Bad girl gone good

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Sum: Very short one shot where reader is a badass chick and Spencer is the only one that can calm her down  

Spencer pov 

I rolled over looking at Y/n sleeping. Her dark purple hair shining in the morning sun. "Good morning Spencer." She mumbled in her sleep. "How did you know I was up?" 

"I just know." Y/n gave me a quick peck on the lips before climbing out of bed. "Did you want me to take you to work today?" She walked into the bathroom we share. "Yeah sure." 

After we took a shower Y/n gave me a helmet. "Hang on tight Spencer, cause I'm going faster today." Y/n smirked. I hesitated before climbing on her motorcycle. "This should be fun."

2nd person 

"See Spencer it's not that bad." You climbed off the bike and took off your helmet. "Yes it was, I though we were going to die 5 times." 

"You are making this a big deal, and you keep complaining you'll be late."

"Fine, but don't get in trouble today, I might have a case today."

"Fine. I wasn't planning on it." You kissed Spencer on his lips and climbed back on your bike. "Bye babe." You started to speed off but Spencer called you back. "Helmet." He waited for you to put it on. "Bye love you."

"Love you too!" You called. 

Spencer pov 

"So pretty boy... you got any plans this Saturday?" Morgan walked up to me with coffee in his hands.

"Well-." I was cut off by my phone going off. "Hello?" I started. "What?!" I had to be careful with my words. The team doesn't know I have a girlfriend. "I'll be right there."

"I have to go, I have an emergency." I walked out not giving Morgan a reason.

2 Person 

You walked around the busy police station waiting for your boyfriend. "Spencer!" You sighed walking to him. "What happened?"

"It wasn't my fault, it was the other guys fault."

"Y/n what happened?"

"Okay so this bitch fucking walked in front of me right? and so I said 'Bitch get to the back of the fucking line and-'...."

"Wait Y/n where were you?"

"Oh Yeah I was at that coffee shop by the apartment."

"Y/n You're banned from that coffee shop."

"You are right, but back to the story... She cut in front of me so yeah and then I got really pissed when her ugly ass boyfriend got involved... then he told me to fuck off so I beat his ass in the middle of the coffee shop." You tapped lightly on your lips to calm yourself down. 

"Okay babe, they were really wrong, but you can't beat people up. What did your parole officer say?"

"She said I can't beat people up, but Spencer you know I have a bad temper and I get really bad and that therapy doesn't help me at all."

"I know sweetie, it's gonna be okay, I'm here for you."

"Spencer I'm so sorry, I know you have work and this is like the 5th time you've bailed me out."

"Shh I'm here, you're fine and I love you."

"I love you too Spencer." You kissed him on his lips.

Spencer Reid x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now