So Kinky*

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"Hey there pretty mama had a rough night?" Derek watched you pour a ton a sugar in your coffee.

"You could say that." You smirked.

"Whoa whoa whoa what is that?" He pointed out one of the dark spots on your neck.

"It's a hickey, don't act like you've never seen one before." You walked away from him.

"But where did you get it from?"

You smirked and shook your head. "Not telling you."

"Not telling him what?" Emily asked from her desk.

"She won't tell me where she got her hickeys from." Derek pouted.

"Y/n your wrist!" JJ noticed as she walked by.

"They're fine they're just bruised from the handcuffs." You shrugged.

Everyone stared at you in shock and confusion. Derek was more frightened than anything.

"I didn't even know you had a boyfriend."

"Who is he?" Spencer finally spoke up from his desk.

"We have a case loves." Garcia interrupted.

You smirked and shrugged your shoulders. The topic never came back up until everyone was on the plane.

"Is your boyfriend kinky?" Derek asked. He was not letting this go.

"Oh my god SO KINKY." You giggled.

"How kinky?" Emily tested.

"Like handcuff me to the bed kinky." You smirked once more. You motioned for them to come closer so nobody else would hear.

"Like pull my hair and spank me kinky."

"Do you pull his hair?"

"Always and maybe just maybe if he wants me to... I'll spank him."

"Okay Y/n that's enough." Spencer said.

"Just letting the curious know what they're missing out."

"You two are gross." Emily rolled her eyes with a chuckle.

"So pretty boys the one who did that to you?"

"No Morgan I made half of that up, yes he did do this but he's not that kinky." You rolled you eyes and looked down at your iPad to begin talking about the case.

Important please read

A/N: So pretty soon I will have written my 100th one shot on here. To honor that milestone I want you guys the reader to pick a favorite one shot and maybe I'll write on another part to it. If not that then I will write and extravagant one shot full of fluff and smut and lots of fluff and smut, but mostly fluff.

Also I want to thank my readers from the bottom of my heart. I didn't think I would get as many votes as I do on my stories and I thank you wonderful people for that.

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