Thats my girl

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Warning: Language

"Shit shit shit!" You searched for your files in your bag, but came up empty. You had a very important meeting and everything was in the files you had.

"Where could they be." You frantically searched all over the room.

"Ma'am the meeting is starting in an hour." Your assistant said.

"Um okay, if I'm not back by then I need you to start." You sped to the elevator.

You drove home finding it empty of the files. "I put it in my bag and now it's gone!" You sighed out loud in frustration. "Fuck Spencer has it." You remembered you put it in a bag, but since it was dark you couldn't see what bag.

You drove to the FBI having to go through visitor check it which took a while since you weren't in the system. It was getting closer to an hour and you still didn't have the files.

You made your way up to the BAU where it was a busy office. You looked around and saw Spencer packing stuff into his messenger bag.

"Spence!" You fast walked to him in your 5 inch heels.

"Y/n what are you doing here?" His eyes widened.

"I need to check your bag."

"You have to hurry because we have a case and I need to be getting on the plane."

"Don't worry babe I'm always fast." You grabbed the bag from his hands and sat it on his desk.

Spencer let his hand rest on your lower back while you dug through his messenger bag. "Shit it's not in there." You were now on the verge of crying.

"You mean your files?" Spencer furrowed his eyebrows.

"Yes! Where are they?"

"I was reading them earlier, I think they should like the plan." He handed you the files that were on his desk.

"Oh my Spencer you are amazing!" You hugged him.

"I need to go and you need to go. You're meeting starts in ten minutes."

"Thank you Spence." You placed a small kiss on his lips.

Spencer shook his head and smiled after you had placed another small peck on his lips before leaving.

"Who was that pretty boy?"

"Nobody." Spencer shrugged it off. Derek didn't see you kiss him twice since he was in Garcia's office.

On the plane while the team was getting ready to discuss Spencer phone rang. He excused himself from the conversation.

"Hey how'd it go?"

"It went... great! They loved the plans and want to invest in it."

"That's great Y/n." Spencer was so proud of you.

"But anyway when you get home I want to go out to dinner to celebrate."

"Sure, I have to go now the team is waiting on me."

"Okay bye Spence I love you." You said.

"I love you too." He hung up and smiled down at his phone. He couldn't get enough of you. You stayed on his mind all the time.

"Who was that Reid?" Rossi asked. "Cause right now that smile says it was more than just your mother." Derek finished.

Now all eyes were on him to answer the question. "I don't know what you're talking about." He bit his lip and looked down at the file.

He couldn't shake the grin that covered his feature because he had thoughts about dinner with you and celebration.

"Ooo yeah pretty boys getting some."

"No comment." Spencer replied.

The team left it alone for a while until you had called again on accident.

"Sorry I must've butt dialed you on accident." You spoke tiredly into the phone.

"It's okay love, just make sure you don't leave your phone on your bed when you're sleeping."

"I won't I love you goodnight."

"Love you too. Goodnight." Spencer finished his sentence while he walked into the room with everyone else.

"Just tell us who it is Reid." JJ laughed.

Spencer sighed before starting. "Her name is Y/n, she's beautiful and I love her. She recently got a plan together for her company and she wants to celebrate." Spencer searched through his phone before finding a picture of just you.

"Wow she's gorgeous." JJ gushed with Kate.

"Nice work kid." Rossi said.

"Good job pretty boy."

"Alright team can we re focus on the case thank you... and nice work Reid."

Spencer smiled at the thought of you again. "That's my girl." He thought.

A/N: It's not long, but it's not short either. I know I do these kind of one shots a lot just because I really like the plot to them.

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