Accidents are forever

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You smiled tucking you h/c hair behind your ear. Morgan was telling you about his night out with his friends. "Wow Morgan, did you find any other girls to flirt with?" You chuckled pouring the coffee into your cup. "None as sexy as you." You rolled your eyes and started walking the other way. "Good morning Spencer." You said flashing him a bright smile. 

"Good morning Y/n, how are you?" 

"I'm great actually, how are you?"

"I'm good, I was helping Seaver with her files." You despised Seaver ever since she just joined the team. You just didn't like her style of being in bad situations and she had a small crush on Spencer, which bothered you. 

"Oh yeah that's cool." You lied. 

The day was calm until the elevator went out and everyone was on edge. They were just lazy that they had to walk down the stairs. 

No cases had come in so it was a day off until Garcia would call in the middle of the night. You walked by Morgans desk winking at him as usual. You caught up with Spencer at the stairway. 

"So pretty good day to catch up on files right?"

"Yeah I guess."

"Spencer you okay." You stopped midway on the stairs. "It really bothers me."

"What bothers you?" You asked confused. "That every guy literally flirts with you and you let them." Your face went red with anger, who was he to tell you that people flirt. "Spencer that's none of your business."

"Well you know it kinda is." Spencer crossed his arms. "Shut the hell up Spencer, It doesn't feel good when you expose yourself to Seaver." 

"I'm glad you brought that up because I'm not fucking Seaver!" You crossed your arms and rolled your eyes. "What the fuck are you talking about?"

"Why do you even care, just go fuck Morgan." Spencer spat out. He had never been this harsh with you and it frightened you.

"Fuck off Spencer!" You shoved him only for him to shove you back. You lost your balance and fell over the railing. "Spencer!" You screamed. Only falling about 5 flights of stairs you slammed into the pavement of the bottom floor. Spencer watched horrified as he raced to meet you at the bottom. You laid cold on the floor feeling the blood flood your brain. "Y/n! Oh my god I'm so sorry!" 

Spencer pulled out his phone dialing the ambulance, then he called Hotch. "They are almost here I promise. Please stay with me." You shook in pain as you tried to Speak. Your legs were spread across the floor and your mouth was starting to fill with blood. "I'm going to have to turn you over..."

You winced when Spencer turned you on your side to spit the blood out. "I'm so sorry." He said over and over until the paramedics showed up. 

"Reid what happened?" Hotch watched Emily get into the ambulance with you. Spencer looked away and started to cry. "We were having an argument and she fell." Hotch said nothing but walked away. Morgan offered him a ride to the hospital and he accepted.

You faintly felt yourself dying inside. You wanted to cry, but you couldn't, you felt that you would cry red. "Y/n I'm here, I'm here please stay awake." Emily pleaded. She was your best friend and you could always count on her being there for you. As you were being wheeled into surgery you caught a glimpse of the team. 

"Spencer it's not your fault it's okay." Spencer looked at the ground when Seaver was trying to comfort him. "Oh my god! I came as soon as could, where is she?"

"She's in surgery." Hotch glared at Spencer. "Garcia can you pull up the security camera." Emily asked. "Yeah sure, from the past hour?"

"Yes." Rossi said. Everyone watched except for Spencer who already knew this was on him. "Spencer." Garcia looked up with glossy eyes. "It was an accident." He pleaded. In that moment the doctor came out. "Y/n Y/l/n?"

"Yes." The team waited patiently. "She is going to make it, but she may suffer from numbness in her body sometimes and she has two broken legs and a fractured shoulder. She's weak so don't push her please."

"Thank you so much doctor." Morgan said. "You can see her now." 

The team made their way to her room. Spencer tried to enter the room but Hotch stopped him. "I think you've done enough, consider yourself suspended from the BAU for 6 months."

You tried to smile through your bloody mouth it soon went away when you thought about Spencer. "Please don't... kick him... off the... team." You spoke slowly. "I pushed... first... he had... every... right to... push back."

"He's not kicked off but he will suffer some consequences." Hotch reassured you. "I need... to ... see him."

"Of course everyone can give you some time to him." Rossi said."

They let Spencer in to talk to you. He was shocked by what he saw in you. 

"Y/n I'm so sorry I'm so so so sorry."

"It''s okay." You reached for his hand and he let you have it. "Spence... I love... You... and I'm... so sorry." You took a deep breath, but it hurt inside. "I love you too Y/n."

"I'm...sorry." You mumbled over and over again. You started shaking and Spencer press the red button for the nurse. They came in and you started shaking out of control. 

"Sir you need to leave now!" The nurse pushed Spencer out. One thing the doctor didn't mention was that you might die in the near future due to brain injury. 

Your last words were saying sorry for something you didn't do. Spencer's last words were confessing his love for you. 

"Accidents are forever Spencer." Morgan told him as he watched them cover your body up. 

A/N: Honestly this one was so messed up and I wish I never wrote it. 

Spencer Reid x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now