They found out?

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Y/N pov

Sum: Reader and Spencer keep things secret from the team, but for how long. Sweet one since I need to be sweet for once 

"Spencer stop it, that tickles!" Spencer tickled my neck with his kisses. "I only get to do this so often, so deal with it." He pulled away kissing my lips once more. "Hey this room has cameras in it." I pushed him away. "No Garcia said that they took them out to replace them, they haven't replaced them yet, so it's fine." I smirked pulling him by his tie to me. "What if the team finds us?" I worried again. It wasn't that I didn't want them to know it's that I did want them to know, just they tease like there's no tomorrow. I slightly pushed away when I heard something, heels. "Hey guys..." Garcia paused as she saw how close we were to each other, we were basically body to body. "I had a eyelash in my eye and Spencer was kind enough to help me with it." I covered for us both. "Alright... as I was going to say, we have a case and Hotch wants us at the round table...but since you guys are already in here we can get started as soon as everybody else is..." She paused as everyone entered the room. I had moved from my original position. It wasn't like I never use the position that the person I'm talking to is between my legs, I sit on desk a lot and well I use that position a lot. 

"This is a awful picture to look at but this is Abigail Daniels, she was strangled in her home last week in Los Angles California." The picture showed a blond in her early 20s with marks on her neck. "Why they need us? Because here is Jessie lewis and Judy Baker." 

"Thank you Garcia, Wheels up in 30." The team disappeared to get their go bags and get ready for the flight. Once on the plane I sat across from Spencer. "Well there certainly isn't a racial or gender preference." I looked down at the iPad. "By the looks of it he's sticking with strangling." Blake added. "Jessie was white and Male, and Judy was black and female, Abigale was white and female." Rossi pointed out. The rest of the flight was talking about the profile and blatant flirting between Spencer and I.

Reid and I were sent to view the body's. "When we get home I'm going to buy us ice cream and we can watch Dr. Who all day." I told Spencer as we got out the Police car. "Okay, but let's focus on the case for now." He smiled, I knew he was happy cause that's what we do to relate stress. That's what we've been through trying to keep our relationship a secret from the team.

It was back and forth with the profile and I was starting to get frustrated. I sighed sitting down in the chair looking at the board. Another victim and the team was out. "Hey, I bought you coffee." Spencer looked down at me seeing my frustration. He put the coffee down and started rubbing my neck, I love his neck rubs, they feel so good. "Thank you." I brought my hand up to his face and he kissed it. "Now let's get focused on this profile." 

"Hey guys, what's that about." JJ walked in. "What's what about?" I drank the coffee. "Reid just gave you a massage and then kissed your hand." I swallowed my coffee hard and I saw Reid thinking of something to say. I thought quickly, but not wisely. 

"Oh cause that's what best friends do, god a girl and a guy can't do things without being together?" I stood up now finding where I made a mistake in the profile. "No that's not what I was saying and there is no need to get defensive." 

"I wasn't getting defensive, It's just stupid how a man and a woman cannot be friends without being sexually active with each other. Now please JJ, stop bothering-" I wrote on the white board. I didn't know what exactly I was saying, but it was a natural thing that I did with my family. I would say things if I was arguing with somebody and I wouldn't really be focus ed on the argument. 

"Y/n stop, that's enough." Spencer whispered in my ear I turned around to see JJ almost in tears. I instantly felt bad, cause I know she had been through a lot. "I'm sorry JJ..." I started to speak but she cut me off. I could tell she was pissed off at me and that I really hit a nerve, but to be honest she hit a nerve too. 

"No I'm sorry I should have stayed out of your business." She walked out and I let a few tears slip. "I can't do this anymore Spencer, I can't, I need to get out of here." I stormed off to go outside and think. "So what, were over?" He grabbed my arm. "We were already over." I said angrily. "Reid , Y/n what's going on?" Rossi walked in. "Nothing, just an argument about the case." I pulled my arm away from him. He looked at me with hurt before storming off. I felt bad and that I needed to talk to him. "Um yeah this is what is wrong with the profile..." I started leaving him alone. 

After the case it was a long ride back home and everyone seemed sleep. "Hey, can I sit?" Spencer looked up at me and nodded. "I'm sorry about today, I just ugh I get so you know... weird." He looked down. "You still wanna break up don't you?" He whispered. "No! God no, I love you, I would never do anything to hurt you Spencer." I kissed his cheek. "I love you too baby." Spencer turned to kiss me. I winded my hands with his and rested my head on his shoulder. "Finally, good grief, I thought they would never come out and say it!" Blake said from across the table. "Me too!" JJ smiled. They all suddenly awoke from their slumber. "You did it pretty boy, you got a girl." Morgan slapped a hand on Reid's shoulder. "Wow I didn't see this coming." Rossi sarcastically gasped. "You two need to see me in the office when we get back, but you two make a great couple." Hotch flashed a small and rare smile. I laughed and snuggled up with an embarrassed Spencer. JJ had forgiving me and I'm with the love of my life. Life is good. 

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