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Warning: language, smut ¡Season 13 spoilers!, one spank so beware. 

"Sweetheart we can't get caught..." Spencer frantically whispered to you as your nimble fingers worked hard to unbutton his shirt. "Most importantly I can not get caught."

You pulled him down for a kiss. "Don't worry Dr. Reid my office is closed for now." Your lips moved over his. You giggled and brought Spencer closer to you with your legs. 

Spencer knew what he was doing was wrong, you were his professional shrink that the FBI had assigned to him after he'd gotten out of prison. It started with your long gazes, lingering touches, sexy lip bites that sent Spencer into overdrive. It didn't take long for the two of you to pursue a well hidden relationship. 

He quickly pushed your shirt from your body. His fingers tugging at your zipper at the back of the black pencil skirt you wore. "Take it off." He whispered. 

You smirked to yourself as you stripped off your skirt and threw it on the floor next to your discarded shirt. You also knew that you were wrong. Spencer wasn't emotionally stable enough to harness a secret relationship. As his psychologist you were supposed to advise against this unhealthy relationship. You couldn't put it past your senses of him, he'd grown up a lot more after prison, not so clean shaven, more rough than usual. There was no sign of FBI's baby Spencer coming out any time soon. 

"Turn around and bend over." Spencer demanded. "You're so gorgeous." He said under his breath. Things like that really got you going. When you didn't that's when Spencer got rougher and you loved when Spencer got rough 

You smirked holding your ground. "What if I don't want to?" You crossed your arms over your chest. 

"You're really gonna make me work for it?" He mumbled under his breath. He chuckled darkly before turning you around and pushing you to the desk. "Spread your fucking legs." You giggled keeping them together. "Y/n I swear-" You cut him off with a kiss. You forcefully pushed him in the chair and straddled him.

Your lips hovered over his. "You don't get to boss me around." You began to grind your hips into his. "Isn't that right pretty boy?" Your fingers curled into his hair and you tugged. 

Spencer nearly nodded waiting for you to make the next move. "I want you now Y/n please, don't tease me." With a sharp tug of his hair his head was pulled back so you had access to his neck, kissing it, but not making marks. "Y/n, babe, we don't have much time." Spencer reached up trying to unbutton your blouse that you were wearing. 

"Calm down Spence, I won't let anyone catch us." You leaned forward towards the door where you locked it and made sure it was locked. "There, now can we please continue?" You rolled your eyes earning a slap to your ass. You yelped in surprise, eyes widening as you looked down at Spencer.

Spencer bit his lip, rubbing the area he'd hit. "Didn't think I'd do that, did you?" 

"God Spencer just fuck me already!" 

The rest of it was a blur as Spencer and you started your wild activities. Every thrust of his hips made you want to shatter over and over again. The feeling making you moan out for him. He wasn't any better, his loose and wild hair was even more messier from your hands. His chest red from your nails digging into his skin as your hips met his. 

Spencer adored every single moment of your time together, describing it as his heaven away from hell. The relationship being forbidden was what made him want to pursue it even more, plus the way you got him feeling, could make even the shy Spence find love in you. 

"Spence baby I'm so close!" You moaned out, eyes closes, lips parted. 

Spencer's head fell into the crook of your neck, kissing and sucking on the sink. It brought you closer to your high, which you eventually gave into. Spencer's lips muffling your scream of pleasure. It didn't take long before Spencer was meeting his end as well. 

You pulled away first, being the first effected by the temperature in the room. "It's kinda hot in here." You laughed. 

"Well technically the humans body produces twice as much heat when in intercourse." Spencer pursed his lips.

You nodded. "Thanks for the fact." You got up searching for your clothes, throwing them on quickly so you could fix your hair.

"No problem..." Spencer started to dress as well in his professional look. With the button down and suit jacket, with the purple tie to match as well. "I'll see you Friday?" He asked looking in the mirror to fix his messy hair. 

You hummed a yes. "My place, at 6, I'm making chicken and rice." You sprayed perfume on yourself. You pulled Spencer closer to you. "I'll leave the door open, just for you."

"Y/n, do you know the dangers-"

"Yes! Yes, Reid I do." You laughed leaning up to kiss him. "I'll see you later babe."

Spencer kissed back instantly. "Bye Y/n." He walked out the office room and made his way to the BAU bullpen to his desk. He ran into JJ on his way there to his desk. 

"Hey Spence, something good happen?" She asked with a smile. "You look like you have more pep in your step than usual." 

"You sound like Derek with that question." 

JJ's face scrunched. "Yeah I did, didn't I."  She pointed to her mouth. "Well anyway I was just about to come and get you, we have a case and prentiss wants everyone to meet her on the jet in 30." Spencer nodded moving towards his desk to get his go bag. 

"Dr. Reid." Your voice rang through his ears. "You forgot your um- your gun." She cleared her throat at the awkwardness. Spencer must had forgotten to put it on when he put his pants on.

"Uh thank you Dr. Y/l/n." Spencer awkwardly took the holster with the gun inside it. 

You bid your goodbye to him, turning away with red cheeks of embarrassment as you felt like everyone was staring at you.

JJ raised a brow. "You think that's a good idea?"

"What?" He acted clueless. 

"It doesn't take a genius to know why your gun wasn't with you when you left." She sighed. Spencer prepared to confess himself. "I know you don't trust yourself, but Spence you can't be scared your going to hurt someone."

Spencers eyebrows furrowed before he realized JJ thought he put it on Y/n's desk in order to not have to think about using it. "Yes, JJ I just didn't trust myself." He lied, not understanding how he got away with that. JJ hugged him with a pat on the back.

"Now lets go, the team is probably waiting."

A/N: Is this my second one in less than a week and longer than 500 words? Wow guys I'm accomplishing things. Also, I'm not taking any request, and I'm sorry to inform those who did request something, that it's more than likely not going to be written. I actually don't have much inspiration to write about Criminal minds that much anymore. I mean I had to work really hard to come up with something like this. I might end it soon, but I won't leave without a proper goodbye. I'll go all out when I decide when I'm giving it up. I love you guys so much and thank you for reading my stuff even tho it was shit. <3

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