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Warning: Language,  mentions of sexual assault, attempted sexual assault 


"Are you serious Spencer?!" You yelled at him. "How could you?!" 

You found out that after 3 years of being together Spencer cheated on you. It was a silly mistake on his part, something he didn't mean to do. It still hurt you though, the pain of him sleeping with another woman. 

"Y/n please please forgive me..."

"No! You do this shit to me and you think I'd forgive you like that?" You jabbed him with your pointer finger. You busted into fresh tears now. You couldn't stop yourself from sobbing out in pain for him "You're an asshole." You grabbed your purse and headed out the door, making sure to slam the door the the way out.

You walked alone on the sidewalk. It was still kinda bright outside, the sun hadn't set yet. So you walked until you were almost home to your apartment that you hadn't stepped foot in for a while. 

"Can I have some change?" A homeless man asked you. 

You sniffed and started digging through your purse when you were tasered. You fell out and the last thing you saw was a large man.

Spencer missed you. He missed your smell, your warmth, everything, just because he wanted to be stupid and drink. 

"Guys another girl just went missing. Y/n Y/l/n was seen yesterday being put in the back of a van. Witness gave us plates, but they're stolen." Garcia said. 

Spencer's head popped up and he saw your face put up on the screen. "No, no, no." he mumbled. 

"Spence you okay?" JJ asked as she saw that he was starting to freak out. 

"I gotta tell you guys something... Y/n and I were dating."

"Reid that makes you a suspect now." Hotch said calmly. "When was the last time you saw her?"

Spencer put his head down to look at his hands, his eyes were filling up with tears. "Yesterday, we had a fight and broke up." He said now crying. "Please we have to find her."

"We will, what was the fight about?" Morgan asked. 

There was a long pause before Spencer finally spoke. "I cheated on her." And the whole room went silent. "I was drunk it was an accident."

Hotch broke the silence with giving the order. "We know that this unsub doesn't keep his victims long, Y/n has about 24 hours before she might turn up missing, she resembles the other victims as well, that let's us know that he was a preference. Get to work."

You woke up in an empty building tied to a bed. Your reaction was to start crying out for help, but none came. You struggled in your binds before someone slammed a door. "Please! Please let me go! I'll do anything you want, just let me go please!" You begged.

You knew better than to beg for your life to a serial killer, they don't care about anything. Although you couldn't beg for your life, you weren't going to give up. "Mister! I don't know who you are and I haven't seen your face so please let me go!" You struggled once again to untie your hands from the headboard of the bed. 

Then he came out of the shadows.

"Guys we have to find Y/n before it's too late, It's already been 19 hours 26 minutes and 13 seconds."

"Reid calm down we'll find her." Morgan said. 

They were doing everything in their power to find you and they were struggling because they couldn't figure out where he was taking the women. Spencer's worry was blocking his thought process which makes it hard for them to find you. 

You had managed to fall asleep, but you were well aware of your surroundings. You woke up and started screaming again. "My boyfriend is in the FBI and he won't stop looking for me if you don't let me go." Still no answer. "I'll kill you I swear I will."

"Oh shut up!" The man finally said. So you shut up. 

"We have a lead!" JJ said to Reid as he looked at a picture of the two of you together. "We'll find her Spence don't worry."

"I know not to worry I-i just don't want our last words to each other to be hateful."

JJ sighed. "We know that there are at least 3 empty warehouses in the 4 mile radius of the abduction zones. We're setting up teams now."

You stopped struggling as the man had now appeared from the shadows. "Please! No please don't!" You started screaming as he held a knife up. You started thrashing around wildly as he cut the fabric of your leggings. "No! No! No!" You kicked at him which made you accidentally cut yourself on the knife.

After the leggings were gone he preceded to your underwear. You started sobbing now. 

"Drop the knife!" Someone yelled "Turn around slowly and put your hands where I can see them!" You heard a woman's voice.

 By this time the Unsub knew that he was done. He dropped the knife next to you while the blond haired woman handcuffed him. 

"Y/n!" Spencer appeared and started to untie your wrist. 

You started lightly crying in his arms as he held you. 

"I love you." He whispered.

"I know... just don't let go...I'm scared."

"I know." 

A/N: This is so overdue and I'm so sorry guys. I'm just really busy with school and I tried to finish this over break, but never got to it cause I started doing other works. So yeah, so sorry about the inconvenience. 

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