A Morning to Remember*

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Black Reader 


Spencer woke up before you so he just laid in bed staring at your sleeping figure. You had the covers pulled up to your chest since last nights activities had made you discard your clothes onto the floor. Your caramel skin was glowing just from what sunshine was getting through the curtains. 

"Good morning Spencer." You mumbled without opening your eyes. 

"How did you-"

"What can I say... it's a gift." You turned on your stomach and buried your face in the pillow. Your arms propped you up when they wrapped around the pillow. In order to stretch you had to arch your back. Your behind went up in the air when you yawned.

Your hair was sprawled across you smooth back. Spencer popped one just from the sight of you. "Really Y/n-"

"What?" You turned your head on the pillow so you could face him. 

"I-i have work-"

You looked at his flustered figure and then down to the growing member under the sheet. "That's not my fault Spence." You giggled and grinned at him. You loved doing that to him. It gave you more power than you already had. 

"Can you uh- help me out?"

You grinned and moved to straddle him. "All you had to do was ask." 

Spencer's eyes grew darker with lust as he looked at your naked figure above. You kissed down from his earlobe to his jawline. Making as many marks as you wanted. You knew he'd be mad at making them visible, but you honestly didn't care.  You sucked on his collarbone until he was whimpering. 

"P-please Y/n-"

"What do you want baby?" You said never breaking eye contact while you crawled down to his lower region. 

"I need you-." He whispered in the air. 

You smirked and licked up his fully grown member before taking him all the way. Spencer moaned and groaned as you bobbed your head. You felt some of his arousal already on your tongue. You sucked him until he was on edge, then you pulled away.

"Why did you stop?" 

"I thought you said you needed me?" You lined his tip up with your entrance. "So I'm going to fix that need." Your head fell back and you both moaned at the feeling. You started to bounce up and down on him, casually rotating your hips. 

Spencer gripped your hips and helped you bounce, but it still wasn't enough for either of you. You shrieked and gasped for air as Spencer sat up at an angle for deeper penetration. He was now sitting up while thrusting into you. "Shit! Spencer I'm close!" You screamed out.

"I know, let go beautiful." He groaned in you neck where he left sweet kiss along it. You bit your lip from screaming as you experience one of the best orgasms in the world. You shook and felt Spencer release inside you.

Spencer laid you down next to him while placing sweet passionate kisses all along your body. "Well this is a morning to remember."

"Uh- yeah, but one thing?"


"Where did you learn that position?"

"I've been reading some books." He said nonchalantly. 

"Damn Spence, you should read some more." You played with his hair. 

"I've already been working on it." Spencer played with your hair. 

A/N: I hope the person who requested this enjoyed it. I really love writing stuff like this. 

And please use protection, I'm not advertising unprotected sex in any of my smut stories. You know what to do and how to be responsible. ;)

I have some news as well. I will be losing my laptop on the 15th or earlier. I will be still writing, but it will be on my phone. This means slow updates and messed up spelling. I will be able to put more pictures to go with the story when I start writing on my phone. 

Thank you and I hope that everyone has a great day :)

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