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Warning: Very suggestive sexual content

Spencer tried to stretch his back out. The hotel that he had stayed in had a very uncomfortable bed.

He tried to ignore the pain on the plane, but now since he was home it was starting to really hurt.

"Y/n I'm home." He called out.

You walked out of the bedroom with your short shorts and his shirt on.

"When did you land you didn't call me?" You went to hug him.

"I landed like an hour ago, but I didn't want to bother you." He winced when he bent over to hug you.

"What's wrong?" You asked worried.

"The hotel bed was like a rock, but I'm fine."

"Go in the bedroom and lie down on the bed. I'll be in there in a sec oh and take off everything." you gave him a quick pec on the lips before entering the kitchen.

When you walked into the room Spencer was already on the bed. "Turn over on your stomach." You ordered him.


"Just do it Spence." You climbed onto the bed.

You put you legs on each side of his lower back. You were basically straddling his butt.

You popped open the bottle of lotion and spread it all over his back.

"I'm gonna make you feel so good Spence." You leaned down to his ear and kissed him on the cheek.

You softly kneaded the flesh of his back. You pressed on harder spots. You loved when he let out soft moans or groans.

"Right there Y/n." Spencer whimpered when you hit the spot that hurt most.

"Is it helping?" You asked with a hum in your voice.

"Absolutely." He grinned into the pillow.

Right now you were starting to get really turned on. You slid his shirt off your body exposing yourself.

"Why'd you stop?" Spencer tried to sit up but you shoved him back down.

"Y/n?" Spencer whined.

"Shh." You leaned down so he could feel you.

Let's just say it was a fun night between you and Spence.

Spencer woke up in the morning to a stinging pain on his back. He thought it was just the bed again.

You knew it wasn't but you weren't gonna tell him.

"Pretty boy." Morgan slapped Spencer's shoulder.

"Ow." He rubbed his shoulder.

"What's wrong?"

"I don't know I gotta go see." Spencer went into the bathroom and closed the door behind him, locking it.

He shrugged the clothes off of his body to see why it stung. He soon found out.

He had long claw marks down his back and on his shoulder.

"Y/n..." Spencer sighed.

A/N: This was kinda thrown together but I was inspired by the 68 kill trailer.

Spencer Reid x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now