Back to Business*

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Warnings: Langauge, sexual content, Season 13 spoilers 

"Please hold your applause until I'm done... as you obviously heard Dr. Spencer Reid has been fully reinstated, welcome back Spence." Emily announced.

Garcia clapped, but was silenced. Emily shared the other news and you couldn't even focus on what she was saying. You bit your lip looking Spencer. His hands were in his pocket and he was standing tall. You could barely even focus or what people were saying. 

"Y/n?" Some one called your name. 

"Hmm?" You snapped out of you trance. 

"We're getting our go-bags." Emily said.

Your face turned a bright red and look down after you caught a glimpse of everyones smirks and smiles. 

You decided to make your coffee on the plane ride. You stood waiting for it to brew, when Spencer came behind you. 


"Hi." You tucked a stand of your hair behind your ear.

"Is everything okay?"

"Oh yeah yeah I fine, why wouldn't I be?" You poured yourself a cup.

"You just seem really nervous."

"No, I'm fine Spence I promise." You smiled and took a sip of your coffee. 

"Alright." He let his hand pat your lower back, a little too close to your butt. 

After a long day working the case the team packed up for the night. 

You sighed and threw your go bag on the floor. You needed to shower but that would have to wait for another time since you heard someone knock on the door. 

You look out the peephole and see that it's Spencer. You opened the door and was greeted by him just barging into your room. 

"Um excuse you Spencer." You mumbled and rolled your eyes while you shut the door.

"I've been thinking Y/n..." He started.

You were kind of intimidated since Spencer made direct I contact with you. Usually he had trouble making eye contact with anyone, but here he was making eye contact with you. Very dominant eye contact at that.

"About what?" Your voice was small and made you sound like a little girl.

Spencer stepped closer to you until your faces were almost touching. Of course he towered over you so you had to look up. "About you..." He paused. "Spread out for me on the bed. Under me, while you scream for pleasure." His hand tucked a lose stand of hair behind your ear.

"Oh." Was all you could say. "Oh."

"I know you think it too." He tilted my chin up and ducked down to kiss your exposed neck.

"Think what?" You closed your eyes. This was all too real and you would be lying if you said you didn't want this.

Spencer backed us up until I had fallen onto the bed and he was standing above me. "Think about me... earlier in the office, on the plane." 

He wasn't wrong. You thought you could hide what you were feeling, but maybe not. 

"I d-don't know what y-you're talking about." You lied. 

"I think you do." His thumb played with your bottom lip 

"What's gotten into you Spencer?" You couldn't deny you loved it. You wanted him to take you then and there.

"Tell me you don't want this and I'll leave." 

"I-I do want this... I want you Spencer." You pulled him down in a hungry kiss, your lip fought in a battle of dominance. Spencer won.

Spencer began to tear your clothes from your body. You struggled with his button down for a minute. "Just rip the damn thing." He groaned from between your chest. 

You did what he said and ripped the shirt, the buttons flew, but he was free. You then moved down to his belt buckle, which was the easiest thing to remove. 

"Spence... please I just need you." You begged as he kicked off his pants and boxers. 

Spencer didn't was it any time moving in between your legs and positioning himself. "Ready?" He asked, his kind brown eyes black with lust. Damn did he look good, you thought. 

"Go." You nodded and he slowly pushed himself into you. 

You both let out audible moans as Spencer began to build a steady pace. Your hands ran through his brown locks earning a groan from him. You couldn't help but to scratch his back as he left love marks all over your body.

"Ah Spence! Right there baby!" Spencer sped up his thrust until the bed was shaking and you were a panting mess. 

"I'm so in love with you." It was choppy, but you could have sworn you heard it come out of his mouth. 

 Your eyes rolled to the back of your head as he hit a particularly sensitive spot. 

"Are you close?" He panted.

"Yes! Just keep going." You moaned out. A couple more thrust and you reached your high. You shook with pleasure, your eyes closed, and your head thrown back against the pillows.

Spencer was nearing his end as well, he pulled out quickly and spilled himself all over your exposed torso. You both sat there in silence for a moment before Spencer spoke. "I'll get something to clean this up." He left and returned with a wet washcloth to clean up your body. 

"Thanks." You breathe.

"That was..."

"Different." You spoke in a whisper. 

"Yeah, I don't know what came over me."

"Did you mean what you said?" You looked at him.

"About what?" He was clueless. 

"About being in love with me?" You giggled.

"Oh God you heard that?" He groaned and put his head in his hands. 

"Yeah... but it's okay Spence, because I'm in love with you too." you let out another giggled 

"Really?" He asked. 

"Yeah, you're everything I could ever ask for."

"Do you wanna be my girlfriend?" He asked once more.

"Pretty sure we did this backwards, but yes I'd love to be your girlfriend." You kissed him. 

A/N: This is way overdue and I'm sorry. Part of me was telling myself not to do the smut and then I realized I can do whatever the fuck I want on my story. So yeah i hope you guys enjoyed this sweet but smutty oneshot. Peace out :) 

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