baby I'd do it again

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Sum: Episodes Angles and Demons. Where Reid gets shot in the neck. reader takes place of Reid.

Quotes from the episode are not mine. most of it is the storyline and is not mine, but someone of it is mine. idk. just no characters are mine okay.  

3rd person. 

Nobody saw the first bullet hit the sheriff, but Y/n saw the second one coming straight for either Blake or Reid. Her first reaction was to push them out the way and that's exactly what she did. The bullet hitting a part of her neck. "Y/n!" Morgan shouted. Y/n fell to the ground, but Morgan picked her up placing her out of the line of fire. He went on to start shooting back in the restaurant. "Oh my- Y/n stay with me okay, do you hear me." Spencer bent down to meet Y/n's eyes. They were in the back of her head as she started feeling light headed. 

The pain was intensifying as the sounds of gun fire were hurting her ears. "Please don't leave me." Spencer cried as he held Y/n. It's been a year since the things that happened with Maeve, and Reid was just starting to get better, he couldn't lose anyone else. 

Every once in a while Y/n eyes would open and close like she was attempting to stay awake. Reid let go to fire off a few more shots. Y/n eyes opened for a slight moment seeing McGregor one of the policemen walking by. She closed her eyes hoping to remember the face. 

The blaring sounds of the ambulance made Y/n wanna stay awake. The pain in her neck killing her. They put her on the stretcher and in the back of the ambulance. Morgan got in with her to the hospital. "Hey Y/n you gotta stay awake please." 

Y/n closed her eyes feeling tired and no longer being able to stay awake. 

As she was wheeled into surgery Spencer sat impatiently in the chair to a nervous Blake. Both feeling like it was their fault, but mostly Spencer. "Garcia?" Garcia walked in with dry tear stains. "I came as soon as I heard the news." Garcia being the one who always wanted to keep a family together did not want to see the woman that's like a sister to her die. "She's in surgery, they don't know when she is going to be out. Morgan has a few bruises." JJ updated the team on the current situation about Y/n and Morgan. "Reid, Blake this isn't your fault." 

Blake being the one who was there when Y/n got her heart broken. She was also the one who told Reid to go for Maeve, but at the time she didn't know Y/n loved Spencer. "I should have saw it coming, but I didn't."  Blake blamed herself. "No I should have saw it coming, I was the closest to her." Reid's eyes were puffy and anyone could tell he had been crying. His love for Y/n was like best friends, but almost lovers love, but he fell in love with Maeve and Y/n was out of the picture until Maeve died. Y/n hid the pain she had so she could make Spencer happy.  "Y/n wanted kids, can you imagine Y/n with a kid?" JJ joked with Blake. "That kid would be the luckiest kid in the world." Blake replied. "No doubt." They watched as Spencer buried himself in his hands. 

"Spence it's not your fault, please don't think that it is." JJ tried to reassure him. "I have to go, Blake, Reid?" Blake stood up knowing that it was time for her to go. "I want to be here when she wakes up." They nodded leaving Reid and Garcia at the hospital. 

"Hi, Ms. Y/L/n is out of surgery, if you want to come see her." Spencer raced to the room where he was disappointed to find her sleep. "Oh... Well I brought some of her favorite things, like her Pop funko's of (Fandom) characters." Garcia laid out  the characters. "She liked that one the most." Reid chipped in. "I know, that's why I'm putting it in the front, boy wonder." 

Y/n stirred in her sleep waking from the noise around her. She quickly forgot about it and slept soundlessly as Garcia and Reid watched her sleep. "It would be really weird if she woke up and we're just like ahhh..." Garcia joked, but Spencer's mind was elsewhere. 

When Y/n finally woke up Reid had dozed off. "Oh Reid, she's up!" Spencer jumped out of his seat to see Y/n. He was so scared that her was going to lose her. She swallowed but she was still in a lot of pain so of course it hurt. "Hey." Spencer brushed her hair slightly bloody hair with his hands. "I'll just leave you two alone... yeah... oaky." Y/n smiled at how Garcia left, still looking through the glass. "Um, I thought I lost you out there." Y/n smirked at his comment. "I'm pretty sure if you knew it was coming you would have redirected it with the power of suggestion." Spencer chuckled. Y/n smiled but it started to turn into pain. She started thinking about how she saw McGregor "Here you are some jello, my dear." Garcia walked in with the plate. "Jello my favorite." Y/n smiled. "Whoa slow down, you can't eat just yet." Garcia pulled the jello away from Y/n. "You should go help the team I'm fine, go." Y/n sighed in pain as it hurt to talk. "Go... We got this... just me and Y/n we'll be fine." Spencer sighed giving Y/n a kiss on the forehead, which he had alway done, but slowly stopped when Maeve came into the situation. 

After everything started to unfold and they found out that McGregor was trying to get Y/n killed, Reid was on edge. Garcia was also on edge thinking it was over. "You should get some sleep...but how can you when they constantly come to check on you..." Garcia studied what the male nurse was doing. "Wait she just had her meds." The male nurse didn't stop what he was doing. "Pre antibiotic." Garcia nodded. "I already had that too...wait stop I'm severely allergic to that stop." Y/n smacked the drug out of the male nurses hand pulling her iv out of her arm. "Garcia get my gun!" The nurse pulled out his gun but Garcia had already fired off Y/n's gun. Morgan and Reid came in behind him. Garcia started babbling and Y/n stopped her. "You saved my life. Can you hear" Y/n heart rate slowed down. "Yeah that makes me feel better thank you." 

"Thank you for doing it." Y/n sighed. Reid making sure she was okay on the side of her. Y/n smiled but she felt that it would be over soon and things would go back to normal. 

Later on  they were all back and Blake, Spencer, and Y/n were walking to Y/n's apartment. "Thank's again for um... helping me to my apartment." Y/n turned the keys to her door as Spencer carried her purse. "Blake can I ask you who Ethan is? You called Reid Ethan when I got shot." Blake told her sad story about her little bit that Reid reminded her of. She soon left leaving just Spencer and Y/n. Y/n wanted to text people goodnight so she asked Spencer to get her phone. He held up Blake's badge and Y/n let out a small gasp. They both ran to the window to watch her get in the taxi. They both had sad looks on their face, but Spencer wanted to bring up what happened to Y/n. "Er... before you say anything, spence if I had to I'd do it again."

"I love you so much Y/n...But." He paused thinking of Maeve and everything that happened with her. Y/n understood this and buried herself in his chest. "Yeah I know... I'll wait until your ready too. I love you too Spence." Y/n clung onto him tightly. Spencer pressed a kiss to her cheek. "Wait don't let go yet, this position helps the pain." Spencer smiled and held onto her longer. 

Again a lot of quotes are not mine they belong to the show and I just used it as a prompt. 

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