that both murders were in this area, but the bodies were dumped over here." Chief Rogers had slumped over you and Spencer had noticed. 

Chief Rogers was young and well built, the exact opposite of Spencer, but not intelligently different. He was very smart and you didn't have to be a profiler to know that. He was a natural born leader. 

You swallowed hard when you felt the same pair of eyes on you as you talked. You shifted again and rolled up your sleeves. Luckily the team walked in distracting you from your situation. It had never bothered you when Spencer looked at you, but today it was starting to get on your nerves. You wanted nothing more than for him to stop.

Not because you didn't like him, but because you thought he was judging you. You are a very self- conscious person and men just staring at you wasn't really your thing. So when you caught Spencer staring at you for the 5th time in the day you called him out.

"Is there something on my face?" You asked annoyed.

"No, why?" Spencer answered innocently.

"Cause the look you're giving me is making me feel like I have something on me." You sighed looking at your shirt. 

"I- I didn't- I wasn't trying to make you uncomfortable." He looked at you. "I-I guess I've just been starring too much."

"Why Spencer?" You asked scooting closer to him. 

"Every time you talk I guess it's my excuse to stare at you, because I really like you Y/n." Spencer confessed to you. He wouldn't look you in the eye anymore. 

You smiled softly. "I like you too Spencer, I have for a while now, I just didn't think you liked me like that."

"I thought that too! I thought you liked men like Chief Rogers." You shook your head with a chuckle. "They interest me, but no guy is like you Spencer." You put your hand on his. 

Spencer gulped away his fear and managed to gather the courage to ask his next question. "Would you like to go on a date with me when we get back?"

"Yes of course Spencer." You grinned like an idiot and mentally did a backflip. 

"Great now Spencer can stop being creepy and starring at you all the time." Morgan said from the doorway. You rolled your eyes and Spencer blushed. 

"Now can we get back to the profile please!" You said picking up a marker to wrote on the whiteboard. 

A/N: Just wanted to give credit to inspiration: I got the idea from tumblr but I don't have an account so I don't know who exactly said it but I do know it was just a prompt and it was 'Imagine Reid loving it when you talk because it gives him a reason to stare at you'. Just wanted to give credit to whoever posted it on tumblr 

Spencer Reid x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now