Unexpected Pregnancy

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Spoilers for 12x22 Red Light 

"No we're pregnant." Cat said to Spencer. Your mind froze in a state of shock. 

"No, that's not possible." Spencer argued with the insane woman. JJ had already call to have her information brought to you. You listened carefully to what she was talking about.

"I had Lindsey pretend to be Maeve to get you in the 'mood'." 

"What?" You said out loud. 

"That's not true." Spencer spat out. 

"Spencer it's Maeve. Spencer it's okay It's Maeve." Cat mocked. 

You fell to the ground with tears streaming out of your eyes. "Y/n it's probably not true, we don't know if its-." JJ looked down at the file.

"We don't know what?" You snatched the file out of her hand. Once you looked over it you grabbed the trashcan near by and walked into the hall. 

Spencer came out and JJ showed him the file. "She's three months pregnant, the date matches the timeline but-." She was cut off by Spencer throwing the file.

"I'm sorry it's not you, I just need a minute. Where's Y/n?" He asked.

"She's throwing up in the hallway, Spence she's going to be upset."

"Why because Cat?" He asked with frustration and anger in his voice.

JJ sighed and looked down. "Maeve."

Spencer sighed heavily knowing why that was such a sore area for you. It took awhile for you to believe that he was over Maeve. He walked out into the hall where he could see you crying. 


"I really hope she's lying Spencer." Was all you said before you went back in the room with JJ.

JJ could see the sadness on your face. "Spencer loves you Y/n and only you."

"That's not all."

"What do you mean?"

"Before Spencer was arrested, we had some time  to ourselves. When Spencer was arrested I went to the doctor the day before..."


"She isn't the only one pregnant." You sniffed.

"Y/n! why didn't you tell anyone?"

"Why does it matter anyways, I don't know what to do anymore." 

Spencer went back in the interrogation room to talk to Cat again. he started off slow, but then she bribed him with getting to talk to his mother. You watched as he talked but then there was a gun shot and Lindsey hung up. Spencer started shouting at Cat, but Cat then insulted His mother. 

"Oh god." You said as Spencer threw the table to the side and then started to viscously choke Cat. "Spence stop she's pregnant!!" JJ screamed. 

You just watched from the other side of the glass. Once JJ had pulled Reid from Cat He walked past you and into the hallway. You didn't say anything to him, but you left him alone for time being. 

You walked out with JJ to talk to him. You sat right next to him, but you still didn't say anything. You just listened as JJ spoke to Reid and Reid spoke to JJ about prison, but it hit them both. The answer. 

He played along to get his mother back eventually telling her his secrets that he'd never admit to. You also learned that Spencer wasn't the dad of Cat's apparent baby. When it was done and they had gotten Diana back was when you leaped into Spencer's arms. 

"I'm sorry." You whispered in his ear. "For everything."

"I'm sorry too, I love you so much."

"Yeah me too." You smiled through your tears. "Do you really want to be a dad, cause I can give you that." You pulled away from him. "I am giving you that."

"What?" Spencer said confused.

"I'm 4 months pregnant Spence and I'm not a psychopath." You joked about Cat. 

Spencer pulled you into a gently but tight hug. "I love you.

"I love you too."

A/N: Well this is just thrown together because I really wanted to wright a one shot one this episode, but didn't have enough time. so sorry if it's kind of sloppy 

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