Special Treatment

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"Good morning Y/n!" Spencer greeted you as soon as you walked through the BAU doors. "Morning Spencer, what's up?" You flashed your bright smile at him. "I bought you breakfast." He held up a bag from your favorite fast food place. "Really? For me?" You asked surprised. He nodded and opened the bag for you to see what was in it. "This is exactly what I've been craving Spence, thank you." You gave him a hug. "But if you don't mind me asking Spencer, why?" You took a bite of your food once you sat down.

"I was walking by and I instantly remembered that you wanted food from the place so I got you some." He sat down at his desk. "Aww thanks for thinking of me." You grinned. You ate your food while you tended to work on files.

"We have a case." Garcia said when she walked through the small space between the desks. "Okay." You said getting up to throw away your trash. "I'll throw it away." Spencer stopped you in your tracks. "Spencer it's right there I can do it." You told him politely. He took the trash out of your hand. "Oh okay." You shrugged your shoulders and walked to meet the team for briefing.

After the plane ride you were getting off the plane, but you didn't realize that your shoe lace was untied. You tripped and fell forward so you wouldn't fall into Kate's belly bump. You let out no scream as you fell down the stairs.

"Y/n!" JJ yelled once she saw you on the hard ground. You could see Spencer racing from his spot to see if you were okay.

"I'm fine, I just fell- Ow!" You had put pressure on your wrist when you tried to get up.

"Y/n do you need to go to a hospital?" Hotch asked. You shook your head in response.

Spencer came behind you and helped you up. You winced when you felt a pain in your leg.

"You okay?" Spencer asked.

"Yeah I'm good."

"I can carry you if you want?" You stopped him in his tracks.

"What the hell is wrong with you today, Spencer I love you because you're my friend, but the special treatment needs to stop." You yelled at him before walking to the SUV. You were wincing every step you took.

Time went by and you only thought of the harsh things you had told Spencer. You didn't mean it, you were just super pissed off that you fell in front of the team. You decided that it was time to apologize to him since he was just trying to nice.

You walked around until you heard his voice in a small file room. He was talking to JJ about something so you waited until he was done.

"JJ it's not just that she's my friend, it's that I love her" Spencer had hurt in the sound of his voice. "Ever since Maeve died I haven't felt the same about anyone, but JJ... I'm in love with Y/n." You held in a sharp breath as your heart started racing.

"Every time I see her smile I smile, that's why I've been doing things for her because she brings with joy." You looked down at your hurt wrist and thought about what he was saying.

"But I guess I'm just annoying in her eyes." You let out a loud 'no' before realizing this was a private conversation between JJ and Spencer. You quickly turned but didn't get too far before your bruised leg started to hurt.

"Y/n?" JJ called to you. You slowly turned around. "Yes?" You asked innocently.

"Did you hear our conversation?" She asked

"No what was it about?" You lied.

"I uh- you should talk to Spencer about what happened earlier." She suggested. You nodded and walked to the room. "Hey Spence?" You knocked on the door.

Spencer looked up from looking at files to look at you. "Hey Y/n." He mumbled.

You sighed and sat down. "Spencer I'm so sorry for the way I treated you earlier I was just upset."

"It's okay I understand."

"No Spencer you don't; the reason I was so upset was because I fell in front of you and I totally embarrassed myself, I thought you would think I'm a loser."

Spencer let out a chuckle, "I don't think you're a loser, I think you're adorable."

"Thank you Spencer." There was an awkward silence that filled the room. 

 I just wanted to ask you if you wanted to have breakfast with me instead of getting it for me." You giggled while you stood up. 

"Yeah, yeah that'd be amazing." Spencer stood up with you. His grin was wide, it made you have butterflies in your stomach. 

"Also Spencer, anytime you want to give me special treatment, just know that I don't need it, but it's so cute when you do it." You grinned. You motioned that you wanted a hug from him. You were one of the only people he would ever let hug him. He wrapped his arms around your waist and put his head in the crook of your neck. 

"Ow!" You yelped. Spencer pulled away immediately.

"It's fine my sides just hurt from falling." You pulled him back into the hug.

"Okay." Spencer held onto you. He enjoyed your warmth and all that it brought to him. 

A/N: I'm so sorry for not updating this earlier, I've been kind of busy lately. Hope you liked this one 

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