Traitor of a Friend Pt. 1

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You walked out of the storage room with a calm steady face. Your mind was focused on getting to the bathroom to fix yourself. Once you got to the bathroom you looked at yourself in the mirror. Your mascara was streaking and you stunk of guilt. After washing your face and hands and redoing your makeup you walked out the bathroom.

"There you are angel eyes, you left early this morning." Your boyfriend kissed cheek and allowed you to take your seat. "I just had to get some air and I needed some time alone." You told him.

"You guys are so cute together chocolate thunder." Garcia gawked at you and Morgan. "Aren't we baby girl, now if only I can get pretty boy over here to get a girl." Spencer smirked and sipped his coffee.

You coughed and ended up halfway choking. "Y/n is choking." Garcia announced.

"Y/n!" Spencer got up and so did Morgan, causing a dramatic pause between the two. "No I'm fine I'm done almost dying." You said taking a drink of water. You looked up to see Morgan and Spencer still in a staring contest.

"I can never win against you Reid." Morgan chuckled. You let out a breath that you had been holding in. Spencer started to say statistics on staring but cut off by Hotch.

"Morgan in my office now." Hotch told him. Morgan left leaving you, Spencer ,and Garcia. "Well I'm going into my cave of wonders love."

"Okay Garcia." Spencer said. You looked down at the file and tried not to look at Spencer. Spencer starred at you with admiration for you were beautiful.

Spencer knew that you were Morgan's, he knew that he could never compete, he knew that he would hurt his best friend if he did this. His judgement was clouded by only one thing. You.

So when he had you pushed up against the wall of the storage room or bent over on the desk in the basement or on your knees for him; he didn't think about hurting Morgan or ruining a good relationship.

You on the other hand had a slight conscience. Every moment when you were laying in Spencer's bed after lying to Morgan about seeing a movie with a friend. You regretted it for the most part; on the other part you wanted Spencer more than anything you've ever wanted.

"Y/n are you mad at me?" Spencer asked. Your eyes shot up and looked him in his.

"Of course not Spencer, I'm just thinking." You reassured him. "I'm sorry about standing up when you started choking."

"It's fine Spence really, just next time take it down a bit." You bit your lip when he licked his. "And stop being so damn sexy."

"You could stop being super cute and I could keep my hands off your body." Spencer stated. "I think Morgan will be in Hotch's office for a while, wanna go get some files with me?" You stood up touching his shoulder.

"Sure." He looked around nervously. You saw JJ and Blake entering through the doors so you said hi and kept walking. "Where are you two going?" JJ asked.

"We're going to go look for some files, we'll be right back." You told them. You quickly headed towards the file room but made a turn into the storage room.

"Spencer we need to talk." You shut the door quietly behind you.

"You want to end this don't you?" He looked at the ground and started shuffling.

"What? No, Spencer I want to tell Morgan about us, we need to tell him. He's your best friend and my boyfriend and we need to tell him before we hurt him anymore than we already have."

"Well we wouldn't be in this situation if you would have just broken up with him." Spencer mumbled. He knew he should have kept his mouth shut, but he loved pushing you.

"Don't you dare tell me that, it was you that came on to me that night." You pushed him against the table. You grabbed him by his tie pulling his lips closer to yours.

This is how your relationship had been for the last two months. You didn't care what he said as long as he listened, which is something Morgan was not capable of with you.

"I love you Spencer, but please we need to tell him."

A/N: I'm putting it in two parts because the 2nd part will have smut and language in it just a warning.

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