This Job

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Spencer smiled happily as you danced around the kitchen in sweats and a tank top. You had your music on blast so that you could hear, but no neighbors would complain. You sang along to the lyrics of the song that was playing. You were cooking breakfast when Spencer wrapped his long arms around your waist. 

"Oh hey baby, pancake?" You melted into his hold. 

"Sure, but has Garcia called at all?"

"I hope she doesn't, I-" Your phone buzzed. "Yes Penelope?" You rolled your eyes and the irony. "We'll be there." You hung up the phone.

"We have a case?"

"We have a case." You turned the stove off and then went to change. 

You and Spencer walked through the doors of the BAU. You put your stuff down and then headed to the conference room. "I hope you guys care that we were about to eat pancakes." You sighed and sat down.

Once you got to your destination which was half way across the country, you settled down and got busy. The profile was coming together quickly and there was a chance you would have this figured out in less than a day being there. That was always the hope, but things change.The unsub had killed another person in the hour that they had landed. 

"Ugh..." You sighed out in frustration. Spencer noticed your frustration since you sighed super loud and he was the only other person in the room. 

"Y/n, what's wrong?" He stopped writing on the board. 

"Nothing Spence, go back to the profile."

"Are you sure it's nothing?" He asked, still his voice had concern in it.

"Yes, now please hurry up with this profile." You smiled at him. He smiled back and shook his head.

You had managed to nail the profile and now your were looking for your unsub. You, Spencer, Morgan, and JJ were sent to find him. 

Morgan busted down the door of the house. It was dark inside. Everyone split up into different parts of the house. You went downstairs into the basement alone. 

"shh it's okay I'm here to help..." You saw a woman in the corner of the room, but no unsub. "Do you know where he is?" You took the duck tape off of her mouth. You didn't hear her answer because you had been hit in the head with a pipe. It knocked you out.

"Clear... has anyone seen Y/n?" Spencer asked Morgan. 

"I thought see called clear from the basement."

"No." Spencer said before he rushed downstairs to find you. The woman was dead and you were gone, but the back door was open. "Guys he's getting away with Y/n!" Spencer shouted as he raced out the door. The unsub was trying to throw you in the truck when the team found you.

"Jacob Smith! Let her go!" He threw you on the ground before running and making Morgan and JJ chase him. 

Spencer kneeled to your side while he called for a medic.

You had to get stitches for your head and you had a nasty bruise on the back of your head. Not to forget the massive headache you had. You had been cleared to fly so you were getting on the plane. 

Spencer sat down on the couch and let you lay your head on his lap. "Do you want to tell me what's been bothering you?" Spencer asked when everyone was asleep.

You lifted you head up so you were eye level with him. "This Job."


"What's the point of anything if you or me or both of us come home hurt or dead from this job. I can't even enjoy pancakes anymore." The pancake part made Spencer grin.

"Do you want to leave?"

"Yes- no- yes..." You sighed. "I don't want to leave if I don't have to."

"What's going to make you?"

"I don't know yet, maybe us starting a family."

"Are you-"

"No Spencer, I'm not pregnant." You giggled. "I'm just saying that if I was, then that would be the reason for me leaving."

"Do whatever Y/n, I'm with you no matter what." He kissed your head and you winced. 

"Careful I'm still fragile." You whined. He laughed with you. 

A/N: The next one is a request so yeah 

Spencer Reid x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now