In my Office

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Warning: Some suggestive sexual content, language

You sighed after a long meeting with Hotch. You had messed up some files and he was explaining the importance of it. You repeated your boss, but honestly they weren't even a big deal of files. 

You opened your door to your own office. Originally Morgan's office, but you were assigned to it after he left. You were now second in command. 

You opened the door and there Spencer was sitting cross legged on your couch. "Spencer what are you doing?" You let out a soft laugh.

"I saw you go into Hotch's office, so I though I'd surprise you when you came back." You smiled and closed the door. 

"Thank you sweetie, but you know the team is already starting to notice things, Garcia asked me the other day why neither of us were answering our phones when you were over my apartment." You sat down in your chair. 

"I know." He frowned and stood up.

"You look really good in that suit." You bit your lip and eyed him up and down. 

"Do I now?" He clicked his tongue and licked his pink lips.

"Uh huh- it makes you look..." You searched for the word before finding it. "Dominant."

You didn't even realize that Spencer had come closer to your desk. He was now bent down so that your eyes were at level. His hands on the sides of your chair.

It didn't take long for Spencer to have you on your desk in a heated makeup session. His suit jacket thrown lazily on the couch and your hair taken down from it's neat ponytail. 

You pulled on his hair while he planted kiss all over your neck. You let out a soft moan and that's when you came into realization that you were still in the BAU. In an office but still the BAU. 

"Spencer someone's gonna catch us." You warned, but with how his lips were dancing across your skin you didn't want it to stop. 

"It's fine I don't think anyone saw us come in here." Spencer placed a kiss to your lips. 

"But-" You were cut off by the opening of the door. 

Spencer and you jumped and you quickly pushed him off. You turned to see a traumatized Garcia standing in the doorframe. 

"I am so so so sorry!" She sped off forgetting to close the door behind her. 

"Uhm?" you started. "We should go explain."

"Uh yes we should." Spencer grabbed his suit jacket and you rushed to where the team was already waiting to start. 

Spencer was still shrugging on his jacket when you walked in. "Um sorry we're late, we were handling some business." You lied not looking Garcia in the eyes. 

"Where were you guys and why do you look like you just got hit by a truck?" Rossi added. Everyone looked at you and Spencer and you fell into a pit of embarrassment.

"THEY WERE IN Y/n's OFFICE MAKING OUT ON HER DESK!" Garcia blurted out. "I'm so sorry but I had to get that out." Everyone eyes widened and then smirks appeared across their faces. 

"Penelope!" You screamed at her. You huffed and put your head down on the table. 

"We'll talk about you two later, right now Garcia please..." Hotch said. 

A/N: Yay I think I'm finally back to normal with writing Spencer one shots. I'm not sure tho. 

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