We're Done Here

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Warning: Season 14 !Spoilers¡, language, implied sexual acts/references 

3 little kids had gone missing and it was up to the team to find them. Prentiss sent you, Tara, and Spencer to go talk to a suspect Arthur Brodie. You already expected to get pissed off seeing that it was a sex offender you'd be talking to.

"Spence? You think we should change the rug in the living room?" You asked him on your way to the park where Brodie's mother said he would be. You were sitting in the front with Tara and he was in the back. It was a random question, but since you had it on your mind you thought well why not ask it. Spencer leaned up in his seat. "I think we should do whatever you want to do." He kissed your shoulder. 

Tara smiled and pulled into a parking spot at the park. You walked around until you found him looking at underaged girls. You rolled your eyes at his sick demeanor. The 3 of you had blocked his view when you came up to him. You stood in between Tara and Spencer. The 3 of you talking to the perp. 

"To hell with you people." Brodie stood up. 

"We aren't done yet." Tara said, but Brodie pushed you, which prompted Spencer to twist his arm and throw him into the table. "Now we're done." Tara pulled out her cuffs and slapped them on his wrist. She took him to place him in the car. 

You watched her do it, going to get in yourself before Spencer stopped you. "You okay?" He asked. You nodded giving him a small smile. "Thanks babe." You gave him a high five since PDA wasn't allowed. 

"He's an idiot for thinking he could get away with pushing a federal agent."

"No, he's an idiot for pushing Spencer Reids girlfriend." You corrected him. You bit your bottom lip, getting closer to him. "I thought that was really hot." You whispered, making your eyes as innocent as possible. "You're really hot." Spencer whispered back. 

"Maybe the rug won't be the only thing we'll have to replace when we get home?" You winked before getting in the car. You really didn't have time to be flirting, but Spencer was so tempting. Spencer stood there for a second before adjusting himself and clearing his throat.

When you got back to the station, Spencer quickly whispered into your ear. "You're in for a wild ride then babe."

You had no idea you'd actually break the bed when you got back home. You had to replace it and the rug. 

A/N: Short one. Wrote this at like 1 in the morning because it was on my mind and I needed to write it so here's a little treat for my lovelies. Oh and guys I love your comments, a lot of them make me laugh <3 

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