Take your Time*

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"Spencer stop!" You screamed as Spencer lunged forward. His hands wrapped around you and ghosted over your sides in quick motions.

"Have you had enough?"

"Yesss!! Just stop ticking me!" You screamed and giggled at the same time.

"Okay I think you've had enough." Spencer laughed with you falling next to you on the bed.

"I love you." You said after a few minutes. It was the first time you said you loved him.

Spencer was shocked when you said it, but happy to hear it. "I love you too."

You pulled him in for a gentle but passionate kiss. You've never gone further than a steamy make out session.

The kiss quickly turned into a very hot makeup session with you pulling away to kiss at Spencer's neck.

Your hands slowly moved down his clothed chest. You started to grind your hips into his. Your fingers undid the buttons on his shirt while taking your own shirt off.

"Y/n wait... I've never done this before." Spencer pulled away from you. His eyes full of embarrassment.

"Neither have I." You admitted. "But I want you to be my first."

"Likewise." Spencer said awkwardly.

"Touch me please." You took his hand and placed it the place you wanted it.

You moaned at his touch and Spencer watched amazed by you. He read about pleasing women in the right way so he decided that those skills would come in handy today.

Spencer flipped you over gently and began to kiss your neck. He kissed down your body gently until he got to the spot you wanted.

He hooked his thumbs in the waist band of your shorts. Taking off both shorts and underwear.

Your hands found their way down to his hair. Since he was taking forever to just touch you, you took measures into your own hand.

You flipped him over and started to finish taking his clothes off.

"Sorry you were taking too long."

"I thought you wanted slow sorry."

"We can always experiment later, but right now I want you." You fell back on your back to allow Spencer to climb on top of you.

He positioned himself after putting on protection.

"Are you sure?"

You nodded and watched as he slowly pushed himself in.

"Ow..." you whined.

"Do you want me to stop? Am I hurting you?" Spencer stopped his movements.

"No no just keep going please." You sighed.

Spencer nodded and continued to slowly thrust in. Little tears prickled out and he made sure to kiss them away until he was all the way in.

"Green." You assured him.

That's when Spencer started to speed up his thrust and trying to bring you to your endgame.

"Right there Spencer!" You screamed out.

Spencer was trying everything to make you happy while exploring this new part of your body.

"I- I'm close Spence." You moaned out.

"Me too Y/n just let it go."  Spencer moaned in the crook of your neck as you both reached you highs.

After you caught your breath you looked at him next to you panting.

"I love you Spencer."

"I love you too Y/n." He kissed your forehead.

A/N: this took forever for me to write, I'm sorry about that and sorry it's not the best. I had really bad writers block and I'm also really tired. I have a couple more request I have to do so if anyone request anything, they might not get it super fast.

Spencer Reid x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now